Galium mullugo L. NULL के साथ उपयोगी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ

Life Saving Medicinal Plants from Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Plant Database-5525
                               पंकज अवधिया का मेडीसिनल प्लांट डेटाबेस: जीवनरक्षक जड़ी-बूटियाँ

कृषि वैज्ञानिक एवम जैव-विविधता विशेषज्ञ पंकज अवधिया भारतीय जड़ी-बूटियों से सम्बन्धित पारम्परिक चिकित्सकीय ज्ञान का दस्तावेजीकरण कर रहे हैं| "जीवनरक्षक जड़ी-बूटियाँ" नामक यह श्रृंखला उनके हाल ही में किये गये वानस्पतिक सर्वेक्षणों पर आधारित है| अधिक जानकारी के लिए उनकी वेबसाईट पर जाएँ|

Millions of pages on Indian Traditional Healing

Medicinal Plants of India with reference to Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Karnataka, Kerala, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Sikkim, Manipur, Orissa, Rajasthan, Tamilnadu, Punjab, Haryana, West Bengal, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh.

This picture is a part of Pankaj Oudhia's guest lectures on Conservation Agriculture, Traditional Agricultural Knowledge and Climate Change Mitigation. And That's how Climate Change is affecting Traditional Healing in Asia.

This picture is a part of Pankaj Oudhia's report on Indian Medicinal Plants used with Traditional Entomophagy and Entomotherapy.

This picture is a part of Pankaj Oudhia's report on Vedic Farming of major Indian crops.

This picture is part of Pankaj Oudhia’s online reports titled

-Common Medicinal Herbs and Traditional Herbal Formulations in Traditional Healing of Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra and Karnataka,

-Medicinal and Aromatic Crops and Conservation Agriculture in Asia,

-Sustainable Harvesting of Rare Herbs from wild: Lessons from Traditional Healers of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Orissa and Maharashtra,

-Medicinal Plants and Herbal Formulations used with Ancient Entomophagy and Entomotherapy in Asia,

-Potential medicinal herbs with Antiarthritic activity, 

-Potential medicinal herbs with Antidiabetic activity,

-Potenital medicinal herbs with Antisickling activity,

-Potential Immunity boosters in Traditional Healing of Asia,

-Promising Hepatoprotective Herbs of India and Sri Lanka,

-Renoprotective Herbs used by Traditional Healers of India, Bangladesh and Bhutan,

-Antisnake venom medicinal herbs and Herbal Formulations used by Traditional Snake Experts of Asia,

-Cancerous Wound healing through Medicinal Flora and fauna of Peninsular India,

-Herbs for Longer Sex Duration and Extra-ordinary Sexual Performances recommended by Traditional Sex Gurus living in Asia,

-Herbs used by Indian Tribes: Interactions with Traditional Medicinal Weed Experts,

-Impact of medicinal plants in management of yellow mosaic virus diseases of soybean.

-          Allelopathic effects of wild herbs on Stevia rebaudiana
-          Stevia farming in India
-          Let’s use Vedic Knowledge for Stevia cultivation
-          Wild herbs beneficial for Organic Horticulture in Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand

- धान के रोगों और कीटों के लिए प्रभावी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ,
- गेहूं के रोगों और कीटों के लिए प्रभावी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ,
- अलसी के रोगों और कीटों के लिए प्रभावी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ,
- चना के रोगों और कीटों के लिए प्रभावी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ,
- ज्वार के रोगों और कीटों के लिए प्रभावी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ,
- बाजरा के रोगों और कीटों के लिए प्रभावी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ,
- मूंगफली के रोगों और कीटों के लिए प्रभावी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ,
- कपास के रोगों और कीटों के लिए प्रभावी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ,
- करडी  के रोगों और कीटों के लिए प्रभावी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ,
- सूरजमुखी के रोगों और कीटों के लिए प्रभावी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ,
- तुअर के रोगों और कीटों के लिए प्रभावी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ,
- कोदो के रोगों और कीटों के लिए प्रभावी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ,
- पटुआ के रोगों और कीटों के लिए प्रभावी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ,
- मक्का के रोगों और कीटों के लिए प्रभावी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ,

- Indian Forest Plants with promising antimicrobial activities

- Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Asian Herb Growers and Exporters

- Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with African Traditional Healers on Cancer Herbs and Formulations

- Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Naga Sadhus on Endangered Herbs of India, Nepal and Bhutan

- Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Sadhus on Telia Kand like divine herbs

- Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Healers of Nepal and Indo-China border on Medicinal Orchids based Formulations

- Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Herb Traders on decreasing availability of Healing Orchids and medicinal mushroom species

- Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Traditional Healers of Himalaya on Keeda Jadi based Formulations and its improvement

- 10,000 Ethnobotanical uses of Asian Medicinal Orchids for Healthy Living

- 100 simple ways for Prevention of Diabetes through Ancient Home Remedies

- 30 most promising ways to manage Diabetes type 2 with the help of Ancient Healing Knowledge

- Say Goodbye to Hypertension with the help of wild tubers

- Pankaj Oudhia’s experiences on Dental Regeneration

- Herbal alternatives of endangered snake species used in Traditional Healing as promising medicines

-          5000 Promising Herbs used globally to manage Nilaparvata lugens (Stal.) in Rice crop,
-           Pest Management in Rice through Indigenous approach using forest herbs
-           Management of pest in lowland rainfed Rice through Traditional Agricultural Knowledge
-          Go to forest if you want to grow toxin free rice without pest
-          Novel approach to develop insect resistant Rice through Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge
-          1000 potential medicinal herbs beneficial for rice growth in rainfed conditions
-          Impact of Rice Allelopathy on medicinal properties of weeds used as life saving medicines
- Medicinal Rice and its role in treatment of Gout
-          500 promising herbs to enhance the performance of Karanj, Mahua and Neem for management of Rice pest
-  Traditional Agriculture Knowledge for Management of Asiatic Rice Borer.
-  Pest Management in rainfed wetland Rice through Traditional Agriculture Knowledge
-  1000 potential herbs from Orissa for Kalmegh cultivation
-  100 potential herbs from Vidarbha for Organic Ramtil cultivation
-  100 potential herbs from Maharashtra for Aloe Cultivation
-  100 potential herbs from Orissa for Beeja Cultivation
-  100 potential herbs from Jharkhand for Acorus cultivation
-  100 potential herbs from Bihar for Cassia cultivation
-  100 potential herbs from Chhattisgarh for Gloriosa cultivation
-  Role of medicinal species in human-wildlife conflicts
-  250 Promising Herbal Combinations to keep wild elephants at bay without any harm
-  Indigenous Herbs for Hanuman Langur nuisance in crop fields and villages
- Pankaj Oudhia's research documents on Medicinal Mushroom based Traditional Formulations of India, Nepal and Sri Lanka.

- Healing Herbs used by Traditional Birth Attendants in Asia.
-      Medicinal Plants of Orissa with Immunopotentiating properties,
-      Medicinal plants of Durg with hypolipidemic activity
-      Medicinal Plants of Satara with immunostimulatory properties,
-      Medicinal Plants of  Goa with Antistress activity
-      Medicinal Plants of Pondicherry with Immunestimulating properties
-      Medicinal plants of North Bengal with Radioprotective potential
-      Medicinal plants of Kanger valley with Antiinflammatory properties
-      Medicinal plants of Chhattisgarh  with Antihepatotoxic properties
- Medicinal plants of Bagicha with Antifertility potential

-      Compilation of Pankaj Oudhia’s Research works at Indira Gandhi Agricultural University, Raipur, India (1990-2001)
- Medicinal Plants of Chhattisgarh and Forgotten Formulations

This picture is part of Pankaj Oudhia’s E-book series (The list is given below)

