Pankaj Oudhia on cancer drug interactions 11832

Pankaj Oudhia on cancer drug interactions 11832

Extreme weakness with painful swollen right ring finger in case of Liver Cancer due to Negative Drug Interaction between Cisplatin as Chemotherapy Agent and Allelopathically enriched Eragrostis pilosa, Fumaria indica and Chloroxylon swietenia (as primary ingredients) and Epipactis gigantea, Dioscorea deltoidea and Wrightia tinctoria (as secondary ingredients) and Rubia cordifolia, Burara tuckeri, Echinochloa colona and Spiranthes sinensis (as tertiary ingredients) and Achyranthes aspera, Bunium chaerophylloides, Senna tora, Mitragyna parvifolia, Cissampelos pariera, Inula racemosa, Shorea robusta, Ougeinia oojeinensis, Brassica nigra, Haldina cordifolia, Selaginella asubdiaphana, Nephotettix virescens and Matapa cresta (as Senary Ingredients . Total 100 plus ingredients) based anti-cancer Entomo-Herbal Formulation can be managed with the help of Medicinal Rice P-417FLFS, KodoMillet, Little Millet and Wild Black Curcuma based this Herbal Formulation. 

#livercancer #wellness #chemotherapy #chhattisgarh #cisplatin   #druginteractions #herbal #कैंसर #organic #Ethnobotany  #orchid   #medicinalrice #oryza #healing #ayurveda #desi #herbalmedicines #vegan #pain

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And over 10500 Research Notes in the series titled Pankaj Oudhia on cancer
drug interactions are online through 10 blogs.

Topics Discussed in this SeriesHerbal Formulations for  Adenocarcinoma, Metastatic Breast Cancer, Thyroid Cancer, Basal Cell Carcinoma, Melanoma, Kaposi’s Sarcoma (KS) , Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Myeloma, Leukaemia , Lymphoma, Pancreatic Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Carcinoma of the esophagus and gastroesophageal junction, Carcinoid Tumors of Lung, Carcinoid Tumors of Small Intestine, Carcinoid Tumors of Ovary, Carcinoid Tumors of Colon, Carcinoid Tumors of Stomach, Carcinoid Tumors of Pancreas, gastrointestinal carcinoid tumors, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Oral Cavity, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Kidney, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Lung, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Nasal Cavity, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Breast, Spindle cell carcinoma , Spindle cell carcinoma of the Parotid Gland, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Head and Neck, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Lower Limbs, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Tongue, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Larynx, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Conjunctiva, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Mandibular Gingiva, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Esophagus, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Maxillary Sinus, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Thyroid, Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) , Osteosarcoma, Chondrosarcoma, Ewing tumor, Fibrosarcoma and malignant fibrous histiocytoma,  Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) , Fibrolamellar carcinomaCholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer), AngiosarcomaHepatoblastomaPenile CancerTesticular CancerVaginal CancerGiant cell tumor of bone, Medicinal Plants and Herbal Medicines for Terminal Cancer, Endolaryngeal synovial sarcoma, Cervical Cancer, Primary renal synovial sarcoma, Anal Cancer, intra articular synovial sarcoma, Chordoma, Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma, Sarcomatoid carcinoma of the thyroid, Vulvar Cancer, Fibrosarcoma, Gastrointestinal stromal tumor, Leiomyosarcoma, Liposarcoma, Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor, Small cell anaplastic carcinoma of the lung, Anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL), Anaplastic cancers of the pancreas (ACP), Anaplastic Adrenal Cancer, Anaplastic Astrocytoma, Pleomorphic sarcoma, Rhabdomyosarcoma, Spinal Cancer, Retinoblastoma, Neuroblastoma, Pleuropulmonary Blastoma, Oral Cancer and Gynecologic Cancers, Anti-cancer Herbal Formulations of Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Mumbai, Chennai, Nagpur, Bhopal, Indore, Kolkata, Bengaluru, Chandigarh, Telangana and New Delhi regions, Compatible Cancer Herbs used in Traditional Healing of Nepal, Thailand, Malaysia,Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, China, Vietnam and Bhutan,  Stage 4 Cancers,  Herbal Formulations for Cancer Complications when Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy fail, Herbal Wealth of India, Medicinal Insects and Weeds in Cancer Formulations, Metastatic cancer, Antiproliferative Activity of Medicinal Rice Extracts Used Against Cancer, Managing Diabetes, Chronic Kidney Disease, Rheumatism, DMD, Sickle Cell Anemia and hypertension in Cancer Patients, Herbal Formulations not compatible with Chemotherapy Drugs, Garden plants of North America used in Asian Anti-cancer Herbal formulations, Promising Herbal Formulations used in Traditional Immuno-oncology (IO), Vegan and Cancer, Herb-Drug Interactions in Oncology, Cancer Drug Interactions, Essential thrombocytosis (ET), Herbal Formulations for Polycythemia Vera (PV) , Entomotherapy Formulations for Mediastinal seminoma, Safed Musli farming for cancer formulations, Mucuna farming for cancer formulations, Hadjod farming for cancer formulations, Sarpgandha farming for cancer formulations, Ashwagandha farming for cancer formulations, Herbal farming for cancer formulations, Lemon Grass farming for cancer formulations, Vegetable farming for cancer formulations, Aloe farming for cancer formulations, Tulsi farming for cancer formulations, Medicinal Rice Maharaji, Gathuan and Alcha based over one million Herbal Formulations for cancer prevention and cure, Traditionally validated over 8000 selected Formulations for Neuroendocrine Tumors, Cancer Eliminating Rice, Medicinal Black Rice based Herbal Formulations for malignant tumors of postcricoid area, Key Formulations for Hürthle cell carcinoma, Homeopathic-Ayurvedic drug interactions in cancer, Precision Cancer Medicines, Checklist of medicinal insects used by different tribes of Asia specially India for cancer prevention and cure,

Mango (Mangifera) in Cancer. Selected References
Kishen Bhog Mango in Adenocarcinoma: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda superba based  Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Komanga Mango in Adenocarcinoma: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda superba based  Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Kothapalli Kobbari Mango in Adenocarcinoma: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda superba based  Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Kuttiyattor Mango in Adenocarcinoma: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda superba based  Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Kalami Mango in Adenocarcinoma: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Eclipta enriched Vanda superba based  Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Kesar Mango in Adenocarcinoma: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda superba based  Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Lalbaug Mango in Adenocarcinoma: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Dicliptera enriched Vanda superba based  Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Langra Mango in Adenocarcinoma: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda superba based  Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Maldah Mango in Adenocarcinoma: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda superba based  Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Malgis Mango in Adenocarcinoma: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda superba based  Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Mallika Mango in Adenocarcinoma: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Strobilanthes enriched  Vanda superba based  Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Malgoa Mango in Adenocarcinoma: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda superba based  Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at,Mankur (Goa) Mango in Adenocarcinoma: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda superba based  Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Mankurad Mango in Adenocarcinoma: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda superba based  Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Moovandan Mango in Adenocarcinoma: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda superba based  Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Nagulapalli Rasalu Mango in Adenocarcinoma: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda superba based  Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Nattuma Mango in Adenocarcinoma: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda superba based  Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Nannari Mango in Adenocarcinoma: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda superba based  Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Neelum Mango in Adenocarcinoma: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda superba based  Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Neeleshan Mango in Adenocarcinoma: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda superba based  Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Panchadara Kalasa Mango in Adenocarcinoma: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda superba based  Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Puliyan Mango in Adenocarcinoma: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda superba based  Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Panduri Mamidi Mango in Adenocarcinoma: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda superba based  Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Payri Mango in Adenocarcinoma: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda superba based  Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Priyor Mango in Adenocarcinoma: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda superba based  Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Rani Mango in Adenocarcinoma: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda superba based  Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Rajapuri Mango in Adenocarcinoma: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda superba based  Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Raspuri Mango in Adenocarcinoma: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda superba based  Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Ratna Mango in Adenocarcinoma: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda superba based  Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Rayal Special Mango in Adenocarcinoma: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda superba based  Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Sindhooram Mango in Adenocarcinoma: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda superba based  Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Safeda Mango in Adenocarcinoma: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda superba based  Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Sammar Bahisht Mango in Adenocarcinoma: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda superba based  Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at,
Recent Research work on Liver Cancer
Medicinal wild Green Rice for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal, Navara and Arania-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild Trees for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal, Navara and Arania-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild Grasses for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal, Navara and Arania-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild wood mushrooms for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal, Navara and Arania-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild tubers for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal, Navara and Arania-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild bulbs for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal, Navara and Arania-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild cereals for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal, Navara and Arania-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild oilseeds for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal, Navara and Arania-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild climbers for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal, Navara and Arania-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild insects for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal, Navara and Arania-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild beetles for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal, Navara and Arania-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild mites for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal, Navara and Arania-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild major millets for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal, Navara and Arania-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild minor millets for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal, Navara and Arania-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild flowers for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal, Navara and Arania-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild fruits for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal, Navara and Arania-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild shrubs for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal, Navara and Arania-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Tribal Herbal Remedies for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal, Navara and Arania-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, 

