Pankaj Oudhia on cancer drug interactions 9470

Pankaj Oudhia on cancer drug interactions 9470

Aggravated inflammation of long bones in case of Liver Cancer due to Negative Drug Interaction between Cisplatin as Chemotherapy Agent and Allelopathically enriched Inula racemosa, Ephedra intermedia and Selaginella asubdiaphana (as primary ingredients) and Epipactis gigantea, Guizotia abyssinica and Wrightia tinctoria (as secondary ingredients) and Rubia cordifolia, Burara oedipodea, Echinochloa colona and Senna tora (as tertiary ingredients) and Achyranthes aspera, Melica persicaMitragyna parvifolia, Cissampelos pariera, Arisaema flavum, Eragrostis pilosa, Shorea robusta, Ougeinia oojeinensis, Haldina cordifolia and Matapa sasivarna (as Senary Ingredients . Total 120 plus ingredients) based anti-cancer Entomo-Herbal Formulation can be managed with the help of Medicinal Rice P-302FLDS, KodoMillet, Proso Millet and Wild Black Curcuma based this Herbal Formulation. 

Recent Research on Cancer 

Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Didymocarpus, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Digitalis, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Digitaria, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Dillenia, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Dioscorea, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Diospyros, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Dipcadi, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Diphylax, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Diplocyclos, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Drosera, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Drymaria, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Ecbolium, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Echinacanthus, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Echinochloa, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Echinops, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Eclipta, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Eichhornia, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Elaeagnus, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Elaegnus, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Elaeocarpus, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Elattaria, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Eleocharis, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Elephantopus, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Eleusine, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Emilia, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Engelhardia, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Enkianthus, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Ensete, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Entada, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Eugenia, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Eulalia, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Eulaliopsis, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Euonymus, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Eupatorium, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Euphorbia, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Euphrasia, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Eurya, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Euryale, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Eusteralis, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Eutrema, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Evolvulus, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Exacum, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Fagopyrum, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Feronia, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Ferula, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Ficus, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Filago, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Fimbristylis, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Firmiana, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Flacourtia, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at .
Oudhia, Pankaj (2018). Flemingia, Selaginella enriched Bhramarmar, Blumea lacera enriched Vishalya Karani, Echinochloa enriched Badari Kand, Shorea enriched Suvarna Karani, Moringa enriched Atasi, Entada enriched Abhaya, Porpax enriched Sandhani, Habenaria enriched Wattakaka and Medicinal Rice Akashvalli-Hastikarn-MrigsheershaBhog with Wild Black Curcuma enriched Laicha and Millets based Tribal Herbal Medicines for Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at . 

#livercancer #wellness #chemotherapy #chhattisgarh #cisplatin   #druginteractions #herbal #कैंसर #organic #Ethnobotany  #orchid   #medicinalrice #oryza #healing #ayurveda #desi #herbalmedicines #vegan #pain