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Acanthaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Aceraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Agavaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Aizoaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Alismataceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Alliaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Altingiaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Amaranthaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Amaryllidaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Anacardiaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Annonaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Apiaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Apocynaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Araceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Araliaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Arecaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Aristolochiaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Asparagaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Asphodelaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Asteraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Balsaminaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Berberidaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Betulaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Bignoniaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Boraginaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Brassicaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Bromeliaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Cactaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Campnaulaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Cannabaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Cannaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Caryophyllaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Caprifoliaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Celastraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Convallariaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Convolvulaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Cornaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Costaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Crassulaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Cucurbitaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Cyperaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Droseraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Ebenaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Ericaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Epacridaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Fabaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Fagaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Fumariaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Gentianaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Geraniaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Gesneriaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Goodeniaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Grossulariaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Haemodoraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Hamamelidaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Heliconiaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Hippocastanaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Hydrangeaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Hydrophyllaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Illiciaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Iridaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Juglandaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Juncaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Lamiaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Lauraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Lentibulariaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Liliaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Loasaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Loranthaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Lythraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Magnoliaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Malvaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Malpighiaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Marantaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Melanthiaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Moraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Musaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Nyctaginaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Nymphaeaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Oleaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Onagraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Orchidaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Orobanchaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Oxalidacea and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Papaveraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Parnassiaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Philydraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Phytolaccaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Piperaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Pittosporaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Platanaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Poaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Polemoniaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Polygonaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Pontederiaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Portulacaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Primulaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Proteaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Pyrolaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Ranunculaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Rhamnaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Rosaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Rubiaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Rutaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Salicaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Sapindaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Sarraceniaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Saxifragaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Schisandraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Scrophulariaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Solanaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Strelitziaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Styracaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Themidaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Tofieldiaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Trilliaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Typhaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Ulmaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Urticaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Verbenaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Violaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

 Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Viscaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Vitaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Winteraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Zingiberaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

Traditional Tribal Herbal Medicines of Zosteraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Complicated cases of Old Fever (पुराना बुखार),

