Tribal Medicines of Gandhamardan Hills for Joint Ailments: Film by Panka...

Traditional Herbal Formulations of Gandhamardan Hills, Odisha practiced by Traditional Healers and Documented by Pankaj Oudhia 

   #TribalMedicines  #Odisha #GandhamardanHills  #Chhattisgarh #Biodiversity #MedicinalPlants #FolkMedicines #AdivasiMedicines #Ethnobtany #Ethnopharmacology #NewResearch #DrugDiscovery #Ayurveda #TraditionalHealersOfChhattisgarh #JadiButi #MFP #NTFP #NWFP #MedicinalPlantDatabase #छत्तीसगढ़ #पारम्परिकचिकित्सा #जैवविविधता #आयुर्वेद #जड़ीबूटियाँ 


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