Related References

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Purified (Through Vedic Methods adopted by the Traditional Healers of Central India and Eastern Ghats) Helianthus, Podochilus cultratus-Ponerorchis chusua-Rhynchostylis retusa enriched MahaMandal Kand, Platanthera edgeworthii-Platanthera urceolata-Platanthera clavigera-Pinalia bipunctata enriched Hanuman Kand , Thelasis longifolia-Dryopteris juxtaposita-Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Satyrium nepalense-Spiranthes spiralis-Stelis biflora-Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera-Pholidota imbricata-Phaius tancarvilleae-Phaius flavus-Pholidota articulata-Peristylus tentaculatus enriched Vishalya Karani, Rhomboda abbreviata-Pleione praecox-Pteroceras teres-Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Taeniophyllum scaberulum-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva enrichedJagmandal Kand, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Vandopsis undulata-Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Schoenorchis gemmata-Smitinandia micrantha-Trichotosia dasyphylla-Uncifera acuminata-Berberis asiatica-Porpax-Pinalia graminifolia-Pholidota pallida-Pinalia excavata enriched Sandhani, Tainia minor-Adiantum venustum-Artemisia indica-Platanthera biermanniana-Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Indrayav-Avartaki-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Mecodium exsertum-Wild Black Curcuma enriched Bhejri and Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva-Pholidota protracta enriched Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
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Purified (Through Vedic Methods adopted by the Traditional Healers of Central India and Eastern Ghats) Helicteres, Podochilus cultratus-Ponerorchis chusua-Rhynchostylis retusa enriched MahaMandal Kand, Platanthera edgeworthii-Platanthera urceolata-Platanthera clavigera-Pinalia bipunctata enriched Hanuman Kand , Thelasis longifolia-Dryopteris juxtaposita-Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Satyrium nepalense-Spiranthes spiralis-Stelis biflora-Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera-Pholidota imbricata-Phaius tancarvilleae-Phaius flavus-Pholidota articulata-Peristylus tentaculatus enriched Vishalya Karani, Rhomboda abbreviata-Pleione praecox-Pteroceras teres-Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Taeniophyllum scaberulum-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva enrichedJagmandal Kand, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Vandopsis undulata-Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Schoenorchis gemmata-Smitinandia micrantha-Trichotosia dasyphylla-Uncifera acuminata-Berberis asiatica-Porpax-Pinalia graminifolia-Pholidota pallida-Pinalia excavata enriched Sandhani, Tainia minor-Adiantum venustum-Artemisia indica-Platanthera biermanniana-Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Indrayav-Avartaki-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Mecodium exsertum-Wild Black Curcuma enriched Bhejri and Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva-Pholidota protracta enriched Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Purified (Through Vedic Methods adopted by the Traditional Healers of Central India and Eastern Ghats) Hemidesmus, Podochilus cultratus-Ponerorchis chusua-Rhynchostylis retusa enriched MahaMandal Kand, Platanthera edgeworthii-Platanthera urceolata-Platanthera clavigera-Pinalia bipunctata enriched Hanuman Kand , Thelasis longifolia-Dryopteris juxtaposita-Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Satyrium nepalense-Spiranthes spiralis-Stelis biflora-Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera-Pholidota imbricata-Phaius tancarvilleae-Phaius flavus-Pholidota articulata-Peristylus tentaculatus enriched Vishalya Karani, Rhomboda abbreviata-Pleione praecox-Pteroceras teres-Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Taeniophyllum scaberulum-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva enrichedJagmandal Kand, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Vandopsis undulata-Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Schoenorchis gemmata-Smitinandia micrantha-Trichotosia dasyphylla-Uncifera acuminata-Berberis asiatica-Porpax-Pinalia graminifolia-Pholidota pallida-Pinalia excavata enriched Sandhani, Tainia minor-Adiantum venustum-Artemisia indica-Platanthera biermanniana-Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Indrayav-Avartaki-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Mecodium exsertum-Wild Black Curcuma enriched Bhejri and Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva-Pholidota protracta enriched Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Purified (Through Vedic Methods adopted by the Traditional Healers of Central India and Eastern Ghats) Hemigraphis, Podochilus cultratus-Ponerorchis chusua-Rhynchostylis retusa enriched MahaMandal Kand, Platanthera edgeworthii-Platanthera urceolata-Platanthera clavigera-Pinalia bipunctata enriched Hanuman Kand , Thelasis longifolia-Dryopteris juxtaposita-Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Satyrium nepalense-Spiranthes spiralis-Stelis biflora-Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera-Pholidota imbricata-Phaius tancarvilleae-Phaius flavus-Pholidota articulata-Peristylus tentaculatus enriched Vishalya Karani, Rhomboda abbreviata-Pleione praecox-Pteroceras teres-Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Taeniophyllum scaberulum-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva enrichedJagmandal Kand, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Vandopsis undulata-Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Schoenorchis gemmata-Smitinandia micrantha-Trichotosia dasyphylla-Uncifera acuminata-Berberis asiatica-Porpax-Pinalia graminifolia-Pholidota pallida-Pinalia excavata enriched Sandhani, Tainia minor-Adiantum venustum-Artemisia indica-Platanthera biermanniana-Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Indrayav-Avartaki-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Mecodium exsertum-Wild Black Curcuma enriched Bhejri and Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva-Pholidota protracta enriched Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Purified (Through Vedic Methods adopted by the Traditional Healers of Central India and Eastern Ghats) Hibiscus, Podochilus cultratus-Ponerorchis chusua-Rhynchostylis retusa enriched MahaMandal Kand, Platanthera edgeworthii-Platanthera urceolata-Platanthera clavigera-Pinalia bipunctata enriched Hanuman Kand , Thelasis longifolia-Dryopteris juxtaposita-Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Satyrium nepalense-Spiranthes spiralis-Stelis biflora-Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera-Pholidota imbricata-Phaius tancarvilleae-Phaius flavus-Pholidota articulata-Peristylus tentaculatus enriched Vishalya Karani, Rhomboda abbreviata-Pleione praecox-Pteroceras teres-Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Taeniophyllum scaberulum-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva enrichedJagmandal Kand, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Vandopsis undulata-Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Schoenorchis gemmata-Smitinandia micrantha-Trichotosia dasyphylla-Uncifera acuminata-Berberis asiatica-Porpax-Pinalia graminifolia-Pholidota pallida-Pinalia excavata enriched Sandhani, Tainia minor-Adiantum venustum-Artemisia indica-Platanthera biermanniana-Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Indrayav-Avartaki-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Mecodium exsertum-Wild Black Curcuma enriched Bhejri and Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva-Pholidota protracta enriched Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Purified (Through Vedic Methods adopted by the Traditional Healers of Central India and Eastern Ghats) Hymenodictyon, Podochilus cultratus-Ponerorchis chusua-Rhynchostylis retusa enriched MahaMandal Kand, Platanthera edgeworthii-Platanthera urceolata-Platanthera clavigera-Pinalia bipunctata enriched Hanuman Kand , Thelasis longifolia-Dryopteris juxtaposita-Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Satyrium nepalense-Spiranthes spiralis-Stelis biflora-Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera-Pholidota imbricata-Phaius tancarvilleae-Phaius flavus-Pholidota articulata-Peristylus tentaculatus enriched Vishalya Karani, Rhomboda abbreviata-Pleione praecox-Pteroceras teres-Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Taeniophyllum scaberulum-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva enrichedJagmandal Kand, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Vandopsis undulata-Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Schoenorchis gemmata-Smitinandia micrantha-Trichotosia dasyphylla-Uncifera acuminata-Berberis asiatica-Porpax-Pinalia graminifolia-Pholidota pallida-Pinalia excavata enriched Sandhani, Tainia minor-Adiantum venustum-Artemisia indica-Platanthera biermanniana-Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Indrayav-Avartaki-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Mecodium exsertum-Wild Black Curcuma enriched Bhejri and Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva-Pholidota protracta enriched Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Purified (Through Vedic Methods adopted by the Traditional Healers of Central India and Eastern Ghats) Hyoscyamus, Podochilus cultratus-Ponerorchis chusua-Rhynchostylis retusa enriched MahaMandal Kand, Platanthera edgeworthii-Platanthera urceolata-Platanthera clavigera-Pinalia bipunctata enriched Hanuman Kand , Thelasis longifolia-Dryopteris juxtaposita-Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Satyrium nepalense-Spiranthes spiralis-Stelis biflora-Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera-Pholidota imbricata-Phaius tancarvilleae-Phaius flavus-Pholidota articulata-Peristylus tentaculatus enriched Vishalya Karani, Rhomboda abbreviata-Pleione praecox-Pteroceras teres-Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Taeniophyllum scaberulum-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva enrichedJagmandal Kand, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Vandopsis undulata-Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Schoenorchis gemmata-Smitinandia micrantha-Trichotosia dasyphylla-Uncifera acuminata-Berberis asiatica-Porpax-Pinalia graminifolia-Pholidota pallida-Pinalia excavata enriched Sandhani, Tainia minor-Adiantum venustum-Artemisia indica-Platanthera biermanniana-Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Indrayav-Avartaki-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Mecodium exsertum-Wild Black Curcuma enriched Bhejri and Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva-Pholidota protracta enriched Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Purified (Through Vedic Methods adopted by the Traditional Healers of Central India and Eastern Ghats) Hypericum, Podochilus cultratus-Ponerorchis chusua-Rhynchostylis retusa enriched MahaMandal Kand, Platanthera edgeworthii-Platanthera urceolata-Platanthera clavigera-Pinalia bipunctata enriched Hanuman Kand , Thelasis longifolia-Dryopteris juxtaposita-Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Satyrium nepalense-Spiranthes spiralis-Stelis biflora-Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera-Pholidota imbricata-Phaius tancarvilleae-Phaius flavus-Pholidota articulata-Peristylus tentaculatus enriched Vishalya Karani, Rhomboda abbreviata-Pleione praecox-Pteroceras teres-Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Taeniophyllum scaberulum-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva enrichedJagmandal Kand, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Vandopsis undulata-Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Schoenorchis gemmata-Smitinandia micrantha-Trichotosia dasyphylla-Uncifera acuminata-Berberis asiatica-Porpax-Pinalia graminifolia-Pholidota pallida-Pinalia excavata enriched Sandhani, Tainia minor-Adiantum venustum-Artemisia indica-Platanthera biermanniana-Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Indrayav-Avartaki-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Mecodium exsertum-Wild Black Curcuma enriched Bhejri and Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva-Pholidota protracta enriched Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Purified (Through Vedic Methods adopted by the Traditional Healers of Central India and Eastern Ghats) Hypoestes, Podochilus cultratus-Ponerorchis chusua-Rhynchostylis retusa enriched MahaMandal Kand, Platanthera edgeworthii-Platanthera urceolata-Platanthera clavigera-Pinalia bipunctata enriched Hanuman Kand , Thelasis longifolia-Dryopteris juxtaposita-Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Satyrium nepalense-Spiranthes spiralis-Stelis biflora-Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera-Pholidota imbricata-Phaius tancarvilleae-Phaius flavus-Pholidota articulata-Peristylus tentaculatus enriched Vishalya Karani, Rhomboda abbreviata-Pleione praecox-Pteroceras teres-Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Taeniophyllum scaberulum-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva enrichedJagmandal Kand, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Vandopsis undulata-Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Schoenorchis gemmata-Smitinandia micrantha-Trichotosia dasyphylla-Uncifera acuminata-Berberis asiatica-Porpax-Pinalia graminifolia-Pholidota pallida-Pinalia excavata enriched Sandhani, Tainia minor-Adiantum venustum-Artemisia indica-Platanthera biermanniana-Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Indrayav-Avartaki-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Mecodium exsertum-Wild Black Curcuma enriched Bhejri and Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva-Pholidota protracta enriched Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Purified (Through Vedic Methods adopted by the Traditional Healers of Central India and Eastern Ghats) Hypoxis, Podochilus cultratus-Ponerorchis chusua-Rhynchostylis retusa enriched MahaMandal Kand, Platanthera edgeworthii-Platanthera urceolata-Platanthera clavigera-Pinalia bipunctata enriched Hanuman Kand , Thelasis longifolia-Dryopteris juxtaposita-Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Satyrium nepalense-Spiranthes spiralis-Stelis biflora-Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera-Pholidota imbricata-Phaius tancarvilleae-Phaius flavus-Pholidota articulata-Peristylus tentaculatus enriched Vishalya Karani, Rhomboda abbreviata-Pleione praecox-Pteroceras teres-Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Taeniophyllum scaberulum-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva enrichedJagmandal Kand, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Vandopsis undulata-Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Schoenorchis gemmata-Smitinandia micrantha-Trichotosia dasyphylla-Uncifera acuminata-Berberis asiatica-Porpax-Pinalia graminifolia-Pholidota pallida-Pinalia excavata enriched Sandhani, Tainia minor-Adiantum venustum-Artemisia indica-Platanthera biermanniana-Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Indrayav-Avartaki-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Mecodium exsertum-Wild Black Curcuma enriched Bhejri and Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva-Pholidota protracta enriched Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Purified (Through Vedic Methods adopted by the Traditional Healers of Central India and Eastern Ghats) Hyptis, Podochilus cultratus-Ponerorchis chusua-Rhynchostylis retusa enriched MahaMandal Kand, Platanthera edgeworthii-Platanthera urceolata-Platanthera clavigera-Pinalia bipunctata enriched Hanuman Kand , Thelasis longifolia-Dryopteris juxtaposita-Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Satyrium nepalense-Spiranthes spiralis-Stelis biflora-Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera-Pholidota imbricata-Phaius tancarvilleae-Phaius flavus-Pholidota articulata-Peristylus tentaculatus enriched Vishalya Karani, Rhomboda abbreviata-Pleione praecox-Pteroceras teres-Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Taeniophyllum scaberulum-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva enrichedJagmandal Kand, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Vandopsis undulata-Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Schoenorchis gemmata-Smitinandia micrantha-Trichotosia dasyphylla-Uncifera acuminata-Berberis asiatica-Porpax-Pinalia graminifolia-Pholidota pallida-Pinalia excavata enriched Sandhani, Tainia minor-Adiantum venustum-Artemisia indica-Platanthera biermanniana-Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Indrayav-Avartaki-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Mecodium exsertum-Wild Black Curcuma enriched Bhejri and Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva-Pholidota protracta enriched Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Purified (Through Vedic Methods adopted by the Traditional Healers of Central India and Eastern Ghats) Ichnocarpus, Podochilus cultratus-Ponerorchis chusua-Rhynchostylis retusa enriched MahaMandal Kand, Platanthera edgeworthii-Platanthera urceolata-Platanthera clavigera-Pinalia bipunctata enriched Hanuman Kand , Thelasis longifolia-Dryopteris juxtaposita-Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Satyrium nepalense-Spiranthes spiralis-Stelis biflora-Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera-Pholidota imbricata-Phaius tancarvilleae-Phaius flavus-Pholidota articulata-Peristylus tentaculatus enriched Vishalya Karani, Rhomboda abbreviata-Pleione praecox-Pteroceras teres-Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Taeniophyllum scaberulum-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva enrichedJagmandal Kand, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Vandopsis undulata-Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Schoenorchis gemmata-Smitinandia micrantha-Trichotosia dasyphylla-Uncifera acuminata-Berberis asiatica-Porpax-Pinalia graminifolia-Pholidota pallida-Pinalia excavata enriched Sandhani, Tainia minor-Adiantum venustum-Artemisia indica-Platanthera biermanniana-Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Indrayav-Avartaki-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Mecodium exsertum-Wild Black Curcuma enriched Bhejri and Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva-Pholidota protracta enriched Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Purified (Through Vedic Methods adopted by the Traditional Healers of Central India and Eastern Ghats) Ilex, Podochilus cultratus-Ponerorchis chusua-Rhynchostylis retusa enriched MahaMandal Kand, Platanthera edgeworthii-Platanthera urceolata-Platanthera clavigera-Pinalia bipunctata enriched Hanuman Kand , Thelasis longifolia-Dryopteris juxtaposita-Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Satyrium nepalense-Spiranthes spiralis-Stelis biflora-Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera-Pholidota imbricata-Phaius tancarvilleae-Phaius flavus-Pholidota articulata-Peristylus tentaculatus enriched Vishalya Karani, Rhomboda abbreviata-Pleione praecox-Pteroceras teres-Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Taeniophyllum scaberulum-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva enrichedJagmandal Kand, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Vandopsis undulata-Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Schoenorchis gemmata-Smitinandia micrantha-Trichotosia dasyphylla-Uncifera acuminata-Berberis asiatica-Porpax-Pinalia graminifolia-Pholidota pallida-Pinalia excavata enriched Sandhani, Tainia minor-Adiantum venustum-Artemisia indica-Platanthera biermanniana-Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Indrayav-Avartaki-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Mecodium exsertum-Wild Black Curcuma enriched Bhejri and Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva-Pholidota protracta enriched Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Purified (Through Vedic Methods adopted by the Traditional Healers of Central India and Eastern Ghats) Impatiens, Podochilus cultratus-Ponerorchis chusua-Rhynchostylis retusa enriched MahaMandal Kand, Platanthera edgeworthii-Platanthera urceolata-Platanthera clavigera-Pinalia bipunctata enriched Hanuman Kand , Thelasis longifolia-Dryopteris juxtaposita-Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Satyrium nepalense-Spiranthes spiralis-Stelis biflora-Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera-Pholidota imbricata-Phaius tancarvilleae-Phaius flavus-Pholidota articulata-Peristylus tentaculatus enriched Vishalya Karani, Rhomboda abbreviata-Pleione praecox-Pteroceras teres-Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Taeniophyllum scaberulum-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva enrichedJagmandal Kand, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Vandopsis undulata-Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Schoenorchis gemmata-Smitinandia micrantha-Trichotosia dasyphylla-Uncifera acuminata-Berberis asiatica-Porpax-Pinalia graminifolia-Pholidota pallida-Pinalia excavata enriched Sandhani, Tainia minor-Adiantum venustum-Artemisia indica-Platanthera biermanniana-Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Indrayav-Avartaki-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Mecodium exsertum-Wild Black Curcuma enriched Bhejri and Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva-Pholidota protracta enriched Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Purified (Through Vedic Methods adopted by the Traditional Healers of Central India and Eastern Ghats) Imperata, Podochilus cultratus-Ponerorchis chusua-Rhynchostylis retusa enriched MahaMandal Kand, Platanthera edgeworthii-Platanthera urceolata-Platanthera clavigera-Pinalia bipunctata enriched Hanuman Kand , Thelasis longifolia-Dryopteris juxtaposita-Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Satyrium nepalense-Spiranthes spiralis-Stelis biflora-Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera-Pholidota imbricata-Phaius tancarvilleae-Phaius flavus-Pholidota articulata-Peristylus tentaculatus enriched Vishalya Karani, Rhomboda abbreviata-Pleione praecox-Pteroceras teres-Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Taeniophyllum scaberulum-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva enrichedJagmandal Kand, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Vandopsis undulata-Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Schoenorchis gemmata-Smitinandia micrantha-Trichotosia dasyphylla-Uncifera acuminata-Berberis asiatica-Porpax-Pinalia graminifolia-Pholidota pallida-Pinalia excavata enriched Sandhani, Tainia minor-Adiantum venustum-Artemisia indica-Platanthera biermanniana-Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Indrayav-Avartaki-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Mecodium exsertum-Wild Black Curcuma enriched Bhejri and Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva-Pholidota protracta enriched Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Purified (Through Vedic Methods adopted by the Traditional Healers of Central India and Eastern Ghats) Indigofera, Podochilus cultratus-Ponerorchis chusua-Rhynchostylis retusa enriched MahaMandal Kand, Platanthera edgeworthii-Platanthera urceolata-Platanthera clavigera-Pinalia bipunctata enriched Hanuman Kand , Thelasis longifolia-Dryopteris juxtaposita-Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Satyrium nepalense-Spiranthes spiralis-Stelis biflora-Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera-Pholidota imbricata-Phaius tancarvilleae-Phaius flavus-Pholidota articulata-Peristylus tentaculatus enriched Vishalya Karani, Rhomboda abbreviata-Pleione praecox-Pteroceras teres-Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Taeniophyllum scaberulum-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva enrichedJagmandal Kand, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Vandopsis undulata-Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Schoenorchis gemmata-Smitinandia micrantha-Trichotosia dasyphylla-Uncifera acuminata-Berberis asiatica-Porpax-Pinalia graminifolia-Pholidota pallida-Pinalia excavata enriched Sandhani, Tainia minor-Adiantum venustum-Artemisia indica-Platanthera biermanniana-Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Indrayav-Avartaki-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Mecodium exsertum-Wild Black Curcuma enriched Bhejri and Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva-Pholidota protracta enriched Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Purified (Through Vedic Methods adopted by the Traditional Healers of Central India and Eastern Ghats) Indopiptadenia, Podochilus cultratus-Ponerorchis chusua-Rhynchostylis retusa enriched MahaMandal Kand, Platanthera edgeworthii-Platanthera urceolata-Platanthera clavigera-Pinalia bipunctata enriched Hanuman Kand , Thelasis longifolia-Dryopteris juxtaposita-Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Satyrium nepalense-Spiranthes spiralis-Stelis biflora-Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera-Pholidota imbricata-Phaius tancarvilleae-Phaius flavus-Pholidota articulata-Peristylus tentaculatus enriched Vishalya Karani, Rhomboda abbreviata-Pleione praecox-Pteroceras teres-Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Taeniophyllum scaberulum-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva enrichedJagmandal Kand, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Vandopsis undulata-Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Schoenorchis gemmata-Smitinandia micrantha-Trichotosia dasyphylla-Uncifera acuminata-Berberis asiatica-Porpax-Pinalia graminifolia-Pholidota pallida-Pinalia excavata enriched Sandhani, Tainia minor-Adiantum venustum-Artemisia indica-Platanthera biermanniana-Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Indrayav-Avartaki-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Mecodium exsertum-Wild Black Curcuma enriched Bhejri and Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva-Pholidota protracta enriched Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Purified (Through Vedic Methods adopted by the Traditional Healers of Central India and Eastern Ghats) Indoschulzia, Podochilus cultratus-Ponerorchis chusua-Rhynchostylis retusa enriched MahaMandal Kand, Platanthera edgeworthii-Platanthera urceolata-Platanthera clavigera-Pinalia bipunctata enriched Hanuman Kand , Thelasis longifolia-Dryopteris juxtaposita-Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Satyrium nepalense-Spiranthes spiralis-Stelis biflora-Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera-Pholidota imbricata-Phaius tancarvilleae-Phaius flavus-Pholidota articulata-Peristylus tentaculatus enriched Vishalya Karani, Rhomboda abbreviata-Pleione praecox-Pteroceras teres-Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Taeniophyllum scaberulum-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva enrichedJagmandal Kand, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Vandopsis undulata-Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Schoenorchis gemmata-Smitinandia micrantha-Trichotosia dasyphylla-Uncifera acuminata-Berberis asiatica-Porpax-Pinalia graminifolia-Pholidota pallida-Pinalia excavata enriched Sandhani, Tainia minor-Adiantum venustum-Artemisia indica-Platanthera biermanniana-Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Indrayav-Avartaki-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Mecodium exsertum-Wild Black Curcuma enriched Bhejri and Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva-Pholidota protracta enriched Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Purified (Through Vedic Methods adopted by the Traditional Healers of Central India and Eastern Ghats) Inula, Podochilus cultratus-Ponerorchis chusua-Rhynchostylis retusa enriched MahaMandal Kand, Platanthera edgeworthii-Platanthera urceolata-Platanthera clavigera-Pinalia bipunctata enriched Hanuman Kand , Thelasis longifolia-Dryopteris juxtaposita-Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Satyrium nepalense-Spiranthes spiralis-Stelis biflora-Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera-Pholidota imbricata-Phaius tancarvilleae-Phaius flavus-Pholidota articulata-Peristylus tentaculatus enriched Vishalya Karani, Rhomboda abbreviata-Pleione praecox-Pteroceras teres-Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Taeniophyllum scaberulum-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva enrichedJagmandal Kand, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Vandopsis undulata-Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Schoenorchis gemmata-Smitinandia micrantha-Trichotosia dasyphylla-Uncifera acuminata-Berberis asiatica-Porpax-Pinalia graminifolia-Pholidota pallida-Pinalia excavata enriched Sandhani, Tainia minor-Adiantum venustum-Artemisia indica-Platanthera biermanniana-Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Indrayav-Avartaki-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Mecodium exsertum-Wild Black Curcuma enriched Bhejri and Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva-Pholidota protracta enriched Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Purified (Through Vedic Methods adopted by the Traditional Healers of Central India and Eastern Ghats) Iphigenia, Podochilus cultratus-Ponerorchis chusua-Rhynchostylis retusa enriched MahaMandal Kand, Platanthera edgeworthii-Platanthera urceolata-Platanthera clavigera-Pinalia bipunctata enriched Hanuman Kand , Thelasis longifolia-Dryopteris juxtaposita-Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Satyrium nepalense-Spiranthes spiralis-Stelis biflora-Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera-Pholidota imbricata-Phaius tancarvilleae-Phaius flavus-Pholidota articulata-Peristylus tentaculatus enriched Vishalya Karani, Rhomboda abbreviata-Pleione praecox-Pteroceras teres-Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Taeniophyllum scaberulum-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva enrichedJagmandal Kand, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Vandopsis undulata-Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Schoenorchis gemmata-Smitinandia micrantha-Trichotosia dasyphylla-Uncifera acuminata-Berberis asiatica-Porpax-Pinalia graminifolia-Pholidota pallida-Pinalia excavata enriched Sandhani, Tainia minor-Adiantum venustum-Artemisia indica-Platanthera biermanniana-Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Indrayav-Avartaki-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Mecodium exsertum-Wild Black Curcuma enriched Bhejri and Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva-Pholidota protracta enriched Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Purified (Through Vedic Methods adopted by the Traditional Healers of Central India and Eastern Ghats) Ipomoea, Podochilus cultratus-Ponerorchis chusua-Rhynchostylis retusa enriched MahaMandal Kand, Platanthera edgeworthii-Platanthera urceolata-Platanthera clavigera-Pinalia bipunctata enriched Hanuman Kand , Thelasis longifolia-Dryopteris juxtaposita-Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Satyrium nepalense-Spiranthes spiralis-Stelis biflora-Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera-Pholidota imbricata-Phaius tancarvilleae-Phaius flavus-Pholidota articulata-Peristylus tentaculatus enriched Vishalya Karani, Rhomboda abbreviata-Pleione praecox-Pteroceras teres-Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Taeniophyllum scaberulum-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva enrichedJagmandal Kand, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Vandopsis undulata-Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Schoenorchis gemmata-Smitinandia micrantha-Trichotosia dasyphylla-Uncifera acuminata-Berberis asiatica-Porpax-Pinalia graminifolia-Pholidota pallida-Pinalia excavata enriched Sandhani, Tainia minor-Adiantum venustum-Artemisia indica-Platanthera biermanniana-Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Indrayav-Avartaki-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Mecodium exsertum-Wild Black Curcuma enriched Bhejri and Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva-Pholidota protracta enriched Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Purified (Through Vedic Methods adopted by the Traditional Healers of Central India and Eastern Ghats) Iresine, Podochilus cultratus-Ponerorchis chusua-Rhynchostylis retusa enriched MahaMandal Kand, Platanthera edgeworthii-Platanthera urceolata-Platanthera clavigera-Pinalia bipunctata enriched Hanuman Kand , Thelasis longifolia-Dryopteris juxtaposita-Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Satyrium nepalense-Spiranthes spiralis-Stelis biflora-Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera-Pholidota imbricata-Phaius tancarvilleae-Phaius flavus-Pholidota articulata-Peristylus tentaculatus enriched Vishalya Karani, Rhomboda abbreviata-Pleione praecox-Pteroceras teres-Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Taeniophyllum scaberulum-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva enrichedJagmandal Kand, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Vandopsis undulata-Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Schoenorchis gemmata-Smitinandia micrantha-Trichotosia dasyphylla-Uncifera acuminata-Berberis asiatica-Porpax-Pinalia graminifolia-Pholidota pallida-Pinalia excavata enriched Sandhani, Tainia minor-Adiantum venustum-Artemisia indica-Platanthera biermanniana-Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Indrayav-Avartaki-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Mecodium exsertum-Wild Black Curcuma enriched Bhejri and Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva-Pholidota protracta enriched Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Purified (Through Vedic Methods adopted by the Traditional Healers of Central India and Eastern Ghats) Iris, Podochilus cultratus-Ponerorchis chusua-Rhynchostylis retusa enriched MahaMandal Kand, Platanthera edgeworthii-Platanthera urceolata-Platanthera clavigera-Pinalia bipunctata enriched Hanuman Kand , Thelasis longifolia-Dryopteris juxtaposita-Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Satyrium nepalense-Spiranthes spiralis-Stelis biflora-Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera-Pholidota imbricata-Phaius tancarvilleae-Phaius flavus-Pholidota articulata-Peristylus tentaculatus enriched Vishalya Karani, Rhomboda abbreviata-Pleione praecox-Pteroceras teres-Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Taeniophyllum scaberulum-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva enrichedJagmandal Kand, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Vandopsis undulata-Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Schoenorchis gemmata-Smitinandia micrantha-Trichotosia dasyphylla-Uncifera acuminata-Berberis asiatica-Porpax-Pinalia graminifolia-Pholidota pallida-Pinalia excavata enriched Sandhani, Tainia minor-Adiantum venustum-Artemisia indica-Platanthera biermanniana-Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Indrayav-Avartaki-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Mecodium exsertum-Wild Black Curcuma enriched Bhejri and Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva-Pholidota protracta enriched Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Purified (Through Vedic Methods adopted by the Traditional Healers of Central India and Eastern Ghats) Isachne, Podochilus cultratus-Ponerorchis chusua-Rhynchostylis retusa enriched MahaMandal Kand, Platanthera edgeworthii-Platanthera urceolata-Platanthera clavigera-Pinalia bipunctata enriched Hanuman Kand , Thelasis longifolia-Dryopteris juxtaposita-Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Satyrium nepalense-Spiranthes spiralis-Stelis biflora-Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera-Pholidota imbricata-Phaius tancarvilleae-Phaius flavus-Pholidota articulata-Peristylus tentaculatus enriched Vishalya Karani, Rhomboda abbreviata-Pleione praecox-Pteroceras teres-Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Taeniophyllum scaberulum-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva enrichedJagmandal Kand, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Vandopsis undulata-Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Schoenorchis gemmata-Smitinandia micrantha-Trichotosia dasyphylla-Uncifera acuminata-Berberis asiatica-Porpax-Pinalia graminifolia-Pholidota pallida-Pinalia excavata enriched Sandhani, Tainia minor-Adiantum venustum-Artemisia indica-Platanthera biermanniana-Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Indrayav-Avartaki-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Mecodium exsertum-Wild Black Curcuma enriched Bhejri and Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva-Pholidota protracta enriched Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Purified (Through Vedic Methods adopted by the Traditional Healers of Central India and Eastern Ghats) Ischaemum, Podochilus cultratus-Ponerorchis chusua-Rhynchostylis retusa enriched MahaMandal Kand, Platanthera edgeworthii-Platanthera urceolata-Platanthera clavigera-Pinalia bipunctata enriched Hanuman Kand , Thelasis longifolia-Dryopteris juxtaposita-Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Satyrium nepalense-Spiranthes spiralis-Stelis biflora-Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera-Pholidota imbricata-Phaius tancarvilleae-Phaius flavus-Pholidota articulata-Peristylus tentaculatus enriched Vishalya Karani, Rhomboda abbreviata-Pleione praecox-Pteroceras teres-Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Taeniophyllum scaberulum-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva enrichedJagmandal Kand, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Vandopsis undulata-Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Schoenorchis gemmata-Smitinandia micrantha-Trichotosia dasyphylla-Uncifera acuminata-Berberis asiatica-Porpax-Pinalia graminifolia-Pholidota pallida-Pinalia excavata enriched Sandhani, Tainia minor-Adiantum venustum-Artemisia indica-Platanthera biermanniana-Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Indrayav-Avartaki-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Mecodium exsertum-Wild Black Curcuma enriched Bhejri and Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva-Pholidota protracta enriched Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Purified (Through Vedic Methods adopted by the Traditional Healers of Central India and Eastern Ghats) Jatropha, Podochilus cultratus-Ponerorchis chusua-Rhynchostylis retusa enriched MahaMandal Kand, Platanthera edgeworthii-Platanthera urceolata-Platanthera clavigera-Pinalia bipunctata enriched Hanuman Kand , Thelasis longifolia-Dryopteris juxtaposita-Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Satyrium nepalense-Spiranthes spiralis-Stelis biflora-Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera-Pholidota imbricata-Phaius tancarvilleae-Phaius flavus-Pholidota articulata-Peristylus tentaculatus enriched Vishalya Karani, Rhomboda abbreviata-Pleione praecox-Pteroceras teres-Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Taeniophyllum scaberulum-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva enrichedJagmandal Kand, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Vandopsis undulata-Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Schoenorchis gemmata-Smitinandia micrantha-Trichotosia dasyphylla-Uncifera acuminata-Berberis asiatica-Porpax-Pinalia graminifolia-Pholidota pallida-Pinalia excavata enriched Sandhani, Tainia minor-Adiantum venustum-Artemisia indica-Platanthera biermanniana-Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Indrayav-Avartaki-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Mecodium exsertum-Wild Black Curcuma enriched Bhejri and Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva-Pholidota protracta enriched Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Purified (Through Vedic Methods adopted by the Traditional Healers of Central India and Eastern Ghats) Juglans, Podochilus cultratus-Ponerorchis chusua-Rhynchostylis retusa enriched MahaMandal Kand, Platanthera edgeworthii-Platanthera urceolata-Platanthera clavigera-Pinalia bipunctata enriched Hanuman Kand , Thelasis longifolia-Dryopteris juxtaposita-Salsola collina-Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Satyrium nepalense-Spiranthes spiralis-Stelis biflora-Ficus benghalensis-Blumea lacera-Pholidota imbricata-Phaius tancarvilleae-Phaius flavus-Pholidota articulata-Peristylus tentaculatus enriched Vishalya Karani, Rhomboda abbreviata-Pleione praecox-Pteroceras teres-Cyathula capitata-Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Dicliptera bupleuroides-Taeniophyllum scaberulum-Shorea robusta enriched Suvarna Karani, Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva enrichedJagmandal Kand, Chenopodium foliosum-Moringa enriched Atasi, Vandopsis undulata-Amaranthus caudatus-Entada enriched Abhaya, Schoenorchis gemmata-Smitinandia micrantha-Trichotosia dasyphylla-Uncifera acuminata-Berberis asiatica-Porpax-Pinalia graminifolia-Pholidota pallida-Pinalia excavata enriched Sandhani, Tainia minor-Adiantum venustum-Artemisia indica-Platanthera biermanniana-Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Indrayav-Avartaki-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Mecodium exsertum-Wild Black Curcuma enriched Bhejri and Platanthera bakeriana-Pinalia amica-Pinalia acervata-Platanthera arcuata-Pholidota recurva-Pholidota protracta enriched Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTOB) when modern medicines fail- From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .

 Purified (Shodhit) Calytrix tenuifolia (Meisn.) Benth. -- Flora Australiensis 3 1867 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Calytrix tenuifolia var. rigidior Benth. -- Flora Australiensis 3 1867 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Calytrix tenuifolia var. tenuifolia (Meisn.) Benth. -- Flora Australiensis 3 1867 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Calytrix tenuiramea Turcz. -- Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou xxii. (1849) II. 20. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Calytrix tenuiramea (Turcz.) Benth. -- Flora Australiensis 3 1867 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Calytrix tetragona Labill. -- Novae Hollandiae Plantarum Specimen 2 1806 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Calytrix tetragona Labill. -- Nov. Holl. Pl. 2: 8, t. 146. 1806 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Calytrix tetragonophylla Meisn. -- J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. 1: 47. 1856 [1857 publ. 1856] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Calytrix tetraptera DC. -- Prodromus 3 1828 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Calytrix tetraptera DC. -- Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 3: 208. 1828 [mid Mar 1828] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Calytrix truncata A.Cunn. -- Hooker's Journal of Botany 4 1841 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Calytrix truncatifolia Craven -- Brunonia 10(1): 103 (1987). (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Calytrix truncatifolia Craven -- Brunonia 10(1) 1987 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Calytrix uncinata Craven -- Austral. Syst. Bot. 3(4): 719 (1990). (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Calytrix uncinata Craven -- Austral. Syst. Bot. 3(4) 1990 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Calytrix variabilis Lindl. -- Sketch Veg. Swan R. 5. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Calytrix variabilis Lindl. -- Edwards's Botanical Register - Appendix to Vols 1-23: A Sketch of the Vegetation of the Swan River Colony 1839 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Calytrix verruculosa Craven -- Brunonia 10(1): 51 (1987). (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Calytrix verruculosa Craven -- Brunonia 10(1) 1987 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Calytrix verticillata Craven -- Brunonia 3(2): 225 (1980). (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Calytrix verticillata Craven -- Brunonia 1980 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Calytrix violacea (Lindl.) Craven -- Brunonia 10(1) 1987 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Calytrix violacea (Lindl.) Craven -- Brunonia 10(1): 119 (1987):. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Calytrix virgata A.Cunn. -- Curtis's Botanical Magazine 61 1834 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Calytrix virgata A.Cunn. -- Bot. Mag. 61: sub t. 3323. 1834 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Calytrix viscida Rye -- Nuytsia 23: 486. 2013 [21 Nov 2013] [epublished]

