Pankaj Oudhia on cancer drug interactions 9940

Pankaj Oudhia on cancer drug interactions 9940

Severe lumbo-sacral pain in case of Liver Cancer due to Negative Drug Interaction between Cisplatin as Chemotherapy Agent and Allelopathically enriched Eragrostis pilosa, Ephedra intermedia and Selaginella asubdiaphana (as primary ingredients) and Epipactis gigantea, Dioscorea deltoidea and Wrightia tinctoria (as secondary ingredients) and Rubia cordifolia, Burara oedipodea, Echinochloa colona and Senna tora (as tertiary ingredients) and Achyranthes aspera, Iris wendelboiMitragyna parvifolia, Cissampelos pariera, Arisaema flavum, Inula racemosa, Shorea robusta, Ougeinia oojeinensis, Haldina cordifolia and Matapa sasivarna (as Senary Ingredients . Total 110 plus ingredients) based anti-cancer Entomo-Herbal Formulation can be managed with the help of Medicinal Rice P-319FLDS, KodoMillet, Proso Millet and Wild Black Curcuma based this Herbal Formulation. 

Recent Research on Cancer 

 Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Cotoneaster, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Cotula, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Crateva, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Cremastra, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Crepis, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Crinum, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Crocus, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Cucumis, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Cucurbita, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Cuminum, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Curculigo, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Curcuma, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Cuscuta, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Cymbidium, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Cymbopogon, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Cynanchum, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Cynodon, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Cynoglossum, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Cyperus, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Cypripedium, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Cyprus, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Cyrtococcum, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Dactylis, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Dactyloctenium, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Dactylorhiza, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Dalbergia, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Datura, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018).Daucus, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018).Delphinium, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018).Dendranthema, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018).Dendrobium, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018).Dendrocalamus, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018).Dendrolobium, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018).Dendrophthoe, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018).Derris, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018).Deschampsia, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018).Descurainia, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018).Desideria, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018).Desmodium, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018).Desmos, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018).Desmostachya, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018).Desmostachys, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Didymocarpus, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Digitalis, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Digitaria, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Dillenia, Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Berberis asiatica-Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Abhiru-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at . 

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Topics Discussed in this SeriesHerbal Formulations for  Adenocarcinoma, Metastatic Breast Cancer, Thyroid Cancer, Basal Cell Carcinoma, Melanoma, Kaposi’s Sarcoma (KS) , Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Myeloma, Leukaemia , Lymphoma, Pancreatic Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Carcinoma of the esophagus and gastroesophageal junction, Carcinoid Tumors of Lung, Carcinoid Tumors of Small Intestine, Carcinoid Tumors of Ovary, Carcinoid Tumors of Colon, Carcinoid Tumors of Stomach, Carcinoid Tumors of Pancreas, gastrointestinal carcinoid tumors, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Oral Cavity, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Kidney, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Lung, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Nasal Cavity, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Breast, Spindle cell carcinoma , Spindle cell carcinoma of the Parotid Gland, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Head and Neck, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Lower Limbs, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Tongue, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Larynx, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Conjunctiva, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Mandibular Gingiva, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Esophagus, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Maxillary Sinus, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Thyroid, Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) , Osteosarcoma, Chondrosarcoma, Ewing tumor, Fibrosarcoma and malignant fibrous histiocytoma,  Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) , Fibrolamellar carcinomaCholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer), AngiosarcomaHepatoblastomaPenile CancerTesticular CancerVaginal CancerGiant cell tumor of bone, Medicinal Plants and Herbal Medicines for Terminal Cancer, Endolaryngeal synovial sarcoma, Cervical Cancer, Primary renal synovial sarcoma, Anal Cancer, intra articular synovial sarcoma, Chordoma, Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma, Sarcomatoid carcinoma of the thyroid, Vulvar Cancer, Fibrosarcoma, Gastrointestinal stromal tumor, Leiomyosarcoma, Liposarcoma, Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor, Small cell anaplastic carcinoma of the lung, Anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL), Anaplastic cancers of the pancreas (ACP), Anaplastic Adrenal Cancer, Anaplastic Astrocytoma, Pleomorphic sarcoma, Rhabdomyosarcoma, Spinal Cancer, Retinoblastoma, Neuroblastoma, Pleuropulmonary Blastoma, Oral Cancer and Gynecologic Cancers, Anti-cancer Herbal Formulations of Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Mumbai, Chennai, Nagpur, Bhopal, Indore, Kolkata, Bengaluru, Chandigarh, Telangana and New Delhi regions, Compatible Cancer Herbs used in Traditional Healing of Nepal, Thailand, Malaysia,Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, China, Vietnam and Bhutan,  Stage 4 Cancers,  Herbal Formulations for Cancer Complications when Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy fail, Herbal Wealth of India, Medicinal Insects and Weeds in Cancer Formulations, Metastatic cancer, Antiproliferative Activity of Medicinal Rice Extracts Used Against Cancer, Managing Diabetes, Chronic Kidney Disease, Rheumatism, DMD, Sickle Cell Anemia and hypertension in Cancer Patients, Herbal Formulations not compatible with Chemotherapy Drugs, Garden plants of North America used in Asian Anti-cancer Herbal formulations, कैंसर उपचारकैंसर की पारम्परिक चिकित्सा पर पंकज अवधिया का शोधकैंसर के लिए जड़ी-बूटियाँ, Promising Herbal Formulations used in Traditional Immuno-oncology (IO), Vegan and Cancer, Herb-Drug Interactions in Oncology, Cancer Drug Interactions, Essential thrombocytosis (ET), Herbal Formulations for Polycythemia Vera (PV) , Entomotherapy Formulations for Mediastinal seminoma, Safed Musli farming for cancer formulations, Mucuna farming for cancer formulations, Hadjod farming for cancer formulations, Sarpgandha farming for cancer formulations, Ashwagandha farming for cancer formulations, Herbal farming for cancer formulations, Lemon Grass farming for cancer formulations, Vegetable farming for cancer formulations, Aloe farming for cancer formulations, Tulsi farming for cancer formulations, Medicinal Rice Maharaji, Gathuan and Alcha based over one million Herbal Formulations for cancer prevention and cure, Traditionally validated over 8000 selected Formulations for Neuroendocrine Tumors, Cancer Eliminating Rice, Medicinal Black Rice based Herbal Formulations for malignant tumors of postcricoid area,