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Topics Discussed in this SeriesHerbal Formulations for  Adenocarcinoma, Metastatic Breast Cancer, Thyroid Cancer, Basal Cell Carcinoma, Melanoma, Kaposi’s Sarcoma (KS) , Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Myeloma, Leukaemia , Lymphoma, Pancreatic Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Carcinoma of the esophagus and gastroesophageal junction, Carcinoid Tumors of Lung, Carcinoid Tumors of Small Intestine, Carcinoid Tumors of Ovary, Carcinoid Tumors of Colon, Carcinoid Tumors of Stomach, Carcinoid Tumors of Pancreas, gastrointestinal carcinoid tumors, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Oral Cavity, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Kidney, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Lung, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Nasal Cavity, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Breast, Spindle cell carcinoma , Spindle cell carcinoma of the Parotid Gland, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Head and Neck, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Lower Limbs, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Tongue, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Larynx, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Conjunctiva, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Mandibular Gingiva, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Esophagus, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Maxillary Sinus, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Thyroid, Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) , Osteosarcoma, Chondrosarcoma, Ewing tumor, Fibrosarcoma and malignant fibrous histiocytoma,  Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) , Fibrolamellar carcinomaCholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer), AngiosarcomaHepatoblastomaPenile CancerTesticular CancerVaginal CancerGiant cell tumor of bone, Medicinal Plants and Herbal Medicines for Terminal Cancer, Endolaryngeal synovial sarcoma, Cervical Cancer, Primary renal synovial sarcoma, Anal Cancer, intra articular synovial sarcoma, Chordoma, Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma, Sarcomatoid carcinoma of the thyroid, Vulvar Cancer, Fibrosarcoma, Gastrointestinal stromal tumor, Leiomyosarcoma, Liposarcoma, Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor, Small cell anaplastic carcinoma of the lung, Anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL), Anaplastic cancers of the pancreas (ACP), Anaplastic Adrenal Cancer, Anaplastic Astrocytoma, Pleomorphic sarcoma, Rhabdomyosarcoma, Spinal Cancer, Retinoblastoma, Neuroblastoma, Pleuropulmonary Blastoma, Oral Cancer and Gynecologic Cancers, Anti-cancer Herbal Formulations of Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Mumbai, Chennai, Nagpur, Bhopal, Indore, Kolkata, Bengaluru, Chandigarh, Telangana and New Delhi regions, Compatible Cancer Herbs used in Traditional Healing of Nepal, Thailand, Malaysia,Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, China, Vietnam and Bhutan,  Stage 4 Cancers,  Herbal Formulations for Cancer Complications when Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy fail, Herbal Wealth of India, Medicinal Insects and Weeds in Cancer Formulations, Metastatic cancer, Antiproliferative Activity of Medicinal Rice Extracts Used Against Cancer, Managing Diabetes, Chronic Kidney Disease, Rheumatism, DMD, Sickle Cell Anemia and hypertension in Cancer Patients, Herbal Formulations not compatible with Chemotherapy Drugs, Garden plants of North America used in Asian Anti-cancer Herbal formulations, कैंसर उपचारकैंसर की पारम्परिक चिकित्सा पर पंकज अवधिया का शोधकैंसर के लिए जड़ी-बूटियाँ, Promising Herbal Formulations used in Traditional Immuno-oncology (IO), Vegan and Cancer, Herb-Drug Interactions in Oncology, Cancer Drug Interactions, Essential thrombocytosis (ET), Herbal Formulations for Polycythemia Vera (PV) , Entomotherapy Formulations for Mediastinal seminoma, Safed Musli farming for cancer formulations, Mucuna farming for cancer formulations, Hadjod farming for cancer formulations, Sarpgandha farming for cancer formulations, Ashwagandha farming for cancer formulations, Herbal farming for cancer formulations, Lemon Grass farming for cancer formulations, Vegetable farming for cancer formulations, Aloe farming for cancer formulations, Tulsi farming for cancer formulations, Medicinal Rice Maharaji, Gathuan and Alcha based over one million Herbal Formulations for cancer prevention and cure, Traditionally validated over 8000 selected Formulations for Neuroendocrine Tumors, Cancer Eliminating Rice, 

Mango (Mangifera) in Cancer. Selected References

Kishen Bhog Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda densiflora based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Komanga Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda densiflora based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Kothapalli Kobbari Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda densiflora based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Kuttiyattor Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda densiflora based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Kalami Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda densiflora based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Kesar Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda densiflora based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Lalbaug Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda densiflora based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Langra Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda densiflora based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Maldah Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda densiflora based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Malgis Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda densiflora based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Mallika Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda densiflora based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Malgoa Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda densiflora based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at,Mankur (Goa) Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda densiflora based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Mankurad Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda densiflora based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Moovandan Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda densiflora based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Nagulapalli Rasalu Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda densiflora based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Nattuma Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda densiflora based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Nannari Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda densiflora based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Neelum Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda densiflora based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Neeleshan Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda densiflora based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Panchadara Kalasa Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda densiflora based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Puliyan Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda densiflora based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Panduri Mamidi Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda densiflora based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Payri Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda densiflora based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Priyor Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda densiflora based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Rani Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda densiflora based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Rajapuri Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda densiflora based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Raspuri Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda densiflora based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Ratna Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda densiflora based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Rayal Special Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda densiflora based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Sindhooram Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda densiflora based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Safeda Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda densiflora based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Sammar Bahisht Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda densiflora based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Suvarnarekha Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda densiflora based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Totapuri Vanraj Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda densiflora based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Yahya Mariam Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda densiflora based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at, Zardalu Mango in Fibrosarcoma of the Uterus: Quick Note on why it is not preferred in Vanda densiflora based Herbal Formulations-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at,