Purified (Shodhit) Calytrix warburtonensis Craven -- Brunonia 10(1): 34 (1987). (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Calytrix warburtonensis Craven -- Brunonia 10(1) 1987 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Calytrix watsonii (F.Muell. & Tate) C.A.Gardner -- Enumeratio Plantarum Australiae Occidentalis 1930 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Calytrix wickhamiana S.Moore -- J. Linn. Soc., Bot. xlv. 198 (1920). (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Calytrix wickhamiana S.Moore -- Journal of the Linnean Society, Botany 45 1920 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Cambea Endl. -- Gen. Pl. [Endlicher] 1234, in syn., sphalm. 1840 [Aug 1840] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Camphoromyrtus Schauer -- Linnaea 17: 240. 1843 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Camphoromyrtus Schauer -- Linnaea 17 1843 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Camphoromyrtus behrii Schltdl. -- Linnaea 20 1847 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Camphoromyrtus behrii Schltdl. -- Linnaea 20: 651. 1847 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Camphoromyrtus brownii Schauer -- Linnaea 17 1843 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Camphoromyrtus brownii Schauer -- Linnaea 17: 240. 1843 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Camphoromyrtus crenulata F.Muell. -- Definitions of rare or hitherto undescribed Australian plants 1855 = Transactions and Proceedings of the Victorian Institute for the Advancement of Science (10 Sep. 1855) 123 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Camphoromyrtus crenulata F.Muell. -- Trans. & Proc. Victorian Inst. Advancem. Sci. i. (1855) 123. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Camphoromyrtus pluriflora F.Muell. -- Trans. & Proc. Victorian Inst. Advancem. Sci. i. (1855) 123. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Camphoromyrtus pluriflora F.Muell. -- Definitions of rare or hitherto undescribed Australian plants 1855 = Transactions and Proceedings of the Victorian Institute for the Advancement of Science (10 Sep. 1855) 123 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia Ruiz & Pav. -- Fl. Peruv. Prodr. 72, t. 13. 1794 [early Oct 1794] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia Ruiz & Pav. -- Fl. Peruv. Prodr. 72, t. 13. 1794 [Oct (prim.) 1794] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia subsect. Apertae Mattos -- Loefgrenia 99: 5 (1990). (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia sect. Apertae Mattos -- Loefgrenia 99: 4 (1990). (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia subsect. Dichotomae Mattos -- Loefgrenia 99: 5 (1990). (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia subsect. Sessiliflorae Mattos -- Loefgrenia 99: 5 (1990), without latin descr. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia acrandroides Mattos -- Loefgrenia 90: 4 (1986), nom. nov. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia adamantium Blume -- Mus. Bot. 1(5): 72. 1850 [1 May 1849 publ. Apr 1850] ; nom. inval. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia adamantium (Cambess.) O.Berg -- Linnaea 27(Heft 4): 434. 1856 [Feb 1856]

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia adamantium Blume var. nana (D.Legrand) Mattos -- Loefgrenia 116: 3. 2001 [Sep 2001]

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia affinis O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 446. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia affinis O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 446. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia albiflora Rojas Acosta -- Cat. Hist. Nat. Corrientes 62 (1897). (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia anemonea Landrum -- Brittonia 53(4): 536 (-538; fig. 2). 2001 [28 Feb 2002] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia anemonea Landrum -- Brittonia 53(4): 536. 2002 [2001 publ. 2002] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia apaensis Barb.Rodr. -- Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 7: 800. 1907 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia apaensis Barb.Rodr. ex Chodat & Hassl. -- Bull. Herb. Boissier Ser. II. vii. 800 (1907), nomen. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia apiculata Barb.Rodr. -- Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 7: 800. 1907 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia apiculata Barb.Rodr. ex Chodat & Hassl. -- Bull. Herb. Boissier Ser. II. vii. 800 (1907), Bomen. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia aprica O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 459. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia arenaria O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 448. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia aromatica (Aubl.) Griseb. -- Fl. Brit. W.I. [Grisebach] [3]: 242. 1860 [late 1860] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia aurea O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 454. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia aurea O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 454. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia australis O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 445. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia beaurepairiana Kiaersk. -- Enum. Myrt. Bras. 15, pl. 12, fig. a. 1893 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia beaurepairiana Kiaersk. -- Enum. Myrt. Bras. (1893) 15. [Oct-Nov 1893] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia blanchetiana Landrum & M.Ibrahim -- J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 4(2): 604 (603-607; figs. 1-2). 2010 [23 Nov 2010]

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia bracteolata Kiaersk. -- Enum. Myrt. Bras. 10, pl. 1, fig. d. 1893 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia bracteolata Kiaersk. -- Enum. Myrt. Bras. (1893) 10. [Oct-Nov 1893] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia bullata Chodat & Hassl. -- Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 7: 801. 1907 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia bullata Barb.Rodr. ex Chodat & Hassl. -- Bull. Herb. Boissier Ser. II. vii. 801 (1907). (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia caerulea O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 455, t. 6, fig. 144. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia caerulea O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 455. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia caerulescens O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 612. 1859 [15 Jan 1859] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia cagaiteira Kiaersk. -- Enum. Myrt. Bras. (1893) 12. [Oct-Nov 1893] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia cagaiteira Kiaersk. -- Enum. Myrt. Bras. 12, pl. 1, fig. e. 1893 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia cambessedeana O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 457. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia cambessedeana var. nana D.Legrand -- Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 10: 8, fig. 2E. 1962 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia cambessedeana var. pyriformis Mattos -- Loefgrenia 32: [1]. 1969 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia campestris (Cambess.) D.Legrand -- Notul. Syst. (Paris) 15: 273. 1958 ; nom. illeg. (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia campestris Blume -- Mus. Bot. 1(5): 72. 1850 [1 May 1849 publ. Apr 1850] ; nom. inval. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia campestris O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 440 (-441). 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia campestris (Cambess.) D.Legrand -- Notul. Syst. (Paris) 15: 273. 1958 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia cavalcantina Soares-Silva & Proença -- Kew Bull. 65(3): 464 (-466; fig. 1). 2011 [2010 publ. Jan 2011]

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia cerasoides A.Gray -- U.S. Expl. Exped., Phan. 15: 549. 1854 ; C. Wilkes Expl. Exped. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia cerasoides (Cambess.) Mattos -- Loefgrenia 90: 4 (1986):. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia chrysophylla (O.Berg) Nied. (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia chrysophylla Nied. -- Nat. Pflanzenfam. [Engler & Prantl] 3, Abt. 7: 73. 1893 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia chrysophylla Nied. -- Nat. Pflanzenfam. [Engler & Prantl] iii. 7. (1893) 73. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia ciliata O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 453. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia ciliata O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 453. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia coaetanea O.Berg in Mart. (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia coaetanea O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 444. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia cornifolia Kunth -- Nov. Gen. Sp. [H.B.K.] vi. 150. t. 147. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia corymbosa Blume -- Mus. Bot. 1(5): 72. 1850 [1 May 1849 publ. Apr 1850] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

* Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia costata M.Ibrahim & Landrum -- Phytotaxa 149(1): 20. 2013 [2 Dec 2013] [epublished]

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia crassifolia Benth. -- Bot. Voy. Sulphur [Bentham] 97, t. 37. 1844 [26 Oct 1844] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia crassifolia Benth. (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia crenata O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 456. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia cucullata Proença & L.V.S.Jenn. -- Brittonia 63(1): 47 (-49; fig. 1). 2011 [1 Mar 2011]