Mango (Mangifera) in Cancer. Selected References

Kishen Bhog Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda hookeri based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Komanga Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda hookeri based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Kothapalli Kobbari Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda hookeri based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Kuttiyattor Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda hookeri based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Kalami Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Eclipta enriched Vanda hookeri based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Kesar Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda hookeri based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Lalbaug Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Dicliptera enriched Vanda hookeri based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Langra Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda hookeri based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Maldah Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda hookeri based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Malgis Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda hookeri based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Mallika Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Strobilanthes enriched  Vanda hookeri based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Malgoa Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda hookeri based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at,Mankur (Goa) Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda hookeri based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Mankurad Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda hookeri based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Moovandan Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda hookeri based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Nagulapalli Rasalu Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda hookeri based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Nattuma Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda hookeri based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Nannari Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda hookeri based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Neelum Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda hookeri based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Neeleshan Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda hookeri based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Panchadara Kalasa Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda hookeri based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Puliyan Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda hookeri based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Panduri Mamidi Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda hookeri based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Payri Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda hookeri based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Priyor Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda hookeri based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Rani Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda hookeri based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Rajapuri Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda hookeri based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Raspuri Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda hookeri based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Ratna Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda hookeri based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Rayal Special Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda hookeri based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Sindhooram Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda hookeri based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Safeda Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda hookeri based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Sammar Bahisht Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda hookeri based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, 

Recent Research work on Liver Cancer

Medicinal wild Green Rice for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Aman chakni-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild Trees for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Aman chakni-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild Grasses for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Aman chakni-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild wood mushrooms for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Aman chakni-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild tubers for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Aman chakni-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild bulbs for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Aman chakni-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild cereals for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Aman chakni-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild oilseeds for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Aman chakni-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild climbers for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Aman chakni-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild insects for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Aman chakni-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild beetles for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Aman chakni-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild mites for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Aman chakni-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild major millets for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Aman chakni-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild minor millets for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Aman chakni-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild flowers for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Aman chakni-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild fruits for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Aman chakni-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild shrubs for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Aman chakni-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Tribal Herbal Remedies for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Aman chakni-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal Plants for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Aman chakni-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Tribal Medicines for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Aman chakni-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Vedic Medicines for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Aman chakni-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Indigenous Medicines for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Aman chakni-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Adivasi Medicines for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Aman chakni-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Allelopathically enriched herbs for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Aman chakni-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Ayurvedic Medicines for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Aman chakni-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Home Remedies for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Aman chakni-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Unani Medicines for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Aman chakni-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Tribal Herbal Medicines for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Aman chakni-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Pankaj Oudhia on Cancer Prevention and Cure, Trombidium for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Aman chakni-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Telia Kand for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Aman chakni-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Sanjivani Buti for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Aman chakni-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at,Complex Herbal Formulations for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Aman chakni-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Endangered Herbs for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Aman chakni-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Rare Herbs for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Aman chakni-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Traditional Medicinal Knowledge for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Aman chakni-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, 

Related References

Paspalum phonoliticum Ridl., J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 27: 68 (1890). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum phyllorhachis Hack., Oesterr. Bot. Z. 51: 240 (1901). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum pictum Ekman, Ark. Bot. 10(17): 11 (1911). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum pilgerianum Chase, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 24: 445 (1927). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum piligerum Swallen, Fieldiana, Bot. 28: 24 (1951). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum pilosum Lam., Tabl. Encycl. 1: 175 (1791). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum pilosum Spreng. ex Steud., Nomencl. Bot., ed. 2, 2: 272 (1841), pro syn.