Recent Research work on Liver Cancer

Medicinal wild Orchids for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild Mushrooms for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild Rice for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild Ferns for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild Pulses for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild Legumes for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild Sedges for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild Red Rice for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild Black Rice for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild Golden Rice for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild Green Rice for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild Trees for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild Grasses for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild wood mushrooms for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild tubers for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild bulbs for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild cereals for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild oilseeds for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild climbers for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild insects for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild beetles for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild mites for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild major millets for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild minor millets for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild flowers for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild fruits for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal wild shrubs for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Tribal Herbal Remedies for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Medicinal Plants for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Tribal Medicines for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Vedic Medicines for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Indigenous Medicines for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Adivasi Medicines for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Allelopathically enriched herbs for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Ayurvedic Medicines for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Home Remedies for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Unani Medicines for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Tribal Herbal Medicines for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Pankaj Oudhia on Cancer Prevention and Cure, Trombidium for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Telia Kand for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Sanjivani Buti for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at,Complex Herbal Formulations for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Endangered Herbs for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Rare Herbs for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Traditional Medicinal Knowledge for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Immuno-oncology for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Herbal Formulations for Stage 1 Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Herbal Formulations for Stage 2 Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Herbal Formulations for Stage 3 Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Herbal Formulations for Stage 4 Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Herbal Remedies for End stage Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Indigenous Formulations used by the Traditional Healers of Chhattisgarh for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Indigenous Formulations used by the Traditional Healers of Nepal for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Indigenous Formulations used by the Traditional Healers of Bangladesh for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Indigenous Formulations used by the Traditional Healers of Bhutan for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Indigenous Formulations used by the Traditional Healers of Sri Lanka for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Indigenous Formulations used by the Traditional Healers of Afghanistan for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Indigenous Formulations used by the Traditional Healers of Western Ghats for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at,Indigenous Formulations used by the Traditional Healers of Eastern Ghats for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at, Parthenium hysterophorus based Indigenous Medicines for Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC): Quick note on Diet Restrictions when used with Indigenous Rice Kabiraj Sal and Achhpal-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia-Audio Bank Project at,

Related References

  Dendrobium sect. Eudendrobium Lindl. & Paxton -- Paxton's Flower Garden 1 1851 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium subgen. Eugenanthe (Schltr.) P.Royen -- Alpine Flora of New Guinea 2 1979 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium subgen. Eugenanthe P.Royen -- Alpine Fl. New Guinea 2: 325, nom. nov. 1979 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium sect. Eugenanthe Schltr. -- Repertorium Specierum Novarum Regni Vegetabilis, Beihefte 1 1912 = Die Orchidaceen von Deutsch-Neu-Guinea (1914) 445, 498 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium sect. Finetianthe Ormerod -- in Oasis 2(2): 5 (2002). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium sect. Glomerata Kraenzl. -- Das Pflanzenreich Heft 45 1910 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium sect. Grastidium (Blume) Blume -- Tabellen en Platen voor de Javaansche Orchide 1825 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium subgen. Grastridium (Blume) Kraenzl. -- Das Pflanzenreich Heft 45 1910 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium sect. Herpetophytum Schltr. -- Feddes Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1(6): 451. 1912 [1 Jun 1912]