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia cuneata O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 446. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia cuneata O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 446 (-447). 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia cyanea O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 454. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia cyanea O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 454 (-455). 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia cyanea var. cordata O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 454, t. 50. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia cyanea O.Berg var. ovata O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 454, t. 6, fig. 146 & t. 50. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia cyanea var. ovata O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 454, t. 6, fig. 146 & t. 50. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia dardano-limai Mattos & D.Legrand -- Loefgrenia 67: 10. 1975 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia dardano-limai Mattos & D.Legrand -- Loefgrenia no. 67: 10 (-11). 1975 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia dentata O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 457. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia desertorum O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 450. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia dichotoma (O.Berg) Mattos -- Loefgrenia No. 26, 28 (1967). (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia dichotoma (O.Berg) Mattos -- Loefgrenia no. 26: 28. 1967 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia dimorpha O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 609. 1859 [15 Jan 1859] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia discolor O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 439. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia discolor O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 439 (-440), t. 6, fig. 145. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia discolor O.Berg var. alternifolia O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 440. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia discolor O.Berg var. oppositifolia O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 440, t. 6, fig. 145. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia discolor O.Berg var. oppositifolia O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 440. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia discolor O.Berg var. paranensis (D.Legrand) Mattos -- Loefgrenia 110: 1 (1997):. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia diversifolia Barb.Rodr. -- Myrt. Paraguay 18. 1903 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia diversifolia Barb.Rodr. -- Myrt. Paraguay 18, pl. 23. 1903 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia dulcis (Vell.) J.F.Macbr. -- Candollea 5: 394. 1934 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia dulcis (Vell.) J.F.Macbr. -- Candollea v. 394 (1934). (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia dusenii Kausel -- Lilloa 33(6): 100. 1972 [1971 publ. 1972] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia dusenii Kausel -- Lilloa 33: 100, fig. 1972. 1971 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia eriantha Blume -- Mus. Bot. 1(5): 72. 1850 [1 May 1849 publ. Apr 1850] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia erosa (Miq.) Govaerts -- World Checkl. Seed Pl. 3(1): 12 (1999):. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia espiritosantensis Landrum -- Brittonia 39(2): 245 (1987). (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia espiritosantensis Landrum -- Brittonia 39: 245 (-246), fig. 1987 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia eugenioides D.Legrand -- Fl. Ilustr. Catarin. 1(Mirt.): 613. 1977 ; nom. inval. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia eugenioides Blume -- Mus. Bot. 1(5): 72. 1850 [1 May 1849 publ. Apr 1850] ; nom. inval. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia eugenioides D.Legrand -- Notul. Syst. (Paris) 15(3): 274. 1958 [Dec 1958] ; nom. inval. (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia eugenioides D.Legrand -- Notul. Syst. (Paris) 15: 274. 1958 ; nom. inval. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia eugenioides (Cambess.) D.Legrand ex Landrum -- Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 45: 28. 1986 [4 Nov 1986]

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia eugenioides D.Legrand -- Fl. Ilustr. Catarin. MIRT: 613. 1977 ; nom. inval. (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia eugenioides Blume var. desertorum (Mart. ex DC.) Landrum -- Brittonia 36(3): 241. 1984 [11 Oct 1984] ; nom. inval. (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia eugenioides (Cambess.) D.Legrand ex Landrum var. desertorum (Mart. ex DC.) Landrum -- Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 45: 30. 1986 [4 Nov 1986]

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia eugenioides (Cambess.) D.Legrand ex Landrum var. desertorum (Mart. ex DC.) Landrum -- Brittonia 36(3): 241 (1984):. ; nom. inval. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia fenzliana Glaz. -- Bull. Soc. Bot. France 54(Mém. 3c): 206. 1908 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia fluminensis Mattos -- Loefgrenia No. 26, 37 (1967). (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia fluminensis Mattos -- Loefgrenia 26: 37. 1967 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia fruticosa O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 458. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia fusca O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 447. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia fusca var. erosa (Miq.) O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 447. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia fusca var. erosa (Miq.) O.Berg in Mart. (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia fusca var. integra O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 447. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia fusca var. integra O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 447. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia fusca var. stricta O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 448. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia fusca var. subtriflora O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 448. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia gardneriana O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 455. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia glabra O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 450. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia glabra Benth. -- J. Bot. (Hooker) 2: 319. 1840 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia glareophila Barb.Rodr. ex Chodat & Hassl. -- Bull. Herb. Boissier Ser. II. vii. 800 (1907), nomen. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia glareophila Barb.Rodr. -- Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 7: 800. 1907 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia glazioviana Kiaersk. -- Enum. Myrt. Bras. (1893) 16. [Oct-Nov 1893] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia glazioviana Kiaersk. -- Enum. Myrt. Bras. 16, pl. 13, fig. b. 1893 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia goetheana Hemsl. -- Biol. Cent.-Amer., Bot. i. 407. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia gomesiana Handro & Mattos -- Loefgrenia no. 25: 1. 1967 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia gomesiana Handro & Mattos -- Loefgrenia No. 25, 1 (1967). (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia gracilis Kausel -- Lilloa 33: 101, fig. 1972 1971 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia gracilis Kausel -- Lilloa 33(6): 101. 1972 [1971 publ. 1972] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia grandiflora Sagot -- Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. sér. 6, 20: 182. 1885 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia guaviroba (DC.) Kiaersk. -- Enum. Myrt. Bras. 8. 1893 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia guaviroba (DC.) Kiaersk. -- Enum. Myrt. Bras. (1893) 8. [Oct-Nov 1893] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

* Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia guaviroba (DC.) Bertoni -- Bull. Soc. Natl. Acclim. France ser. 4, 4: 443. 1887 [Jul 1887]

* Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia guaviroba Benth. & Hook.f. -- Gen. Pl. [Bentham & Hooker f.] 1(2): 712. 1865 [19 Oct 1865] ; nom. inval. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia guaviroba (DC.) Kiaersk. var. insulae D.Legrand -- Fl. Ilustr. Catarin. 1(Mirt.): 595. 1977 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia guaviroba (DC.) Kiaersk. var. insulae D.Legrand -- Fl. Ilustr. Catarin. MIRT: 595. 1977 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia guaviroba (DC.) Kiaersk. var. itatiaeiae D.Legrand -- Fl. Ilustr. Catarin. MIRT: 592, fig. 1977 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia guaviroba (DC.) Kiaersk. var. itatiaiae D.Legrand -- Fl. Ilustr. Catarin. 1(Mirt.): 592. 1977 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia guazumifolia (Cambess.) O.Berg (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia guazumifolia (Cambess.) O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 457 (-458). 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia guazumifolia Blume -- Mus. Bot. 1(5): 72. 1850 [1 May 1849 publ. Apr 1850] ; nom. inval. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia guazumifolia (Cambess.) O.Berg var. grisea (Cambess.) O.Berg (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia guazumifolia (Cambess.) O.Berg var. grisea (Cambess.) O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 458. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia guazumifolia (Cambess.) O.Berg var. rubiginosa O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 458. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia hassleri Barb.Rodr. -- Myrt. Paraguay 19. 1903 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia hassleri Barb.Rodr. -- Myrt. Paraguay 19, pl. 24. 1903 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia hatschbachii Mattos -- Loefgrenia No. 7, 1 (1962). (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia heterophylla O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 440. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia heterophylla O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 440. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia hirsuta Gardner -- London J. Bot. 2: 353. 1843 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia houlletii O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 449. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia houlletti O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 449. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia hypoleuca hort. ex Gentil -- Pl. Cult. Serres Jard. Bot. Brux. 45 (1907), nomen. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia igatimiensis Barb.Rodr. -- Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 7: 800. 1907 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia igatimiensis Barb.Rodr. ex Chodat & Hassl. -- Bull. Herb. Boissier Ser. II. vii. 800 (1907), nomen. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia ilhoensis Mattos -- Loefgrenia no. 66: 3. 1975 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia ilhoensis Mattos -- Loefgrenia 66: 3. 1975 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia itanarensis Kiaersk. -- Enum. Myrt. Bras. 8. 1893 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia itanarensis Kiaersk. -- Enum. Myrt. Bras. (1893) 8; et ex Engl. et Prantl. Naturl. Pflanzenfam. iii. 7.(1893) 73. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia kiaerskoviana Mattos -- Loefgrenia No. 26, 40 (1967). (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia kiaerskoviana Mattos -- Loefgrenia 26: 37. 1967 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia kiaerskoviana Mattos var. impresso-venosa Mattos -- Loefgrenia no. 26: 42. 1967 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia lanceolata O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 612. 1859 [15 Jan 1859] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia lancifolia Barb.Rodr. -- Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 7: 800. 1907 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia lancifolia Barb.Rodr. ex Chodat & Hassl. -- Bull. Herb. Boissier Ser. II. vii. 800 (1907), nomen. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia langsdorffii O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 610. 1859 [15 Jan 1859] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia laurifolia Gardner -- London J. Bot. 2: 353. 1843 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia lineatifolia Ruiz & Pav. -- Fl. Peruv. [Ruiz & Pavon] 4: t. 422. ; Syst. 128 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia littoralis D.Legrand -- Sellowia no. 13: 335. 1961 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia littoralis D.Legrand -- Sellowia 13: 355. 1961 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia littoralis D.Legrand -- Sellowia 13: 335. 1961 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia lundiana (Kiaersk.) Mattos -- Loefgrenia No. 26, 35 (1967). (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia lundiana (Kiaersk.) Mattos -- Loefgrenia no. 26: 35. 1967 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia macrobracteolata Landrum -- Brittonia 53(4): 534. 2002 [2001 publ. 2002] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia macrobracteolata Landrum -- Brittonia 53(4): 534 (-538; fig. 1). 2001 [28 Feb 2002] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia malifolia O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 452. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia malifolia O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 452. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia malifolia O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 452. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia malifolia O.Berg (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia maracayuensis Barb.Rodr. -- Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 7: 800. 1907 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia maracayuensis Barb.Rodr. ex Chad. & Hassl. -- Bull. Herb. Boissier Ser. II. vii. 800 (1907), nomen. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia martiana O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 610. 1859 [15 Jan 1859] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia martiana O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 610. 1859 [15 Jan 1859] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia maschalantha (O.Berg) Kiaersk. (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia maschalantha (O.Berg) Kiaersk. -- Enum. Myrt. Bras. 8. 1893 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia maschalantha Kiaersk. -- ex Engl. et Prantl. Naturl. Pflanzenfam. (1893) 8. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia mediterranea O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 458. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia microcarpa O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 455. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia mollicarpa Barb.Rodr. ex Chodat & Hassl. -- Bull. Herb. Boissier Ser. II. vii. 800 (1907), nomen. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia mollicarpa Barb.Rodr. -- Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 7: 800. 1907 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia montana D.Legrand -- Fl. Ilustr. Catarin. MIRT: 616 (-618), figs. 1977 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia montana D.Legrand -- Fl. Ilustr. Catarin. 1(Mirt.): 616. 1977 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia multiflora Blume -- Mus. Bot. 1(5): 72. 1850 [1 May 1849 publ. Apr 1850] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia neriiflora (O.Berg) Nied. -- Nat. Pflanzenfam. [Engler & Prantl] iii. 7. (1893) 73. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia neriiflora (O.Berg) Nied. -- Nat. Pflanzenfam. [Engler & Prantl] 3(Abt. 7, lief. 81): 73. 1893 [Apr 1893] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia neriifolia (O.Berg) Nied. -- , a sphalm.: use C. neriiflora. (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia nitidifolia Barb.Rodr. ex Chodat & Hassl. -- Bull. Herb. Boissier Ser. II. vii. 800 (1907), nomen. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia nitidifolia Barb.Rodr. -- Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 7: 800. 1907 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia obscura O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 451. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia obscura O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 451. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia obversa O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 445. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia obversa var. angustifolia O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 446. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia obversa var. angustifolia O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 446. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia obversa var. latifolia O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 445. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia obversa var. latifolia O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 445. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia obversa var. perforata O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 446. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia ovalifolia O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 452. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia ovalifolia var. venulosa O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 611. 1859 [15 Jan 1859] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia pabstiana Mattos & D.Legrand -- Loefgrenia no. 67: 11. 1975 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia pabstiana Mattos & D.Legrand -- Loefgrenia 67: 11. 1975 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia paraguayensis Barb.Rodr. ex Chodat & Hassl. -- Bull. Herb. Boissier Ser. II. vii. 800 (1907), nomen. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia paraguayensis Barb.Rodr. -- Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 7: 800. 1907 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia paranensis D.Legrand -- Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 10: 7, fig. 2C-D. 1962 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia paranensis D.Legrand -- Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. x. 7 (1962). (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia phaea (O.Berg) Landrum -- Brittonia 36: 241. 1984 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia phaea (O.Berg) Mattos -- Loefgrenia 90: 4 (1986):. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia phaea (O.Berg) Landrum -- Brittonia 36(3): 241 (1984):. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia phaea (O.Berg) Landrum var. lauroana (Mattos) Mattos -- Loefgrenia 110: 1 (1997):. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia pohliana O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 441. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia pohliana O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 441. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia poiteaui O.Berg -- Linnaea 27: 432. 1856 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia prosthecesepala Kiaersk. -- Enum. Myrt. Bras. (1893) 11. [Oct-Nov 1893] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia prosthecesepala Kiaersk. -- Enum. Myrt. Bras. 13, pl. 1, fig. f. 1893 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia psidioides Nied. -- Nat. Pflanzenfam. [Engler & Prantl] iii. 7. (1893) 73. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia psidioides Nied. -- Nat. Pflanzenfam. [Engler & Prantl] 3, Abt. 7: 73. 1893 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia pubescens O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 443. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia pubescens var. coarctata O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 443. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia pubescens var. effusa O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 443. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia punctulata (O.Berg) Mattos & D.Legrand -- Loefgrenia 67: 11. 1975 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia punctulata (O.Berg) Mattos & D.Legrand -- Loefgrenia no. 67: 11. 1975 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia rabeniana Kiaersk. -- Enum. Myrt. Bras. (1893) 11. [Oct-Nov 1893] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia rabeniana Kiaersk. -- Enum. Myrt. Bras. 11, pl. 2, fig. a. 1893 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia racemosa O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 458. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia recurvata (O.Berg) Nied. (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia recurvata Nied. -- Nat. Pflanzenfam. [Engler & Prantl] iii. 7(1893) 73. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia recurvata Nied. -- Nat. Pflanzenfam. [Engler & Prantl] 3, Abt. 7: 73. 1893 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia regeliana Kiaersk. -- Enum. Myrt. Bras. 8. 1893 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia regeliana Kiaersk. -- Enum. Myrt. Bras. (1893) 8 (Abbevillea Regeliana, Berg). [Oct-Nov 1893] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia reitziana D.Legrand -- Sellowia 8: 71. 1957 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia reitziana D.Legrand -- Sellowia 8: 71, tab. 1, 2. 1958 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia repanda O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 456. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia resinosa Barb.Rodr. -- Myrt. Paraguay 20. 1903 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia resinosa Barb.Rodr. -- Myrt. Paraguay 20, pl. 26. 1903 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia reticulata O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 439. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia rhombea O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 453. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia rhombea O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 453 (-454). 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia rhombea var. grandifolia O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 453. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia rhombea O.Berg var. kleinii D.Legrand -- Fl. Ilustr. Catarin. 1(Mirt.): 612. 1977 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia rhombea var. kleinii D.Legrand -- Fl. Ilustr. Catarin. MIRT: 612 (-613), figs. 1977 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia rhombea var. parvifolia O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 453. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia rhytidophylla O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 608. 1859 [15 Jan 1859] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia riedeliana O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 610. 1859 [15 Jan 1859] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia rivularis Nied. -- Nat. Pflanzenfam. [Engler & Prantl] iii. 7. (1893) 73. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia rivularis Nied. -- Nat. Pflanzenfam. [Engler & Prantl] 3, Abt. 7: 73. 1893 author= Engl. & Prantl. (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia rufa (O.Berg) Nied. (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia rufa Nied. -- Nat. Pflanzenfam. [Engler & Prantl] 3, Abt. 7: 73. 1893 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia rufa Nied. -- Nat. Pflanzenfam. [Engler & Prantl] iii. 7. (1893) 73. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia rugosa O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 439. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia rugosa var. lanuginosa Chodat & Hassl. -- Bull. Herb. Boissier 7: 800. 1907 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia rugosa var. lanuginosa Barb.Rodr. -- Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 7: 800. 1907 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia salviifolia O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 442. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia salviifolia O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 442. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia salviifolia O.Berg var. angustifolia (Miq.) O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 442. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia salviifolia O.Berg var. angustifolia (Miq.) O.Berg in Mart. (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia salviifolia O.Berg var. latifolia O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 442. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia schlechtendaliana (O.Berg) Nied. -- Nat. Pflanzenfam. [Engler & Prantl] iii. 7. (1893) 73. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia schlechtendaliana (O.Berg) Nied. -- Nat. Pflanzenfam. [Engler & Prantl] 3(Abt. 7, lief. 81): 73. 1893 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia schlechtendaliana (O.Berg) Nied. var. rugosa (O.Berg) Landrum -- Brittonia 36(3): 241 (1984):. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia schlechtendaliana (O.Berg) Nied. var. rugosa (O.Berg) Landrum -- Brittonia 36: 241. 1985 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia schultziana Mattos -- Loefgrenia 90: 4. 1986 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia sellowiana (O.Berg) Mattos -- Loefgrenia 90: 4 (1986):. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia sellowiana (O.Berg) Mattos -- Arq. Bot. Estado Sao Paulo 4(4-6): 260. 1970 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia sepalifolia Luber & M.Ibrahim -- Rodriguésia 68(5): 1785. 2017