Paspalum pilosum Roth, Catal. Bot. 3: 12 (1806), nom. illeg.

Paspalum piresii G.A.Black, Bol. Técn. Inst. Agron. N. 20: 35 (1950). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum pisinnum Swallen, Phytologia 14: 360 (1967). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum pittieri Hack. ex Beal, Grass. N. Amer. 2: 88 (1896). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum planifolium E.Fourn., Mexic. Pl. 2: 10 (1886). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum planiusculum Swallen, Phytologia 14: 384 (1967). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum plantagineum Nees in C.F.P.von Martius, Fl. Bras. Enum. Pl. 2: 69 (1829). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum planum Hack., Bull. Herb. Boissier, sér. 2, 7: 448 (1907). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum platense Spreng., Syst. Veg. 1: 247 (1824). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum platyaxis (Döll) Mez, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 15: 73 (1917). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum platycaule Willd. ex Steud., Nomencl. Bot., ed. 2, 2: 272 (1841), pro syn.

Paspalum platycaulon Poir. in Lamarck, Encycl. 5: 34 (1804). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum platycaulon var. gracilius Döll in C.F.P.von Martius & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Bras. 2(2): 102 (1877). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum platycaulon var. parviflorum Döll in C.F.P.von Martius & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Bras. 2(2): 102 (1877). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum platycaulon var. pygmaeum Döll in C.F.P.von Martius & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Bras. 2(2): 102 (1877). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum platycoleum Ridl., Fl. Malay Penins. 5: 217 (1925). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum platyculmum Thouars ex Nees in C.F.P.von Martius, Fl. Bras. Enum. Pl. 2: 24 (1829). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum platyphyllum Schult. & Schult.f., Mant. 3: 557 (1827). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum platyphyllum Griseb., Cat. Pl. Cub.: 230 (1866), nom. illeg.

Paspalum plenipilum Nash in N.L.Britton, Man. Fl. N. States: 73 (1901). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum plenum Chase, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 28: 202 (1929). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum pleostachyum Döll in C.F.P.von Martius & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Bras. 2(2): 58 (1877). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum plicatulum Michx., Fl. Bor.-Amer. 1: 45 (1803). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum plicatulum var. arenarium Arechav., Anales Mus. Nac. Montevideo 1: 65 (1894). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum plicatulum var. cinereum Döll in C.F.P.von Martius & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Bras. 2(2): 77 (1877). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum plicatulum var. ellipticum Döll in C.F.P.von Martius & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Bras. 2(2): 77 (1877). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum plicatulum var. genuinum Parodi, Revista Mus. La Plata, Secc. Bot. 1: 231 (1937), not validly publ.

Paspalum plicatulum var. glabrum Arechav., Anales Mus. Nac. Montevideo 1: 58 (1894). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum plicatulum subsp. guenoarum (Arechav.) Roseng., B.R.Arrill. & Izag., Gram. Urug.: 373 (1970). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum plicatulum var. intumescens Döll in C.F.P.von Martius & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Bras. 2(2): 78 (1877). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum plicatulum var. leptogluma Pilg., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 30: 131 (1901). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum plicatulum var. longipilum Hack., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 6: 342 (1909). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum plicatulum var. microspermum Döll in C.F.P.von Martius & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Bras. 2(2): 78 (1877). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum plicatulum subsp. montevidense (Spreng.) Roseng., B.R.Arrill. & Izag., Gram. Urug.: 373 (1970). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum plicatulum var. multinode Hack., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 6: 342 (1909). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum plicatulum var. oblongum Döll in C.F.P.von Martius & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Bras. 2(2): 77 (1877). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum plicatulum var. oligostachyum Döll in C.F.P.von Martius & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Bras. 2(2): 77 (1877). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum plicatulum var. rigidum Döll in C.F.P.von Martius & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Bras. 2(2): 77 (1877). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum plicatulum var. robustum Hack., Bull. Herb. Boissier, sér. 2, 4: 269 (1904). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum plicatulum var. subpectinatum Döll in C.F.P.von Martius & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Bras. 2(2): 78 (1877). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum plicatulum var. subplicatum Hack., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 6: 342 (1909). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum plicatulum var. subrotundum Döll in C.F.P.von Martius & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Bras. 2(2): 77 (1877). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum plicatulum var. villosissimum Pilg., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 30: 131 (1901). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum plicatum Pers., Syn. Pl. 1: 86 (1805), orth. var.