 Dendrobium subgen. Inobulbon (Schltr.) N.Hallé -- Adansonia sér. 2, 20(4): 353. 1981 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium sect. Lateralia G.Don -- Hortus Britannicus 1830 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium sect. Latouria Schltr. -- Repertorium Specierum Novarum Regni Vegetabilis, Beihefte 1 1912 = Die Orchidaceen von Deutsch-Neu-Guinea (1914) 444, 482 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium sect. Leiotheca Kraenzl. -- Das Pflanzenreich Heft 45 1910 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium sect. Lichenastrum (Brieger) Dockrill -- Austral. Indig. Orchids, 2nd rev. ed. 2: 681. 1992 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium sect. Macrostomium Blume -- Tabellen en Platen voor de Javaansche Orchide 1825 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium sect. Maxillaria (Ruiz & Pav.) Pers. -- Syn. Pl. [Persoon] 2: 523. 1807 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium sect. Monanthos Schltr. -- Repertorium Specierum Novarum Regni Vegetabilis, Beihefte 1 1912 = Die Orchidaceen von Deutsch-Neu-Guinea (1914) 451, 627 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium sect. Monophyllaea Benth. -- Flora Australiensis 6 1873 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium sect. Onychium Blume -- Tabellen en Platen voor de Javaansche Orchide 1825 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium sect. Oxyglossum Schltr. -- Nachtr. Fl. Schutzgeb. Südsee [Schumann & Lauterbach] 149. 1905 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium sect. Pedilonum (Blume) Blume -- Tabellen en Platen voor de Javaansche Orchide 1825 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium subgen. Pedilonum (Blume) Kraenzl. -- Das Pflanzenreich Heft 45 1910 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium sect. Phalaenanthe Schltr. -- Feddes Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1(6): 447. 1912 [1 Jun 1912] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium sect. Phalaenanthe Schltr. -- Repertorium Specierum Novarum Regni Vegetabilis, Beihefte 1 1912 = Die Orchidaceen von Deutsch-Neu-Guinea (1914) 447, 543 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium sect. Pleianthe Schltr. -- Feddes Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1(6): 450. 1912 [1 Jun 1912] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium sect. Rhizobium Lindl. & Paxton -- Paxton's Flower Garden 1 1851 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium sect. Rhizobium Benth. -- Flora Australiensis 6 1873 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium nothosect. Spatulanthe Ormerod -- in Oasis 2(2): 6 (2002). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium sect. Spatulata as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium sect. Spatulata Lindl. -- Hooker's London J. Bot. 2 1843 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium sect. Speciosa Kraenzl. -- Das Pflanzenreich Heft 45 1910 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium sect. Stachyobium Lindl. -- Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society, Botany 3 1859 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium sect. Strebloceras Schltr. -- Nachtr. Fl. Schutzgeb. Südsee [Schumann & Lauterbach] 165. 1905 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium sect. Strongyle Lindl. & Paxton -- Paxton's Flower Garden 1 1851 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium sect. Superbientia Kraenzl. -- Das Pflanzenreich Heft 45 1910 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium sect. Terminalia G.Don -- Hortus Britannicus 1830 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium sect. Tetrodon (Kraenzl.) Ormerod -- Austral. Orchid Rev. 61(4): 39. 1996 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium sect. Trachyrhizum Schltr. -- Repertorium Specierum Novarum Regni Vegetabilis, Beihefte 1 1912 = Die Orchidaceen von Deutsch-Neu-Guinea (1914) 447, 552 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium sect. Trachytheca Kraenzl. -- Das Pflanzenreich Heft 45 1910 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium subgen. Xerobium Schltr. -- Repertorium Specierum Novarum Regni Vegetabilis, Beihefte 1 1912 = Die Orchidaceen von Deutsch-Neu-Guinea (1914) 442, 449 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium abbreviatum Schltr. -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1: 466. 1912 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aberrans Schltr. -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1: 484. 1912 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium abhaycharanii (Phukan & A.A.Mao) Schuit. & Peter B.Adams -- Muelleria 29(1): 66. 2011 [10 Jan 2011]

 Dendrobium abietinum Ridl. -- J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 32: 252. 1896 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium acaciifolium J.J.Sm. -- Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg ser. II, xxv. 34 (1917). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium acanthophippiiflorum J.J.Sm. -- Meded. Rijks-Herb. 23: 10. 1915 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium acerosum Lindl. -- Edwards's Bot. Reg. 27(Misc.): 43. 1841 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium achillis Rchb.f. -- Otia Bot. Hamburg. 1: 55. 1878 [21 Apr 1878] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium acianthum Schltr. -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1: 572. 1912 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aciculare Lindl. -- Edwards's Bot. Reg. 26(Misc.): 81. 1840 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium acinaciforme Roxb. -- Hort. Bengal. 63; Fl. Ind. iii. 487. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aclinia Lindl. -- J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. 3: 9. 1858 [1859 publ. 1858] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aclinia Rchb.f. -- Bonplandia 4: 329. 1856 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium acrobaticum Rchb.f. -- Gard. Chron. (1871) 802. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium actinomorphum Blatt. & Hallb. -- Journ. Ind. Bot. ii. 50 (1921). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium acuiferum Ormerod -- Checkl. Papuasian Orchids 164. 2017 [Mar 2017]

 Dendrobium acuminatissimum Lindl. -- Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 86. 1830 [Jun 1830] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium acuminatum Kunth -- Nov. Gen. Sp. [H.B.K.] i. 357. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium acuminatum Rolfe --  (Ames) 1: 86. 1905 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium acuminatum Kunth -- Nov. Gen. Sp. [H.B.K.] 1: 357. 1816 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium acutifolium Ridl. -- J. Fed. Malay States Mus. 8(4): 91. 1917 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium acutilingue Schuit. & Peter B.Adams -- Muelleria 29(1): 65. 2011 [10 Jan 2011]