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia sessiliflora (O.Berg) Mattos -- Loefgrenia No. 26, 26 (1967). (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia sessiliflora (O.Berg) Mattos -- Loefgrenia no. 26: 26. 1967 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia sessiliflora (O.Berg) Mattos var. bullata (Barb.Rodr.) Landrum -- Brittonia 36: 241. 1984 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia sessiliflora (O.Berg) Mattos var. bullata (Barb.Rodr.) Landrum -- Brittonia 36(3): 241 (1984):. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia sessiliflora (O.Berg) Mattos var. lanuginosa (Chodat & Hassl.) Landrum -- Brittonia 36: 241. 1984 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia sessiliflora (O.Berg) Mattos var. lanuginosa (Barb.Rodr. ex Chodat & Hassl.) Landrum -- Brittonia 36(3): 241 (1984):. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia simulans M.L.Kawas. -- Brittonia 52(2): 188 (2000). (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia simulans M.L.Kawas. -- Brittonia 52(2): 188 (-190; fig. 1). 2000 [18 Aug 2000] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia sparsiflora (DC.) Mattos -- Loefgrenia 90: 4 (1986):. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia sparsiflora (DC.) J.F.Macbr. -- Candollea v. 394 (1934). (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia sparsiflora J.F.Macbr. -- Candollea 5: 394. 1934 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia sparsiflora (DC.) Mattos -- Ci. & Cult. 19: 333. 1967 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia speciosa (Diels) McVaugh -- Publ. Field Columbian Mus., Bot. Ser. xiii. IV. 813 (1958). (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia speciosa (Diels) McVaugh -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 13(4): 813. 1958 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia stictopetala Kiaersk. -- Enum. Myrt. Bras. 8, pl. 1, fig. c. 1893 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia stictopetala Kiaersk. -- Enum. Myrt. Bras. (1893) 8. [Oct-Nov 1893] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia suaveolens Blume -- Mus. Bot. 1(5): 72. 1850 [1 May 1849 publ. Apr 1850] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia suffruticosa O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 448. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia suffruticosa O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 448. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia synchrona O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 444. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Campomanesia tenuifolia O.Berg -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 14(1): 452. 1857 [15 May 1857] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria macrostachya Nees -- Linnaea 9: 481. 1835 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria macrostachya Nees -- Linnaea 9: 481. 1835 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria maculata Hack. -- Oesterr. Bot. Z. 53: 516. 1903 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria maculata (McClure) C.D.Chu & C.S.Chao ex K.M.Lan -- Fl. Guizhouensis 5: 320 (1988), homonym;. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria maculata (McClure) C.D.Chu & C.S.Chao ex K.M.Lan -- see Hack. in Oesterr. Bot. Z. 53: 516. 1903 1988 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria maculata Hack. -- Oesterr. Bot. Z. 53: 69, 516. 1903 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria maculosa C.D.Chu & C.S.Chao -- J. Bamboo Res. 1: 30 (1981), without latin descr. or type;. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria maculosa C.D.Chu & C.S.Chao -- et in J. Nanjing Techn. Coll. Forest Prod. 1981(3): 34 (1981), with latin descr. & type. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria maculosa C.D.Chu & C.S.Chao var. breviligulata (Z.P.Wang & G.H.Ye) C.S.Chao & G.Y.Yang -- J. Bamboo Res. 13(1): 10 (1994):. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria madagascariensis A.Camus -- Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. 1924, xxx. 394. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria magnifica Nakai -- J. Jap. Bot. 1934, x. 577. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria magohukuana Koidz. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 7(2): 113. 1938 [30 May 1938] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria mairei Hack. -- ex Hand.-Mazz. Symb. Sin. Pt. vii. 1273 (1936). in obs. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria mairei Hack. ex Hand.-Mazz. -- Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-Naturwiss. Kl. lxii. 255 (1926), in obs. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria maling Gamble -- Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1912(3): 139. [3 Apr 1912] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria mannii Gamble -- Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta) vii. 26. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria marmorea Makino -- Descr. Prod. Forest. Japon (1900) 38, nomen. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria marojejyensis A.Camus -- Bull. Soc. Bot. France 97: 84. 1950 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria masamuneana (Makino) Murata -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 30(4-6): 138. 1979 [20 Dec 1979] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria masamuneana Makino -- J. Jap. Bot. vi. 5 (1929), in syn. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria matsumarae Hack. -- Bull. Herb. Boissier vii. 716. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria matsunoi Makino -- J. Jap. Bot. ii. 8 (1918), nomen. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria matsushimensis (Makino) Makino -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 10(4): 295. 1941 [1 Nov 1941] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria maudiae (Dunn) Keng f. -- in Techn. Bull. Nat. For. Res. Bur. China No. 8 (Prelim. Stud. Chin. Bamb.) 13(1948). as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria maximowiczii hort. ex Rivière & C.Rivière -- in Bull. Soc. Acclimat. Ser. III, v. (1878) 783. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria megalothyrsa Hand.-Mazz. -- ex Hand.-Mazz. Symb. Sin. Pt. vii. 1270 (1936). as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria megastachys Koidz. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 10(4): 260. 1941 [1 Nov 1941] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria melanostachys Hand.-Mazz. -- Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-Naturwiss. Kl. 1924, lxi. 23 (1925). as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria metake Siebold ex Miq. -- Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugduno-Batavi 2: 284. 1866 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria microclada Pilg. -- Symb. Antill. (Urban). 5(2): 289. 1907 [20 May 1907] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria microclada Pilg. -- Symb. Antill. (Urban). 5(2): 289. 1907 [20 May 1907] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria microphylla Munro -- Trans. Linn. Soc. London 26(1): 32. 1868 [5 Mar-11 Apr 1868] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria mikurensis Nakai -- J. Jap. Bot. 1935, xi. 3. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria minaguchii (Makino ex Koidz.) Koidz. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 4(1): 20. 1935 [30 Jan 1935] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria minomarsa Koidz. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 6(3): 217. 1937 [30 Sep 1937] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria mitinokuensis Koidz. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 9(2): 76. 1940 [10 Jun 1940] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria moliniformis Hochst. ex Munro -- Trans. Linn. Soc. London 26(1): 19. 1868 [5 Mar-11 Apr 1868] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria mollissima Koidz. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 4(3): 171, in syn. 1935 [1 Oct 1935] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria moreheadiana (F.M.Bailey) Domin -- Bibliotheca Botanica 89(4) 1928 = Bibliotheca Botanica Heft 85 (Dec. 1915) fig. 97 (p. 413) as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria mucronata Munro ex E.G.Camus -- Notul. Syst. (Paris) 2: 244. 1912 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria mucronata Munro ex E.G.Camus -- Notul. Syst. (Paris) 2: 244. 1912 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria multiflora Döll -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 2(3): 166. 1880 [1 Dec 1880] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria multiflora Döll -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 2(3): 166. 1880 [1 Dec 1880] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria multifloscula W.T.Lin -- Acta Phytotax. Sin. 26(3): 231 (1988). as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria multinervis W.T.Lin & Z.M.Wu -- J. S. China Agric. Univ. 11(3): 48 (1990). as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria multispicata Hack. -- Oesterr. Bot. Z. 53: 69, 516. 1903 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria multispicata Hack. -- Oesterr. Bot. Z. 53: 516. 1903 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria munsuensis Y.N.Lee -- Korean J. Pl. Taxon. 28(1): 33 (1998). as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria muramatsuana Koidz. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 4(2): 82. 1935 [30 May 1935] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria muricata hort. ex Gentil -- Pl. Cult. Serres Jard. Bot. Brux. 26 (1907), nomen. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria murielae Gamble -- Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1920(10): 344. [20 Dec 1920] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria muroiana Koidz. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 6(2): 67. 1937 [30 May 1937] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria musashiensis Nakai -- J. Jap. Bot. 1934, x. 578. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria naibunensis Hayata -- J. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo 30(Art. 1): 408. 1911 [20 Jun 1911] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria nakashimana Koidz. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 6(2): 67. 1937 [30 May 1937] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria nambuensis Koidz. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 10(3): 210. 1941 [1 Sep 1941] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria nana Makino -- Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 11: (160). 1897 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria nana Makino -- Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 11: 160. 1897 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria nanningensis Q.H.Dai -- J. Bamboo Res. 6(3): 35 (1987). as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria nanunica (McClure) C.D.Chu & C.S.Chao -- J. Bamboo Res. 1: 29 (1981):. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria nanunica (McClure) C.D.Chu & C.S.Chao -- J. Nanjing Technol. Coll. Forest Prod. 1980(3): 26. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria narihira Makino -- Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 11: (159). 1897 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria nebulosa Makino -- J. Jap. Bot. v. 9 (1928), in syn. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