Paspalum plowmanii Morrone & Zuloaga, Syst. Bot. 38: 307 (2003). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum plumosum Henrard, Meded. Rijks-Herb. 47: 1 (1922). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum pluriracemosum Steud., Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1: 27 (1853). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum poeppigianum Trin. ex Steud., Nomencl. Bot., ed. 2, 2: 272 (1841), nom. nud.

Paspalum poiretii Roem. & Schult., Syst. Veg., ed. 15 bis 2: 878 (1817). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum polo F.M.Bailey, Queensland Agric. J. 1: 234 (1897). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum polychaetum Mez, Beibl. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 125: 11 (1921). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum polydactylon Steud., Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1: 19 (1853). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum polyneuron Mez, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 15: 63 (1917). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum polyphyllum Nees ex Trin., Gram. Panic.: 114 (1826). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum polystachyum R.Br., Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland.: 188 (1810). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum polystachyum Salzm. ex Steud., Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1: 18 (1853), pro syn.

Paspalum polystachyum (Sw.) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 786 (1891), nom. illeg.

Paspalum polystachyum (Kunth) Raspail, Ann. Sci. Nat. (Paris) 5: 301 (1825), nom. illeg.

Paspalum pontanalis Swallen, Phytologia 14: 376 (1967). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum porrigens Arn. ex Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 7: 12 (1896), pro syn.

Paspalum portoricense Nash, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 30: 377 (1903). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum potamophilum Renvoize, Kew Bull. 42: 922 (1987). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum praecox Walter, Fl. Carol.: 75 (1788). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum praecox var. curtisianum (Steud.) Vasey, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 13: 165 (1886). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum praelongum Nash in J.K.Small, Fl. S.E. U.S.: 74 (1903). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum preslii Kunth, Enum. Pl. 1: 47 (1833). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum pressum Nees ex Steud., Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1: 23 (1853). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum procerum S.Denham, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 92: 517 (2005). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum procurrens Quarín, Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 29: 73 (1993). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum proliferum Arechav., Anales Mus. Nac. Montevideo 1: 63 (1894). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum propinquum Nash, Bull. New York Bot. Gard. 1: 291 (1900). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum prostratum Scribn. & Merr., Bull. Div. Agrostol. U.S.D.A. 24: 9 (1901). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum prostratum Nash in N.L.Britton, Man. Fl. N. States: 74 (1901), nom. illeg.

Paspalum prostratum var. pygmaeum Scribn. & Merr., Bull. Div. Agrostol. U.S.D.A. 24: 9 (1900). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum protensum Trin., Gram. Panic.: 108 (1826). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum proximum Mez, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 15: 66 (1917). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum pruinosum Trin., Sp. Gram. 3: t. 272 (1829). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum pruinosum Hack., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 7: 311 (1909), nom. illeg.

Paspalum psammophilum Nash ex Hitchc., Rhodora 8: 205 (1906). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum pseudodurva Nees ex Baker, Fl. Mauritius: 431 (1877), pro syn.

Paspalum puberulum Roem. & Schult., Syst. Veg., ed. 15 bis 2: 316 (1817). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum pubescens Muhl. ex Willd., Enum. Pl.: 89 (1809). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum pubescens J.Presl in C.B.Presl, Reliq. Haenk. 1: 214 (1830), nom. illeg.

Paspalum pubescens Lag., Gen. Sp. Pl.: 2 (1816), nom. illeg.

Paspalum pubescens R.Br., Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland.: 188 (1810), nom. illeg.

Paspalum pubescens Larrañaga, Escritos D. A. Larrañaga 2: 32 (1923), nom. illeg.

Paspalum pubescens var. muhlenbergii (Nash) House, Bull. New York State Mus. Nat. Hist. 243-244: 39 (1923). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum pubiflorum E.Fourn., Mexic. Pl. 2: 11 (1886). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum pubiflorum var. glabrum Scribn., Bull. Tennessee Agric. Exp. Sta. 7: 32 (1894). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum pubiflorum var. glaucum (Scribn.) Scribn., Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 3: 19 (1892). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum pubiflorum var. viride E.Fourn., Mexic. Pl. 2: 11 (1886). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum pubifolium J.Presl in C.B.Presl, Reliq. Haenk. 1: 219 (1830). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum pulchellum Kunth in F.W.H.von Humboldt, A.J.A.Bonpland & C.S.Kunth, Nov. Gen. Sp. 1: 90 (1816). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum pulchellum (R.Br.) Raspail, Ann. Sci. Nat. (Paris) 5: 301 (1825), nom. illeg.