 Dendrobium acutilobum Schltr. -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1: 599. 1912 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium acutimentum J.J.Sm. -- Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg ser. II, xxv. 53 (1917). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium acutisepalum J.J.Sm. -- Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg ser. 2, 2: 8. 1911 [Oct 1911] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium adae F.M.Bailey -- Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland 1 1885 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium adae F.M.Bailey -- Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensland 1: 149. 1884 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium adamsii A.D.Hawkes -- Pacific Sci. vi. 5 (1952). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium adenanthum J.J.Sm. -- Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg ser. II, viii. 18 (1912). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium adolphi Schltr. -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 17: 373. 1921 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium adpressifolium J.J.Sm. -- Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg ser. II, xxv. 37 (1917). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aduncilobum J.J.Sm. -- Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg ser. III, ix. 156 (1927). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aduncum Lindl. -- Edwards's Bot. Reg. 28(Misc.): 58. 1842; 32: t. 15. 1846. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aegle Ridl. -- J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 32: 260. 1896 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aemulans Schltr. -- Nachtr. Fl. Schutzgeb. Südsee [Schumann & Lauterbach] 176. 1905 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aemulum R.Br. -- Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland. 333. 1810 [27 Mar 1810] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aemulum R.Br. -- Prodromus Florae Novae Hollandiae 1810 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aemulum var. aemulum R.Br. -- Austral. Indig. Orchids ed. 2 1 1992 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aemulum var. callitrophilum (B.Gray & D.L.Jones) Dockrill -- Austral. Indig. Orchids ed. 2 1 1992 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aemulum R.Br. var. callitrophilum (B.Gray & D.L.Jones) Dockrill -- Austral. Indig. Orchids, rev. ed. 1: 480. 1992 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aethalodes Ormerod -- Orchadian 15(9): 418 (-419, 422; fig.). 2007 [Sep 2007]

 Dendrobium affine Steud. -- Nomencl. Bot. [Steudel], ed. 2. i. 489; Lindl. Bot. Reg. (1844) Misc. 64. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium affine (Decne.) Steud. -- Nomenclator Botanicus 1 1840 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium agamense J.J.Sm. -- Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg ser. III, viii. 50 (1926). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium agathodaemonis J.J.Sm. -- Bull. Dépt. Agric. Indes Néerl. 39: 7. 1910 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aggregatum Kunth -- Nov. Gen. Sp. [H.B.K.] 1: 358. 1816 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aggregatum Roxb. -- Fl. Ind. (Roxburgh) 3: 477. 1832 [Oct-Dec 1832] ; nom. illeg.

 Dendrobium aggregatum Lindl. -- Numer. List [Wallich] no. 7411. 1832 ; nom. inval.

 Dendrobium aggregatum Roxb. -- Hort. Bengal. 63. 1814 ; nom. inval. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium agrostophylloides Schltr. -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1: 633. 1912 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium agrostophyllum F.Muell. -- Fragm. (Mueller) 8(59): 28. 1873 [Mar 1873] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium agrostophyllum F.Muell. -- Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae 8 1874 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium agusanense Ames -- Schedul. Orchid. 6: 79. 1923 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium × ainsworthii T.Moore -- Gard. Chron. (1874) I. 443. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium ajoebii J.J.Sm. -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 12: 33. 1913 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium alabense J.J.Wood -- Lindleyana 5(2): 90 (1990). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium alagensis Ames -- Philipp. J. Sci., C 2: 328. 1907 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium alaticaulinum P.Royen -- Alpine Fl. New Guinea 2: 328. 1979 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium alatum (Ruiz & Pav.) Pers. -- Syn. Pl. [Persoon] 2(2): 524. 1807 [Sep 1807] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium albayense Ames -- Philipp. J. Sci., C 7: 14. 1912 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium albicolor Ridl. -- J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 32: 250. 1896 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium albidulum Thwaites ex Trimen -- J. Bot. 23: 243. 1885 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium albiflorum Ridl. -- J. Bot. 24: 323. 1886 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium albiviride P.Royen -- Alpine Fl. New Guinea 2: 381. 1979 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium albiviride P.Royen var. minus P.Royen -- Alpine Fl. New Guinea 2: 384. 1979 (as "var. minor") as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium albopurpureum (Seidenf.) Schuit. & Peter B.Adams -- Muelleria 29(1): 66. 2011 [10 Jan 2011]