* Purified Arundinaria nemorosa Rojas Acosta -- Cat. Hist. Nat. Corrientes 188 (1897). as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria niitakayamensis Hayata -- Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 21: 49. 1907 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria nikkoensis Nakai -- J. Jap. Bot. 1934, x. 578. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria nikkomontana Koidz. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 9(2): 77. 1940 [10 Jun 1940] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria nipponica Makino -- Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 14: 23. 1900 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria nitida Hort.Kew -- ex Kew Bull. Append ii. (1894) 33 nomen. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria nitida Mitford -- Gard. Chron. 1895, II. 186, nomen; et in Kew Bull. 1896, 20. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria nobilis Mitford -- Bamboo Garden 178. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria nobilis Mitford -- Bamb. Gard. 100. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria nuspicula (McClure) C.D.Chu & C.S.Chao -- J. Bamboo Res. 1: 14 (1981):. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria nuspicula (McClure) C.D.Chu & C.S.Chao -- Acta Phytotax. Sin. 18(1): 29. 1980 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria obtusata Hack. -- Oesterr. Bot. Z. 53: 516. 1903 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria obtusata Hack. -- Oesterr. Bot. Z. 53: 69, 516. 1903 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria ogamiensis Koidz. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 4(2): 82. 1935 [30 May 1935] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria oiwakensis Hayata -- Icon. Pl. Formosan. 6: 137. 1916 [25 Dec 1916] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria okadana (Makino) Nakai -- J. Jap. Bot. 1934, x. 570. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria oleosa (T.H.Wen) G.Y.Yang & C.S.Chao -- Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin 21(4): 514. 2001 ; isonym as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria oleosa (T.H.Wen) Demoly -- Bambou 7: 21 (1990):. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria orthotropoides (W.T.Lin) W.T.Lin -- J. Bamboo Res. 19(1): 8 (2000):. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria otayana Koidz. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 4(3): 162. 1935 [1 Oct 1935] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria owatarii Makino -- Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 21: 16. 1907 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria pallidiflora (McClure) T.H.Wen -- J. Bamboo Res. 5(2): 19 (1986):. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria palmata (hort. ex Burb.) Bean -- Trees & Shrubs Brit. Isles ed. 1, i. 218 (1914). as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria panda Keng -- Sinensia 7: 416. 1936 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria paniculata Makino -- Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 14: 50. 1900 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria pantlingii Gamble -- Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta) vii. 129. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria papuana K.Schum. & Lauterb. -- Fl. Schutzgeb. Südsee [Schumann & Lauterbach] 186. 1900 [1901 publ. Nov 1900] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria paraguayensis Kuntze -- Revis. Gen. Pl. 3[3]: 341. 1898 [28 Sep 1898] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria paraguayensis Kuntze -- Revis. Gen. Pl. 3[3]: 341. 1898 [28 Sep 1898] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria parviflora Trin. -- Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg, Sér. 6, Sci. Math., Seconde Pt. Sci. Nat. 3(2): 619 (-620). 1835 [Aug 1835] ; this is vol. 1 of the Sci. Nat. series; reprinted as Bambusaceas quasdam novas: 7 (-8). 1835. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria parviflora Trin. -- Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg, Sér. 6, Sci. Math., Seconde Pt. Sci. Nat. 3(2): 619 (-620). 1834 [Aug 1835] ; this is vol. 1 of the Sci. Nat. series; reprinted as Bambusaceas quasdam novas: 7 (-8). 1835. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria parvifolia Hack. ex Keng -- J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 1936, xxvi. 396. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria patula Pilg. -- Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 25(5): 719. 1898 [23 Dec 1898] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria patula Pilg. -- Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 25(5): 719. 1898 [23 Dec 1898] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria pauciflora Keng -- J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 1936, xxvi. 397. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria pedalis Keng -- J. Wash. Acad. Sci. xxxvi. 84 (1946). as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria perrieri A.Camus -- Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. 1924, xxx. 395. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria petelotii A.Camus -- Notul. Syst. (Paris) 14: 252. 1953 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria phalerata Koidz. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 4(1): 16. 1935 [30 Jan 1935] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria phar E.G.Camus -- Les Bambusees 37 (1913). as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria pinifolia Nees -- Fl. Bras. Enum. Pl. 2(1): 525. 1829 [Mar-Jun 1829] ; alt. title: Agrost. Bras. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria pinifolia Nees -- Fl. Bras. Enum. Pl. 2(1): 525. 1829 [Mar-Jun 1829] ; alt. title: Agrost. Bras. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria pittieri (Hack.) E.G.Camus -- Bambusees (Camus) 40. 1913 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria pittieri Hack. -- Oesterr. Bot. Z. 53: 516. 1903 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria pleniculmis Hand.-Mazz. -- Symb. Sin. Pt. vii. 1276 (1936). as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria polystachya Kurz ex Gamble -- Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta) vii. 7. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria praestantissima Koidz. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 6(4): 277. 1937 [15 Dec 1937] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria praeumbrans Koidz. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 10(1): 61. 1941 [30 Mar 1941] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria prainii Gamble -- Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta) vii. 21. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria prestoei (Munro) Hack. -- Oesterr. Bot. Z. 53: 516. 1903 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria prestoei Hack. -- Oesterr. Bot. Z. 53: 516. 1903 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria procera Wall. ex Munro -- Trans. Linn. Soc. London 26(1): 34. 1868 [5 Mar-11 Apr 1868] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria projecta W.T.Lin -- Guihaia 10(1): 16. 1990 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria pseudohindsii C.S.Chao & Q.H.Dai -- J. Bamboo Res. 1: 30 (1981), without latin descr. or type. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria pubescens Hack. -- Oesterr. Bot. Z. 53: 516. 1903 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria pubescens (Rupr.) Hack. -- Oesterr. Bot. Z. 53: 69, 516. 1903 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria pubescens Nakai -- J. Jap. Bot. 1934, x. 746. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria pubiannula W.T.Lin & Z.J.Feng -- Acta Phytotax. Sin. 30(6): 560 (1992). as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria pubiflora Keng -- Sinensia 7: 414. 1936 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria pumila Mitford -- Bamboo Garden 98 (1896). as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria purpurascens Hack. -- Bull. Herb. Boissier vii. 716. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria pusilla A.Chev. & A.Camus -- Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. 1921, xxvii. 450. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria pygmaea Kurz -- Teijsm. & Binn. Cat. Hort. Bogor. (1866) 19, nomen. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria pygmaea (Mitford) J.Houz. -- Bambou (Mons) ii. 276 (1908). as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria pygmaea Kurz ex Teijsm. & Binn. -- Cat. Pl. Bogor. 19. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria pygmaea (Miq.) Asch. & Graebn. -- Syn. Mitteleur. Fl. [Ascherson & Graebner] 2(1): 773. 1902 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria pygmaea (Mitford) J.Houz. var. disticha (Mitford) C.S.Chao & Renvoize -- Kew Bull. 44(2): 368. 1989 [24 Aug 1989] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria qingchengshanensis (Keng f. & T.P.Yi) D.Z.Li -- Novon 15(4): 600. 2005 [12 Dec 2005]

Purified Arundinaria quadrangula W.T.Lin & Z.J.Feng -- Acta Phytotax. Sin. 30(6): 559 (1992). as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria quadrangularis Makino -- Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 9: 71. 1895 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria quadrangularis Makino -- Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 9: 71. 1895 ; et Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) xiv (1900) 12 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria queko Hack. -- Oesterr. Bot. Z. 53: 74, in obs. 1903 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria racemiflora Hack. -- Oesterr. Bot. Z. 53: 516. 1903 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria racemosa Munro -- Trans. Linn. Soc. London 26(1): 17. 1868 [5 Mar-11 Apr 1868] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria radiata Rupr. -- Bambuseae 25. 1839 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria radiata Rupr. -- Bambuseae 25 (t. 15, fig. 9). 1839 [Sep-Dec 1839] ; preprint of Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg, Sér. 6, Sci. Math., Seconde Pt. Sci. Nat. 5(2, Bot.): 115. 1840; this is vol. 3 of the Sci. Nat. series. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria ragamowskii Pfitzer -- Mitt. Deutsch. Dendrol. Ges. 1902, 96 (1902). as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria ramosa Makino -- Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 14: 22. 1900 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria ramosa Makino var. suwekoana (Makino) Murata -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 30(4-6): 138. 1979 [20 Dec 1979] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria ramosa Makino f. tomikusensis (Nakai) Murata -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 30(4-6): 137. 1979 [20 Dec 1979] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria ramosissima Hack. -- Oesterr. Bot. Z. 53: 74. 1903 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria ramosissima Hack. -- Oesterr. Bot. Z. 53: 74. 1903 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria retropila Nakai -- J. Jap. Bot. 1934, x. 747. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria rhizantha Hack. -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 7: 323. 1909 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria rhizantha Hack. -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 7: 323. 1909 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria rhyncantha Koidz. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 4(2): 91, 161. 1935 [30 May 1935] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria rigidula E.G.Camus -- Notul. Syst. (Paris) 2: 243. 1912 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria rolloana Gamble -- Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta) vii. 24. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria rovellii E.G.Camus -- Bambus. 52 (1913). as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria rugata (T.H.Wen & S.Y.Chen) C.S.Chao & G.Y.Yang -- J. Bamboo Res. 13(1): 18 (1994):. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria sadoensis (Makino ex Koidz.) Koidz. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 4(1): 19. 1935 [30 Jan 1935] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria sadoensis (Makino ex Koidz.) Koidz. f. mitinokuensis (Koidz.) Murata -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 30(4-6): 141. 1979 [20 Dec 1979] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria sakaigunensis Koidz. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 10(4): 254. 1941 [1 Nov 1941] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria sakaii Nakai -- J. Jap. Bot. 1936, xii. 222. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria santanensis Koidz. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 4(3): 162. 1935 [1 Oct 1935] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria sasakiana (Makino) Nakai -- J. Jap. Bot. 1934, x. 572. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria sat Balansa -- J. Bot. (Morot) iv. (1890) 28. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria sawadai (Makino) Nakai -- J. Jap. Bot. 1934, x. 573. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria sawadai Makino -- J. Jap. Bot. iv. 3 (1927), in syn. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria scabriflora (McClure) C.D.Chu & C.S.Chao -- J. Bamboo Res. 1: 14 (1981):. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria scabriflora (McClure) C.D.Chu & C.S.Chao -- Acta Phytotax. Sin. 18(1): 29. 1980 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria scabriflora (McClure) C.D.Chu & C.S.Chao var. breviligulata (Z.P.Wang & G.H.Ye) N.H.Xia -- J. Trop. Subtrop. Bot. 17(4): 353. 2009 [Jul 2009]

Purified Arundinaria scandens Soderstr. & R.P.Ellis -- Smithsonian Contr. Bot. 72: 20 (1988). as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria schmidiana A.Camus -- Notul. Syst. (Paris) 14: 253. 1953 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria schomburgkii Benn. -- Trans. Linn. Soc. London 18(4): 562. 1841 [29 Jul-11 Aug 1841] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria schomburgkii Benn. -- cf. D.J. Mabberley in Taxon 1840 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria schomburgkii Benn. -- Jardine et al., Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 30(1): 15 (1981). 1840 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria schomburgkii Benn. -- Proc. Linn. Soc. London 1: 51. 1840 [3 Mar 1840} as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria schultzei Pilg. -- Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 52(1-2): 172. 1914 [24 Nov 1914] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria scopula (McClure) C.D.Chu & C.S.Chao -- J. Bamboo Res. 1: 30 (1981):. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria scopula (McClure) C.D.Chu & C.S.Chao -- J. Nanjing Technol. Coll. Forest Prod. 1980(3): 26. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria sedenicola Koidz. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 9(4): 229. 1940 [30 Nov 1940] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria setifera Pilg. -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 1: 145. 1905 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria setifera Pilg. -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 1: 145. 1905 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria setifera Hack. -- Oesterr. Bot. Z. 53: 73. 1903 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria setigera Hack. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria setigera Hack. -- Oesterr. Bot. Z. 53: 73. 1903 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria shinanoana Koidz. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 6(2): 67. 1937 [30 May 1937] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria shiobarensis Nakai -- J. Jap. Bot. 1934, x. 579. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria shiuyingiana L.C.Chia & But -- Kew Bull. 37(4): 591. 1983 [20 Jul 1983] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria siamensis Kurz ex Teijsm. & Binn. -- Cat. Pl. Bogor. 19. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria siamensis Kurz -- Teijsm. & Binn. Cat. Hort. Bogor. (1866) 19, nomen. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria sikokiana Koidz. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 10(4): 254. 1941 [1 Nov 1941] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria simoni Rivière & C.Rivière -- in Bull. Soc. Acclimat. Ser. III, v. (1878) 774. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria simpliciuscula Pilg. -- Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 56(2, Beibl. 123): 29. 1920 [23 Apr 1920] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria simpliciuscula Pilg. -- Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 56(2, Beibl. 123): 29. 1920 [23 Apr 1920] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria sinica Hance -- Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. sér. 4, 18: 235. 1862 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria siroyamensis (Makino ex Koidz.) Koidz. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 4(1): 19. 1935 [30 Jan 1935] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria sodiroana Hack. ex Sodiro -- Gram. Ecuat. (Anal. Univ. Quito, 1889) II, nomen. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria sodiroana Hack. -- Oesterr. Bot. Z. 53: 70. 1903 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria sodiroana Hack. -- Oesterr. Bot. Z. 53: 70. 1903 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria solida (S.Y.Chen) C.S.Chao & G.Y.Yang -- J. Bamboo Res. 13(1): 18 (1994):. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria sparsiflora Rendle -- J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 36: 436. 1904 [1903-1905 publ. 1904] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria spathacea (Franch.) D.C.McClint. -- Garden (London; 1975+) 105(7): 298. 1980, without basionym ref.; et in l.c. 105(12): 502. 1980, with basionym ref. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria spathaceus (Franch.) D.C.McClint. -- Garden (London; 1975+) 105(7): 298, without basionym ref. 1980 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria spathiflora Trin. -- Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg, Sér. 6, Sci. Math., Seconde Pt. Sci. Nat. 3(2): 617 (-618). 1835 [Aug 1835] ; this is vol. 1 of the Sci. Nat. series; reprinted as Bambusaceas quasdam novas: 5 (-6). 1835. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria spongiosa C.D.Chu & C.S.Chao -- et in J. Nanjing Techn. Coll. Forest Prod. 1981(3): 33 (1981), with latin descr. & type. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria spongiosa C.D.Chu & C.S.Chao -- J. Bamboo Res. 1: 30 (1981), without latin descr. or type;. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria standeyi Hitchc. -- Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 40: 79. 1927 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria standleyi Hitchc. -- Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 1927, xl. 79. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria stolonifera Kurz -- Cat. Hort. Bot. Calcut. 79. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria suberecta Munro -- Trans. Linn. Soc. London 26(1): 32. 1868 [5 Mar-11 Apr 1868] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria subsolida (S.L.Chen & S.Y.Chen) C.S.Chao & G.Y.Yang -- J. Bamboo Res. 13(1): 16 (1994):. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria sugimotoi Nakai -- J. Jap. Bot. 1934, x. 747. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria sulcata (Z.P.Wang & G.H.Ye) C.S.Chao & G.Y.Yang -- J. Bamboo Res. 13(1): 10 (1994):. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria suwekoana (Makino) Nakai -- J. Jap. Bot. 1934, x. 573. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria szechuanensis Rendle -- Pl. Wilson. (Sargent) 2(1): 64. 1914 [24 Mar 1914] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria tajimana Koidz. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 4(3): 163. 1935 [1 Oct 1935] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria tanegasimensis (Makino & Koidz.) Masam. -- in Sci. Rep. Kanazawa Univ. iv. No. 2 (Enum. Tracheophyt. Ryukyu Ins. viii.) 256(1956). as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria tangoensis (Koidz.) Koidz. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 4(1): 20. 1935 [30 Jan 1935] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria tashirozentaroana Koidz. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 4(3): 163. 1935 [1 Oct 1935] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria tecta Muhl. -- Descr. Gram. (Muhlenberg) 191. 1817 [Jul-Nov 1817] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria tecta Muhl. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria tecta (Walter) Muhl. -- Cat. Pl. Amer. Sept. 14. 1813 [Sep-Oct 1813] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria tecta var. colorata Rupr. -- Bambuseae 22. 1839 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria tecta var. decidua Beadle in L.H.Bailey -- Stand. Cycl. Hort. 1: 446. 1914 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria tecta var. distachya Rupr. -- Bambuseae 22. 1839 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria tecta (Walter) Muhl. var. pumila (Nutt.) Rupr. -- Bambuseae 22. 1839 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria teijiroana Koidz. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 4(1): 21. 1935 [30 Jan 1935] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria tenuifolia Koidz. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 7(4): 252. 1938 [5 Dec 1938] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria tenuivagina W.T.Lin & Z.M.Wu -- J. S. China Agric. Univ. 11(3): 48 (1990), as 'tenui-vagina'. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria tessellata Munro -- Trans. Linn. Soc. London 26(1): 31. 1868 [5 Mar-11 Apr 1868] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria tiutaroana Koidz. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 7(4): 252. 1938 [5 Dec 1938] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria tolange K.Schum. -- Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 28(3): 351. 1900 [22 May 1900] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria tomikusensis Nakai -- J. Jap. Bot. 1934, x. 744. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria tootsik Makino -- Descr. Prod. Forest. Japon (1900) 38, nomen. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria tootsik Makino ex Shirosawa -- Icon. Bamboos Japan 44. 1912 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria toyomurensis Nakai -- J. Jap. Bot. 1934, x. 748. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria trianae Munro -- Trans. Linn. Soc. London 26: 25. 1868 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria trianae Munro -- Trans. Linn. Soc. London 26(1): 25. 1868 [5 Mar-11 Apr 1868] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria triangulata (Hsueh & T.P.Yi) C.S.Chao & G.Y.Yang -- J. Bamboo Res. 13(1): 16 (1994):. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria trichophila Koidz. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 4(2): 83. 1935 [30 May 1935] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria trinii Hack. -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 2(3): 174. 1880 [1 Dec 1880] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria tsukubensis Koidz. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 9(2): 77. 1940 [10 Jun 1940] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria tsurumatiana Koidz. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 8(2): 114. 1939 [30 Jun 1939] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria tsutsuiana Koidz. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 7(4): 253. 1938 [5 Dec 1938] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria ulei Hack. -- Oesterr. Bot. Z. 53: 75. 1903 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria ulei Hack. -- Oesterr. Bot. Z. 53: 75. 1903 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria urbani Hack. -- Oesterr. Bot. Z. 53: 69, 516. 1903 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria urbani Hack. -- Oesterr. Bot. Z. 53: 516. 1903 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria usawai Hayata -- Icon. Pl. Formosan. 6: 138. 1916 [25 Dec 1916] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria utilis Cleghorn -- Journ. Agr. Soc. Ind. 13: 388. 1865 ; nom. inval. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria vagans Gamble -- Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1915(7): 350. [13 Sep 1915] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria vaginata Hack. -- Bull. Herb. Boissier vii. 717. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria varia Keng -- Sinensia 6: 150. 1935 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria variegata Makino -- Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 26: 15. 1912 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria variegata Makino f. glabra Makino -- Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 26: 16. 1912 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria velutina Nakai -- J. Jap. Bot. 1934, x. 580. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria verticillata Nees -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 2(3): 166. 1880 [1 Dec 1880] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria verticillata Nees -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 2(3): 166. 1880 [1 Dec 1880] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria verticillata Nees -- Fl. Bras. Enum. Pl. 2(1): 523. 1829 [Mar-Jun 1829] ; alt. title: Agrost. Bras. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria vicina Keng -- Sinensia 7: 410. 1936 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria victorialis (Keng f.) Demoly -- Bambou Bull. Liais. A. E. B. 29: 13. 1998 [Nov 1998]