Paspalum pulchrum Nees in C.F.P.von Martius, Fl. Bras. Enum. Pl. 2: 79 (1829). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum pulchrum var. angustifolium Döll in C.F.P.von Martius & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Bras. 2(2): 116 (1877). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum pulchrum var. planifolium Döll in C.F.P.von Martius & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Bras. 2(2): 116 (1877). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum pulchrum var. rigidiusculum Döll in C.F.P.von Martius & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Bras. 2(2): 116 (1877). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum pumilum Nees in C.F.P.von Martius, Fl. Bras. Enum. Pl. 2: 52 (1829). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum punctatum (L.) Flüggé, Gram. Monogr., Paspalum: 127 (1810). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum punctulatum Bertol., Misc. Bot. 11: 13 (1850). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum purpurascens Elliott, Sketch Bot. S. Carolina 1: 108 (1816). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum purpureum Ruiz & Pav., Fl. Peruv. 1: 47 (1798). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum purpusii Mez, Beibl. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 125: 10 (1921). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum pusillum Flüggé, Gram. Monogr., Paspalum: 100 (1810). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum pygmaeum Hack., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 11: 18 (1912). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum pygmaeum var. genuinum Hack., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 11: 18 (1912), not validly publ.

Paspalum pygmaeum var. glabrescens Hack., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 11: 18 (1912). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum pyramidale Nees in C.F.P.von Martius, Fl. Bras. Enum. Pl. 2: 77 (1829). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum quadrifarium Lam., Tabl. Encycl. 1: 176 (1791). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum quadrifarium var. elongatum (Griseb.) Hack., Anales Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires 11: 63 (1904). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum quadrifarium var. ferrugineum (Trin.) Herter, Anales Mus. Hist. Nat. Montevideo, ser. 2, 3: 55 (1929). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum quadrifarium var. majus Döll in C.F.P.von Martius & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Bras. 2(2): 90 (1877). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum quadrifarium var. minus Döll in C.F.P.von Martius & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Bras. 2(2): 90 (1877). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum quarinii Morrone & Zuloaga, Candollea 55: 311 (2000). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum quitense Mez, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 15: 70 (1917). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum racemosum Lam., Tabl. Encycl. 1: 176 (1791). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum racemosum Nutt., Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., n.s., 5: 145 (1835), nom. illeg.

Paspalum racemulosum Chapm., Fl. South. U.S.: 571 (1860). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum radiatum Trin., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg, Sér. 6, Sci. Math., Seconde Pt. Sci. Nat. 3(2): 195 (1834), pro syn.

Paspalum ramboi I.L.Barreto, Bonplandia (Corrientes) 5: 291 (1983). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum ramianum Camacho, H.J.Rodr. & L.Guevara, Ernstia, n.s., 8: 105 (1999). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum ramosissimum Nees in C.F.P.von Martius, Fl. Bras. Enum. Pl. 2: 80 (1829). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum ramosum Swallen, Phytologia 14: 380 (1967). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum raunkiaeri Mez, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 15: 60 (1917). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum rawitscheri (Parodi) Chase ex G.H.Rua & Valls, Phytotaxa 73: 63 (2012). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum reclinatum Chase, J. Washington Acad. Sci. 33: 317 (1943). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum rectum Nees, Hooker's J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 2: 104 (1850). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum rectum var. longispicatum Vasey, Bot. Gaz. 9: 54 (1884). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum redondense Swallen, Phytologia 14: 388 (1967). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum reduncum Nees ex Steud., Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1: 31 (1853). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum redundans Chase, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., ser. 4, 21: 300 (1935). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum regnellii Mez, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 15: 75 (1917). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum reimarioides Brongn. in L.I.Duperrey, Voy. Monde, Phan.: 140 (1833). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum reimarioides Chapm., Fl. South. U.S., ed. 2(Suppl.): 665 (1883), nom. illeg.