 Dendrobium albosanguineum Lindl. & Paxton -- Paxton's Fl. Gard. ii. (1851-52) 93. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium alboviride Hayata -- Icon. Pl. Formosan. 9: 108. 1920 [25 Mar 1920] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium album Hook. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium album Wight -- Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. [Wight] t. 1645. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium album Hook. -- Exot. Fl. 2(19): t. 142. 1825 [Feb 1825] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium alderwereltianum J.J.Sm. -- Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg ser. II, xxv. 58 (1917). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium alexandrae Schltr. -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1: 493. 1912 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium alexisense J.J.Sm. -- Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg Ser. 11. viii. 18 (1912). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium algosum Reinw. ex Lindl. -- J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. 3: 42, nomen (Taeniophylli sp.). 1858 [1859 publ. 1858] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aliciae Ames & Quisumb. -- Philipp. J. Sci. 52: 443. 1933 [1933 publ. 1934] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium allioides J.J.Sm. -- Nova Guinea 18: 49. 1935 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aloefolium Rchb.f. -- Ann. Bot. Syst. (Walpers) 6(2): 279. 1861 [Oct-Dec 1861] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aloideum Lex. -- Nov. Veg. Descr. [La Llave & Lexarza] 2(Orchid. Opusc.): 43. 1825 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium alpestre (Sw.) Sw. -- Nova Acta Regiae Soc. Sci. Upsal. 6: 84. 1799 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium alpestre Royle -- Ill. Bot. Himal. Mts. [Royle] 370. 1839 [Feb 1839] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium alpestre Sw. -- Nova Acta Regiae Soc. Sci. Upsal. vi. (1799) 84. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium alpinum P.Royen -- Alpine Fl. New Guinea 2: 302. 1979 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium alterum Seidenf. -- Opera Bot. 83: 100 (1985). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium alticola Schltr. -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1: 595. 1912 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium altomontanum Gilli -- Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 84: 24. 1983 [1980 publ. 1983] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium amabile Schltr. -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 8: 505. 1910 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium amabile O'Brien -- Gard. Chron. 1909, xlvi. 393. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium amblyogenium Schltr. -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 10: 82. 1911 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium amblyornidis Rchb.f. -- Gard. Chron. (1878) I. 332. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium amboinense Hook. -- Bot. Mag. 82: t. 4937. 1856 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium ambotiense J.J.Sm. -- Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg ser. III, ix. 466 (1928). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium amesianum Schltr. -- Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 56(4): 468. 1921 [18 Feb 1921] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium amethystoglossum Rchb.f. -- Gard. Chron. (1872) 109. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium amiengense Ormerod -- Checkl. Papuasian Orchids 167. 2017 [Mar 2017]

 Dendrobium amoenum Wall. ex Lindl. -- Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 78. 1830 [May 1830] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium amphigenyum Ridl. -- Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. 9(1): 176. 1916 [1916-22 publ. Aug 1916] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium amplum Lindl. -- Numer. List [Wallich] n. 2001. 1829 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium anamalayanum Chandrab., V.Chandras. & N.C.Nair -- J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 78(3): 575 (1981). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium anceps Sw. -- Kongl. Vetensk. Acad. Nya Handl. (1800) 246. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium ancipitum (P.O'Byrne & J.J.Verm.) Schuit. & Peter B.Adams -- Muelleria 29(1): 64. 2011 [10 Jan 2011]

 Dendrobium ancorarium Rupp -- The Queensland Naturalist 12 1945 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium ancorarium Rupp -- Queensland Naturalist xii. 115 (1945). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium andersonianum F.M.Bailey -- Queensland Agric. J. ix. 412. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium andersonii J.Scott -- Journ. Agr. Hort. Soc. Ind. n.s., iii. (1872) 117. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium andreemillariae T.M.Reeve -- Orchadian 7(6): 130 (1982). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium angraecifolium Schltr. -- Nachtr. Fl. Schutzgeb. Südsee [Schumann & Lauterbach] 169. 1905 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium angulatum Lindl. -- Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 76. 1830 [May 1830] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium angulatum Wall. -- Numer. List [Wallich] n. 2010. 1829 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium angusticaule P.J.Spence -- OrchideenJ. 23(2): 75. 2016 [15 May 2016]

 Dendrobium angustiflorum J.J.Sm. -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 11: 132. 1912 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium angustifolium Lindl. -- Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 76. 1830 [May 1830] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium angustipetalum J.J.Sm. -- Orch. Ambon 59. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium angustispathum J.J.Sm. -- Nova Guinea 18: 44. 1935 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium angustitepalum (W.K.Harris & M.A.Clem.) Schuit. & de Vogel -- Malesian Orchid J. 4: 104. 2009 [15 Sep 2009]

 Dendrobium angustum (D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem.) J.M.H.Shaw -- Orchid Rev. Suppl., 122(1306): 38. 2014 [Jun 2014] [Quart. Suppl. Int. Reg. Orchid Hybrids]

 Dendrobium anilii P.M.Salim, J.Mathew & Szlach. -- Ann. Bot. Fenn. 53(5-6): 342. 2016 [21 Sep 2016] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium anisobulbon Schuit. & Peter B.Adams -- Muelleria 29(1): 64. 2011 [10 Jan 2011]