Purified Arundinaria violascens Keng -- J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 1936, xxvi. 396. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria virens Makino -- J. Jap. Bot. v. 9 (1928), in syn. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria virens (Makino) Ohwi -- Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo No. 33, 66 (1953). as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria virens (Makino) Ohwi -- Fl. Jap. [Ohwi] 80. 1953 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria viridistriata (Regel) Makino ex Nakai as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria viridistriata (Regel) Makino ex Nakai -- J. Jap. Bot. 10(9): 568. 1934 [Apr 1934]

Purified Arundinaria viridistriata (Regel) Makino ex Nakai var. kongosanensis (Makino) D.C.McClint. -- Plantsman 4(3): 191 (1982), invalid, alternative name, Art. 34.4:. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria viscosa Hitchc. -- Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 40: 79. 1927 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria viscosa Hitchc. -- Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 1927, xl. 79. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria vulgata (W.T.Lin & X.B.Ye) W.T.Lin -- Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin 12(4): 354. 1992 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria walkeriana Munro -- C. E. C. Fischer in Kew Bull. 1938, 126, descr. ampl. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria walkeriana Munro -- Trans. Linn. Soc. London 26(1): 21. 1868 [5 Mar-11 Apr 1868] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria wardii Bor -- Kew Bull. 12(3): 418. 1958 [1957 publ. 17 Jan 1958] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria wightiana Nees -- Linnaea 9: 482. 1835 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria wightiana Thwaites -- Enum. Pl. Zeyl. [Thwaites] 444. 1864 [Dec 1864] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria wightii Benth. -- Fl. Hongk. 434. 1861 [Feb 1861] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria wilsonii Rendle -- J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 36: 437. 1904 [1903-1905 publ. 1904] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria wuyishanica (S.S.You & K.F.Huang) C.S.Chao & G.Y.Yang -- J. Bamboo Res. 13(1): 11 (1994):. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria yamadoriana Koidz. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 8(2): 115. 1939 [30 Jun 1939] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria yamakitensis Makino -- J. Jap. Bot. iii. 4 (1923); reimpr. (1926). as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria yangshanensis W.T.Lin -- J. Bamboo Res. 16(3): 26 (1997). as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria yenaensis Koidz. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 6(3): 216. 1937 [30 Sep 1937] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria yessaensis Koidz. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 6(4): 278. 1937 [15 Dec 1937] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria yixingensis (S.L.Chen & S.Y.Chen) C.S.Chao & G.Y.Yang -- J. Bamboo Res. 13(1): 19 (1994):. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria yonoskei Nakai -- J. Jap. Bot. 1935, xi. 808. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria yoshinoi Koidz. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 4(3): 174. 1935 [1 Oct 1935] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinaria zifukuensis Nakai -- Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo No. 33, 27 (1953). as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella Raddi -- Agrostografia Brasiliensis 1823 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella Raddi -- Agrostogr. Bras. [Raddi] 37, t. 1. 1823 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella ser. Arundinella Raddi -- Canadian Journal of Botany 45 1967 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella ser. Nepalenses J.B.Phipps -- Canadian Journal of Botany 45 1967 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella ser. Setosae J.B.Phipps -- Canadian Journal of Botany 47 1967 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella acratherum Nees ex Steud. -- Nomencl. Bot. [Steudel], ed. 2. i. 143. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella agrostoides Trin. -- Sp. Gram. [Trinius] 3(23): t. 265. [1829 or 1830] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella agrostoides Trin. -- Sp. Gram. [Trinius] 3(23): t. 265. [1829 or 1830] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella anomala Steud. -- Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1(2): 116. 1854 [1855 publ. 2-3 Mar 1854] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella auletica Rupr. -- Bull. Acad. Brux. ix. (1842) II. 242. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella avenacea Munro ex Thwaites -- Enum. Pl. Zeyl. [Thwaites] 362. 1864 [Dec 1864] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella barbinodis Keng ex B.S.Sun & Z.H.Hu -- Acta Bot. Yunnan. 2(3): 329. 1980 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella bengalensis Druce -- Rep. Bot. Soc. Exch. Club Brit. Isles 4(Suppl. 2): 605. 1917 [Jul 1917] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella berteroniana (Schult.) Hitchc. & Chase -- Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 18: 290. 1917 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella berteroniana Hitchc. & Chase -- Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. xviii. 290 (1917). as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella berteroniana Mez -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 17: 85. 1921 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella bidentata Keng -- J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 1931, xxi. 159. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella birmanica Hook.f. -- Fl. Brit. India [J. D. Hooker] 7(21): 73. 1896 [Apr 1896] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella blephariphylla Trim. ex Hook.f. -- Fl. Brit. India [J. D. Hooker] 7(21): 77. 1896 [Apr 1896] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella brasiliensis Raddi -- Agrostogr. Bras. [Raddi] 37. 1823 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella brasiliensis Raddi -- Agrostografia Brasiliensis 1823 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella caespitosa Janowski -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 17: 85. 1921 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella campbelliana Lisboa -- J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. v. 346. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella cannanorica V.J.Nair, Sreek. & N.C.Nair -- J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 80(2): 396 (1983 publ. 1984). as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella capillaris Hook.f. -- Fl. Brit. India [J. D. Hooker] 7(21): 74. 1896 [Apr 1896] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella chassanica Tzvelev & Prob. -- Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 44: 51. 2013 [28 Dec 2013]

Purified Arundinella chenii Keng -- Nat. Centr. Univ. Sci. Rep., Nanking, Ser. B ii. No. 3, 51 (1936), reimpr. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella chevalieri (A.Camus & C.E.Hubb.) Roberty -- Fl. Ouest-Afr. 392 (1954); Roberty in Bull. Inst. Franc. Afr. Noire. Ser. A, xvii. 55 (1955). as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella ciliata Nees ex Miq. -- in Verh. Nederl. Inst. III. iv. (1851) 30. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella ciliata Nees -- in Wight, Cat. n. 1666. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella clarkei Hook.f. -- Fl. Brit. India [J. D. Hooker] 7(21): 75. 1896 [Apr 1896] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella cochinchinensis Keng -- Nat. Centr. Univ. Sci. Rep., Nanking, Ser. B ii. No. 3, 24 (1936), reimpr. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella confinis Hitchc. & Chase -- Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. xviii. 290 (1917). as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella confinis (Schult.) Hitchc. & Chase -- Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 18: 290. 1917 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella confinis Hitchc. & Chase as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella convoluta Pilg. -- Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 27(1-2): 25. 1899 [7 Apr 1899] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella convoluta Pilg. -- Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 27(1-2): 25. 1899 [7 Apr 1899] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella crinita Trin. -- Linnaea 10: 299. 1836 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella cubensis Griseb. -- Pl. Wright. (Grisebach) 2: 533. 1862 [Nov 1862] ; preprinted from Mem. Amer. Acad. Arts ser. 2, 8(2): [503]-536. 1863. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella dagana Noltie -- Edinburgh J. Bot. 56(3): 396. 1999 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella decempedalis Janowski -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 17: 84. 1921 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella decomposita Janowski -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 17: 84. 1921 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella deppeana Nees -- Bonplandia 3: 84. 1855 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella ecklonii Nees -- Fl. Afr. Austral. Ill. 80. 1841 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella ecklonii Nees -- Fl. Afr. Austral. Ill. 80. 1841 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella effusa C.E.Hubb. -- Kew Bull. 12(1): 63. 1957 [28 May 1957] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella elata Pilg. -- Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 25(5): 710. 1898 [23 Dec 1898] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella elata Pilg. -- Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 25(5): 710. 1898 [23 Dec 1898] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella elegantula Hook.f. -- J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. 7: 233. 1864 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella filiformis Janowski -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 17: 85. 1921 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella flammida Trin. -- Gram. Sp. xxiii. t. 267. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella flammida Trin. -- Sp. Gram. [Trinius] 3: t. 267. 1830 [1829-30] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella flavida Keng -- Nat. Centr. Univ. Sci. Rep., Nanking, Ser. B ii. No. 3, 44 (1936). as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella fluviatilis Hand.-Mazz. -- Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-Naturwiss. Kl. 1926, lxiii. 111. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella funaensis Vanderyst -- Bull. Agric. Congo Belge 1920, xi. 111. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella furva Chase -- J. Arnold Arbor. xxiv. 85 (1943). as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella fuscata Nees ex Buse -- Pl. Jungh. [Miquel] 3: 359. 1854 [Aug 1854] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella gigantea Dalzell -- Dalz. & Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 293. as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella gigantea Dalzell & A.Gibson -- Bombay Fl. [Dalzell & Gibson] 293 (Quid?). 1861 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella glabra Hook. & Arn. -- Bot. Beechey Voy. 237. 1837 [Jul-Aug 1837] as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella glauca Janowski -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 17: 85. 1921 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified Arundinella glauca Janowski -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 17: 85. 1921 as key ingredient in indigenous Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Apostasia wallichii R. Br. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

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(The reasons for two or more similar looking references in Related References list are well explained in the database.)


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