Paspalum remotum Remy, Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., sér. 3, 6: 349 (1846). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum remotum var. glabrum Vasey, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 13: 166 (1886). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum remotum var. glaucum Scribn., Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 13: 165 (1886). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum remyi Steud., Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1: 28 (1853). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum renggeri Steud., Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1: 17 (1853). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum repandum (Nees) G.H.Rua & Valls, Phytotaxa 73: 64 (2012). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum repens P.J.Bergius, Acta Helv. Phys.-Math. 7: 129 (1772). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum repens var. fluitans (Elliott) Wipff & S.D.Jones, Phytologia 77: 461 (1995). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum reptans Poir. ex Döll in C.F.P.von Martius & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Bras. 2(2): 75 (1877), pro syn.

Paspalum reptatum Hitchc. & Chase, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 18: 318 (1917). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum restingense Renvoize, Kew Bull. 39: 179 (1984). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum reticulatum Hack., Oesterr. Bot. Z. 51: 199 (1901). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum reticulinerve Renvoize, Kew Bull. 50: 339 (1995). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum rhizomatosum Steud., Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1: 17 (1853). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum rhodopedum L.B.Sm. & Wassh., Bradea 2: 247 (1978). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum richardii Steud., Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1: 17 (1853). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum riedelii Mez, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 15: 66 (1917). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum rigens Swallen, Phytologia 14: 369 (1967). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum rigidifolium Nash, Bull. New York Bot. Gard. 1: 292 (1899). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum riparium Nees in C.F.P.von Martius, Fl. Bras. Enum. Pl. 2: 56 (1829). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum robustum (Hitchc. & Chase) S.Denham, Novon 16: 331 (2006). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum robustum Link ex Steud., Nomencl. Bot., ed. 2, 2: 273 (1841), pro syn.

Paspalum rocanum León, Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 16: 57 (1920). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum rodschiedianum G.Mey. ex Steud., Nomencl. Bot., ed. 2, 2: 273 (1841), nom. nud.

Paspalum rojasii Hack., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 7: 369 (1909). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum rosei Scribn. & Merr., Bull. Div. Agrostol. U.S.D.A. 24: 9 (1901). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum rostratum D.M.Ramos, Valls & R.C.Oliveira, Novon 21: 368 (2011). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum rottboellioides C.Wright, Anales Acad. Ci. Méd. Habana 8: 204 (1871). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum royleanum Nees ex Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 7: 18 (1896). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum rudimentosum Steud., Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1: 24 (1853). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum rufum Nees ex Steud., Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1: 26 (1853). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum rugulosum Morrone & Zuloaga, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 82: 108 (1995). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum rupestre Trin., Linnaea 10: 293 (1836). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum rupium Renvoize, Kew Bull. 39: 179 (1984). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum saccharoides Nees ex Trin., Sp. Gram. 1: t. 107 (1827). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum saltense Arechav., Anales Mus. Nac. Montevideo 1: 53 (1894). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum salzmannii Döll in C.F.P.von Martius & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Bras. 2(2): 49 (1877). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum sanguinale (L.) Lam., Tabl. Encycl. 1: 176 (1791). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum sanguinale var. ciliare (Retz.) Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 7: 15 (1896). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum sanguinale var. commutatum (Schult.) Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 7: 15 (1896). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum sanguinale var. cruciatum (Nees ex Steud.) Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 7: 14 (1896). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum sanguinale var. debile (Desf.) Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 7: 16 (1896). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum sanguinale var. didactylum (Willd.) A.Camus, Notul. Syst. (Paris) 2: 223 (1912). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum sanguinale var. extensum Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 7: 15 (1896). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum sanguinale var. griffithii Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 7: 15 (1896). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum sanguinale var. pabulare (Aitch. & Hemsl.) Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 7: 15 (1896). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum sanguinale var. pruriens (Trin.) Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 7: 15 (1896). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum sanguinale var. rottleri (Kunth) Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 7: 15 (1896). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum sanguinale var. timorense (Kunth) A.Camus, Notul. Syst. (Paris) 2: 222 (1912). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum sanguinolentum Trin., Gram. Panic.: 116 (1826). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum saugetii Chase, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 28: 147 (1929). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum saurae (Parodi) Parodi, Darwiniana 15: 106 (1969). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum savannarum Schltdl., Linnaea 26: 132 (1854). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum saxatile Salzm. ex Döll in C.F.P.von Martius & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Bras. 2(2): 76 (1877), pro syn.

Paspalum scabrum Scribn., Bull. Div. Agrostol. U.S.D.A. 4: 36 (1897). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum scalare Trin., Sp. Gram. 3: t. 274 (1829). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum scalare var. glabriglume Döll in C.F.P.von Martius & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Bras. 2(2): 50 (1877). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum scalare var. villosulum Döll in C.F.P.von Martius & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Bras. 2(2): 50 (1877). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum scandens Tutin, J. Bot. 72: 338 (1934). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum schaffneri Griseb. ex E.Fourn., Mexic. Pl. 2: 7 (1886). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum schaffneri (E.Fourn.) Scribn. ex Millsp., Publ. Field Columb. Mus., Bot. Ser. 2: 24 (1900), nom. illeg.