 Dendrobium annae J.J.Sm. -- Orchid. Java 354. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium annamense Rolfe -- Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1906(4): 113. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium annuligerum Rchb.f. -- Gard. Chron. (1871) 675. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium anosmum Lindl. -- Edwards's Bot. Reg. 31(Misc.): 32. 1845 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium ansusanum Schltr. -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 9: 285. 1911 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium antelope Rchb.f. -- Gard. Chron. (1883) I. 656. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium antennatum Lindl. -- London J. Bot. 2: 236. 1843 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium antennatum Lindl. -- The London Journal of Botany 2 1843 "The account of the nine following  has been communicated by Dr. Lindley." as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium anthrene Ridl. -- J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 31: 272. 1896 [1895-1897 publ. 1896] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium apertum Schltr. -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1: 518. 1912 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aphanochilum Kraenzl. -- Pflanzenr. (Engler) Orch.-Dendrob. pars 1, 110 (1910). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aphrodite Rchb.f. -- Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 20: 246. 1862 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aphyllum Roxb. -- Hort. Bengal. 63, nomen; et ex Lindl. Gen. et Sp. Orch. 78. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aphyllum C.E.C.Fisch. -- in Gamble, Fl. Madras 1416 (1928). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aphyllum C.E.C.Fisch. var. cucullata (Hook.f.) P.K.Sarkar -- J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 5(5): 1007 (1984):. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aphyllum C.E.C.Fisch. var. katakianum I.Barua -- Orchid Fl. Kamrup Distr. Assam 170 (2001), as 'katakinum'. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium apiculiferum J.J.Sm. -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 12: 396. 1913 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium × apollo O'Brien -- Gard. Chron. (1895) i. 294. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aporoides Merr. -- Sp. Blancoanae 113 (1918). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium appendicula Schltr. -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1: 639. 1912 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium appendiculatum Lindl. -- Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 76. 1830 [May 1830] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium appendiculiforme Kraenzl. -- Oesterr. Bot. Z. 44: 335. 1894 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium appendiculoides J.J.Sm. -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 12: 114. 1913 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium appendiculoides Ames --  (Ames) 7: 93. 1922 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aprinoides J.J.Sm. -- Nova Guinea 14: 394. 1929 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aprinum J.J.Sm. -- Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg ser. 2, 2: 7. 1911 [Oct 1911] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aqueum Lindl. -- Edwards's Bot. Reg. 29(Misc.): 5. 1843 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium arachnanthe Kraenzl. -- Pflanzenr. (Engler) Orch. Dendrob. pars 1, 153. 1910 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium arachnites Thouars -- Hist. Orchid. t. 88. 1822 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium arachnites Rchb.f. -- Gard. Chron. 1874(2): 354. [1874] ; nom. illeg. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium arachnoideum Schltr. -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1: 469. 1912 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium arachnostachyum Rchb.f. -- Gard. Chron. (1877 I. 334. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium araneola Schltr. -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1: 468. 1912 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium araneum J.J.Sm. -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 12: 397. 1913 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aratriferum J.J.Sm. -- Bull. Dépt. Agric. Indes Néerl. 19: 13. 1908 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium archipelagense Howcroft & W.N.Takeuchi -- Sida 20(2): 464 (2002). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium arcuatum J.J.Sm. -- Orchid. Java 357. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium ardeni Ridl. -- J. Straits Branch Roy. Asiat. Soc. 50: 132. 1908 [Sep 1908] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium arfakense J.J.Sm. -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 12: 29. 1913 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium argiense J.J.Sm. -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 12: 116. 1913 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aridum J.J.Sm. -- Nova Guinea 18: 42. 1935 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aries J.J.Sm. -- Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg ser. II, xiii. 64 (1914). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aristiferum J.J.Sm. -- Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg ser. 2, 2: 12. 1911 [Oct 1911] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium arjunoense (J.J.Wood & J.B.Comber) Schuit. & Peter B.Adams -- Muelleria 29(1): 65. 2011 [10 Jan 2011]

 Dendrobium armeniacum P.J.Cribb -- Orchadian 6(12): 279 (1981). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium armitiae F.M.Bailey -- Queensland Agric. J. iv. 48. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aromaticum J.J.Sm. -- Meded. Rijks-Herb. 23: 10. 1915 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium arthrobulbum Kraenzl. -- Sarasin & Roux, Nova Caled. i. 83 (1914). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium articulatum Teijsm. & Binn. -- Cat. Hort. Bot. Bogor. (Teijsmann & Binnendijk) 42, nomen. 1866 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aruanum Kraenzl. -- Pflanzenr. (Engler) Orch.-Dendrob. pars 1, 242 (1910). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium arunachalense C.Deori, S.K.Sarma, Phukan & A.A.Mao -- J. Orchid Soc. India 20(1-2): 81 (-85; fig. 1). 2006 [30 Dec 2006]