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NULL के साथ उपयोगी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ" "फेफड़े के कैंसर (Lung Cancer) में डोंगर कंद+कोटरी कंद+गेंगरुवा कंद और Flueggea leucopyrus WILLD. के साथ उपयोगी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ" "फेफड़े के कैंसर (Lung Cancer) में डोंगर कंद+कोटरी कंद+गेंगरुवा कंद और Flueggea microcarpa BLUME के साथ उपयोगी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ" "फेफड़े के कैंसर (Lung Cancer) में डोंगर कंद+कोटरी कंद+गेंगरुवा कंद और Flueggea virosa BAILL. के साथ उपयोगी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ" "फेफड़े के कैंसर (Lung Cancer) में डोंगर कंद+कोटरी कंद+गेंगरुवा कंद और Foeniculum capillaceum GILB. के साथ उपयोगी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ" "फेफड़े के कैंसर (Lung Cancer) में डोंगर कंद+कोटरी कंद+गेंगरुवा कंद और Foeniculum vulgare GAERTN के साथ उपयोगी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ" "फेफड़े के कैंसर (Lung Cancer) में डोंगर कंद+कोटरी कंद+गेंगरुवा कंद और Foeniculum vulgare GAERTN dulce के साथ उपयोगी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ" "फेफड़े के कैंसर (Lung Cancer) में डोंगर कंद+कोटरी कंद+गेंगरुवा कंद और Fomes officinalis (VIIL EX. FR.) 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NULL के साथ उपयोगी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ" "फेफड़े के कैंसर (Lung Cancer) में डोंगर कंद+कोटरी कंद+गेंगरुवा कंद और Fritillaria cirrhosa D.DON के साथ उपयोगी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ" "फेफड़े के कैंसर (Lung Cancer) में डोंगर कंद+कोटरी कंद+गेंगरुवा कंद और Fritillaria imperialis L. के साथ उपयोगी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ" "फेफड़े के कैंसर (Lung Cancer) में डोंगर कंद+कोटरी कंद+गेंगरुवा कंद और Fritillaria roylei HOOK. के साथ उपयोगी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ" "फेफड़े के कैंसर (Lung Cancer) में डोंगर कंद+कोटरी कंद+गेंगरुवा कंद और Fucus distichus L. NULL के साथ उपयोगी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ" "फेफड़े के कैंसर (Lung Cancer) में डोंगर कंद+कोटरी कंद+गेंगरुवा कंद और Fucus nodosus L. NULL के साथ उपयोगी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ" "फेफड़े के कैंसर (Lung Cancer) में डोंगर कंद+कोटरी कंद+गेंगरुवा कंद और Fucus vesiculosus L. NULL के साथ उपयोगी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ" "फेफड़े के कैंसर (Lung Cancer) में डोंगर कंद+कोटरी कंद+गेंगरुवा कंद और Fumaria indica PUGSLEY के साथ उपयोगी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ" "फेफड़े के कैंसर (Lung Cancer) में डोंगर कंद+कोटरी कंद+गेंगरुवा कंद और Fumaria officinalis L. के साथ उपयोगी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ" "फेफड़े के कैंसर (Lung Cancer) में डोंगर कंद+कोटरी कंद+गेंगरुवा कंद और Fumaria parviflora AUCT. NON. LAM. के साथ उपयोगी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ" "फेफड़े के कैंसर (Lung Cancer) में डोंगर कंद+कोटरी कंद+गेंगरुवा कंद और Fumaria vaillantii LOISEL के साथ उपयोगी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ" "फेफड़े के कैंसर (Lung Cancer) में डोंगर कंद+कोटरी कंद+गेंगरुवा कंद और Furcraea foetida (L.) HAW. NULL के साथ उपयोगी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ" "फेफड़े के कैंसर (Lung Cancer) में डोंगर कंद+कोटरी कंद+गेंगरुवा कंद और Fynura bicolour (WILLD.)DC. NULL के साथ उपयोगी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ" "फेफड़े के कैंसर (Lung Cancer) में डोंगर कंद+कोटरी कंद+गेंगरुवा कंद और Gaillonia aucheri JAUB. & SPACH. के साथ उपयोगी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ" "फेफड़े के कैंसर (Lung Cancer) में डोंगर कंद+कोटरी कंद+गेंगरुवा कंद और Galega purpurea L. के साथ उपयोगी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ" "फेफड़े के कैंसर (Lung Cancer) में डोंगर कंद+कोटरी कंद+गेंगरुवा कंद और Galega spinosa L.F. के साथ उपयोगी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ" "फेफड़े के कैंसर (Lung Cancer) में डोंगर कंद+कोटरी कंद+गेंगरुवा कंद और Galeopsis tetrahit L. के साथ उपयोगी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ" "फेफड़े के कैंसर (Lung Cancer) में डोंगर कंद+कोटरी कंद+गेंगरुवा कंद और Galidium cartilagineum (L.) GAILL. NULL के साथ उपयोगी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ" "फेफड़े के कैंसर (Lung Cancer) में डोंगर कंद+कोटरी कंद+गेंगरुवा कंद और Galinsoga parviflora CAV. के साथ उपयोगी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ" "फेफड़े के कैंसर (Lung Cancer) में डोंगर कंद+कोटरी कंद+गेंगरुवा कंद और Galium acutum EDGEW. के साथ उपयोगी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ" "फेफड़े के कैंसर (Lung Cancer) में डोंगर कंद+कोटरी कंद+गेंगरुवा कंद और Galium aparine L. के साथ उपयोगी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ" "फेफड़े के कैंसर (Lung Cancer) में डोंगर कंद+कोटरी कंद+गेंगरुवा कंद और Galium asperifolium WALL. NULL के साथ उपयोगी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ" "फेफड़े के कैंसर (Lung Cancer) में डोंगर कंद+कोटरी कंद+गेंगरुवा कंद और Galium elegans BLOCKI. के साथ उपयोगी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ" "फेफड़े के कैंसर (Lung Cancer) में डोंगर कंद+कोटरी कंद+गेंगरुवा कंद और Galium mullugo L. NULL के साथ उपयोगी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ" "फेफड़े के कैंसर (Lung Cancer) में डोंगर कंद+कोटरी कंद+गेंगरुवा कंद और Galium rotundifolium L. के साथ उपयोगी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ" "फेफड़े के कैंसर (Lung Cancer) में डोंगर कंद+कोटरी कंद+गेंगरुवा कंद और Galium triflorum MICHX. NULL के साथ उपयोगी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ" "फेफड़े के कैंसर (Lung Cancer) में डोंगर कंद+कोटरी कंद+गेंगरुवा कंद और Galium verum L. के साथ उपयोगी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ" "फेफड़े के कैंसर (Lung Cancer) में डोंगर कंद+कोटरी कंद+गेंगरुवा कंद और Ganophyllum falcatum BLUME के साथ उपयोगी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ" "फेफड़े के कैंसर (Lung Cancer) में डोंगर कंद+कोटरी कंद+गेंगरुवा कंद और Garcinia atroviridis GRIFF. EX T. ANDER. NULL के साथ उपयोगी औषधीय वनस्पतियाँ"


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