Paspalum schesslii Bonasora & G.H.Rua, Pl. Syst. Evol. 301: 2336 (2015). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum schreberianum (Flüggé) Nash in N.L.Britton & al. (eds.), N. Amer. Fl. 17: 190 (1912). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum schultesii Swallen, Phytologia 14: 387 (1967). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum schumannii (Pilg.) S.Denham, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 92: 518 (2005). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum sciaphilum Steud., Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1: 18 (1853). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum scoparium Flüggé, Gram. Monogr., Paspalum: 124 (1810). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum scoparium var. angustifolium Döll in C.F.P.von Martius & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Bras. 2(2): 107 (1877). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum scoparium var. glabriusculum Döll in C.F.P.von Martius & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Bras. 2(2): 107 (1877). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum scoparium var. oligostachyum Hack. ex Fuentes, Bot. Skizze Osterinsel, Inst. Cent. Meteor. Chile 4: 145 (1913). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum scoparium var. parviflorum Döll in C.F.P.von Martius & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Bras. 2(2): 107 (1877). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum scoparium var. vestitum Döll in C.F.P.von Martius & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Bras. 2(2): 107 (1877). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum scrobiculatum L., Mant. Pl. 1: 29 (1767). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum scrobiculatum var. auriculatum (J.Presl) Merr., Philipp. J. Sci. 1(Suppl.): 345 (1906). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum scrobiculatum var. bispiculatum Hack., Allg. Bot. Z. Syst. 20: 146 (1914). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum scrobiculatum var. commersonii (Lam.) Stapf in D.Oliver & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Trop. Afr. 9: 573 (1919). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum scrobiculatum var. deightonii C.E.Hubb., Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1928: 40 (1928). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum scrobiculatum var. frumentaceum Stapf in D.Oliver & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Trop. Afr. 9: 575 (1919), not validly publ.

Paspalum scrobiculatum var. gracillimum Domin, Biblioth. Bot. 20: 288 (1915). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum scrobiculatum var. horneri (Henrard) de Koning & Sosef, Blumea 30: 307 (1985). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum scrobiculatum var. jardinii (Steud.) Franch., Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Autun 8: 338 (1895). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum scrobiculatum var. lanceolatum de Koning & Sosef, Blumea 30: 312 (1985). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum scrobiculatum var. longifolium (Roxb.) Domin, Biblioth. Bot. 20: 287 (1915). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum scrobiculatum var. orbiculare (G.Forst.) Hack., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 6: 233 (1885). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum scrobiculatum var. orbiculatum Döll in C.F.P.von Martius & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Bras. 2(2): 76 (1877), pro syn.

Paspalum scrobiculatum var. philippinense Merr., Philipp. J. Sci. 1(Suppl.): 345 (1906). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum scrobiculatum var. polystachyum (R.Br.) A.Chev., Sudania 1: 33 (1911). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum scrobiculatum var. pubigluma Hicken, Darwiniana 1: 109 (1924). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum scrobiculatum var. thunbergii (Kunth ex Steud.) Makino, Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 10: 60 (1896). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum scrobiculatum var. turgidum Buse in Vriese, Pl. Ind. Bat. Orient.: 113 (1857). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum scrobiculatum var. velutinum Hack., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 6: 233 (1885). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum scutatum Nees ex Trin., Gram. Panic.: 105 (1826). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum secans Hitchc. & Chase, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 18: 319 (1917). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum selloi Spreng. ex Nees in C.F.P.von Martius, Fl. Bras. Enum. Pl. 2: 43 (1829), pro syn.

Paspalum semialatum (R.Br.) Eyles, Trans. Roy. Soc. South Africa 5: 299 (1916). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum semialatum var. ecklonii (Stapf) Eyles, Trans. Roy. Soc. South Africa 5: 299 (1916), nom. superfl.

Paspalum seminudum (A.G.Burm.) S.Denham, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 92: 518 (2005). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum semirugosum Nees ex Steud., Nomencl. Bot., ed. 2, 2: 273 (1841), nom. nud.

Paspalum senescens Döll in C.F.P.von Martius & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Bras. 2(1): 119 (1877). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum separatum Shinners, Rhodora 56: 32 (1954). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum sericatum Swallen, Phytologia 14: 371 (1967). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum sericeum Scheele, Linnaea 22: 341 (1849). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum serotinum (Walter) Flüggé, Gram. Monogr., Paspalum: 145 (1810). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum serpens J.Presl ex Trin., Gram. Panic.: 102 (1826). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum serpentinum Hochst. ex Steud., Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1: 22 (1853). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum serratum Hitchc. & Chase, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 18: 306 (1917). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum sesquiglume Benth., J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 19: 36 (1881), orth. var.

Paspalum setaceum Michx., Fl. Bor.-Amer. 1: 43 (1803). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum setaceum Raspail, Ann. Sci. Nat. (Paris) 5: 301 (1825), nom. illeg.

Paspalum setaceum var. calvescens Fernald, Rhodora 49: 121 (1947). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum setaceum var. ciliatifolium (Michx.) Vasey, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 3: 17 (1892). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum setaceum var. dispar R.Guzmán, Phytologia 51: 469 (1982). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum setaceum var. longe-pedunculatum (Leconte) Alph.Wood, Class-book Bot.: 782 (1861). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum setaceum var. muhlenbergii (Nash) D.J.Banks, Sida 2: 280 (1966). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum setaceum var. psammophilum (Nash ex Hitchc.) D.J.Banks, Sida 2: 276 (1966). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum setaceum var. pubiflorum Vasey, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 1: 114 (1891). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum setaceum var. rigidifolium (Nash) D.J.Banks, Sida 2: 282 (1966). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum setaceum var. setaceum.

Paspalum setaceum var. stramineum (Nash) D.J.Banks, Sida 2: 276 (1966). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum setaceum var. supinum (Bosc ex Poir.) Trin., Sp. Gram. 2: t. 130 (1829). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum setaceum var. villosissimum (Nash) D.J.Banks, Sida 2: 276 (1966). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum setifolium Döll in C.F.P.von Martius & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Bras. 2(2): 61 (1877). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum setifolium (Stapf) A.Camus, Notul. Syst. (Paris) 2: 223 (1912), nom. illeg.

Paspalum setifolium Nees ex Steud., Nomencl. Bot., ed. 2, 2: 273 (1841), nom. nud.

Paspalum setiglume Chase, Brittonia 3: 150 (1939). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum setosum (Swallen) S.Denham, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 92: 518 (2005). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum siccum Nees in C.F.P.von Martius, Fl. Bras. Enum. Pl. 2: 28 (1829). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum sieberianum Steud., Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1: 17 (1853). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum simile Mez, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 15: 70 (1917). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum simplex Morong, Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 7: 259 (1893). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum simpsonii Nash, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 24: 39 (1897). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum sincoranum Mez, Beibl. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 125: 9 (1921). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum singulare Link, Hort. Berol. 1: 48 (1827). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum sinuosum Desv., Mém. Soc. Agric. Angers 1: 161 (1831). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum soboliferum Chase, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 24: 443 (1927). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum sodiroanum Hack., Oesterr. Bot. Z. 51: 237 (1901). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum sodiroanum var. terminale Hack., Anales Univ. Centr. Ecuador 3(25): 477 (1889), nom. nud.

Paspalum solitarium Nash in J.K.Small, Fl. S.E. U.S.: 77 (1903), nom. superfl.

Paspalum sordidum Hack., Oesterr. Bot. Z. 51: 197 (1901). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum soukupii E.Carbono, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 82: 112 (1995). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum sparsum Chase, Publ. Carnegie Inst. Wash. 436: 341 (1934). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum spathaceum Desv. ex Poir. in Lamarck, Encycl., Suppl. 4: 314 (1816). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum spissum Swallen, Phytologia 14: 358 (1967). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum splendens Hack., Oesterr. Bot. Z. 51: 238 (1901). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum splendens var. sphacelatum Hack., Oesterr. Bot. Z. 51: 239 (1901). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum squamatum Steud., Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1: 21 (1853). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum squamulatum E.Fourn., Mexic. Pl. 2: 11 (1886). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum stagnophilum Morrone & Zuloaga, Pl. Syst. Evol. 300: 1067 (2013). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum standleyi Chase, J. Washington Acad. Sci. 17: 146 (1927). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum stellatum Flüggé, Gram. Monogr., Paspalum: 62 (1810). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum stellatum var. distachyum Nees in C.F.P.von Martius, Fl. Bras. Enum. Pl. 2: 78 (1829). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Paspalum stellatum f. hirsutum Hack., Anales Mus. Nac. Hist. Nat. Buenos Aires 21: 28 (1911). in Renal Cancer: Its potential role in Medicinal Rice Abhya-RevatiBhog with Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa Hook, f. and Eria pokharensis Bajrach., Subedi and K. K. Shrestha based Herbal Formulations From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at 

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