 Dendrobium ashworthiae O'Brien -- Gard. Chron. ser. 3, 29(no. 737): 86, fig. 36. 1901 [9 Feb 1901]

 Dendrobium × aspasia Hor. -- Gard. Chron. ser. 3, 11: 214. 1892 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium asperatum Schltr. -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1: 586. 1912 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium asperifolium J.J.Sm. -- Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg ser. 2, 2: 13. 1911 [Oct 1911] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium asphale Rchb.f. -- Gard. Chron. (1874) II. 644. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium assamicum Sud.Chowdhury -- Kew Bull. 43(4): 667. 1988 [28 Nov 1988] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium asumburu P.Royen -- Alpine Fl. New Guinea 2: 358. 1979 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium atavus J.J.Sm. -- Orchid. Java 353. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium atjehense J.J.Sm. -- Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg ser. 3, 12: 137. 1932 [Nov 1932] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium atractodes Ridl. -- J. Bot. 23: 123. 1885 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium atromarginatum J.J.Sm. -- Nova Guinea 14: 422. 1929 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium atropurpureum Miq. -- Fl. Ned. Ind. iii. 644. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium atrorubens Schltr. -- Nachtr. Fl. Schutzgeb. Südsee [Schumann & Lauterbach] 150. 1905 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium atrorubens Ridl. -- J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 32: 247. 1896 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium atrorubens Schltr. -- Nachtr. Fl. Schutzgeb. Südsee [Schumann & Lauterbach] 150. 1905 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium atrosanguineum E.Morr. & De Vos -- Ind. Bibliog. Hort. Belg. 166, sphalm. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium atroviolaceum Rolfe -- Gard. Chron. (1890) i. 512; et (1892) i. 214; Hook. f. Bot. Mag. (1894) t.7371. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium attenuatum Lindl. -- J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. 3: 17. 1858 [1859 publ. 1858] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium augustae-victoriae Kraenzl. -- Gartenflora (1894) 115. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aurantiaco-purpureum Nicholls -- The North Queensland Naturalist 10(68) 1942 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aurantiacopurpureum Nicholls -- N. Queensland Naturalist (Mar 1942); cf. Rupp & Hunt in Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S.Wales, lxxii. 237 (1948). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aurantiacopurpureum Nicholls -- N. Queensland Naturalist x. No. 68, 2 (1942). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aurantiacum (F.Muell.) F.Muell. -- 7 1870 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aurantiacum F.Muell. -- Fragm. (Mueller) 7(54): 98. 1870 [Apr 1870] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aurantiacum (F.Muell.) F.Muell. -- Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae 5 1865 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aurantiacum Rchb.f. -- Gard. Chron. (1887) ii. 98. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aurantiacum Rchb.f. var. denneanum (Kerr) Z.H.Tsi -- Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 19: 89 (1999):. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aurantiacum Rchb.f. var. zhaojuense (S.C.Sun & L.G.Xu) Z.H.Tsi -- Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 19: 89 (1999):. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aurantiiflammeum J.J.Wood -- Orchid Rev. 106(1224): 340 (1998). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aurantiiflavum P.Royen -- Alpine Fl. New Guinea 2: 355. 1979 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aurantiiroseum P.Royen ex T.M.Reeve -- Orchadian 7(6): 130 (1982). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aurantiivinosum P.Royen -- Alpine Fl. New Guinea 2: 449. 1979 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aureicolor J.J.Sm. -- Bull. Dépt. Agric. Indes Néerl. 45: 3. 1911 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aureilobum J.J.Sm. -- Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg ser. III, iii. 285 (1921). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aureum Lindl. -- Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 77. 1830 [May 1830] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium aureum Lindl. var. philippinense Rchb.f. -- Gard. Chron. 1(13): 72. 1880

 Dendrobium auriculatum Ames & Quisumb. -- Philipp. J. Sci. 49: 488. 1932 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium auriferum Lindl. -- Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 83. 1830 [Jun 1830] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium auroroseum Rchb.f. -- Bonplandia 5: 56. 1857 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium austrocaledonicum Schltr. -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 3: 80. 1906 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium auyongii T.Yukawa -- Lindleyana 13(1): 28 (1998). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium awormangae Ormerod -- Checkl. Papuasian Orchids 173. 2017 [Mar 2017]

 Dendrobium axillare Schltr. -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1: 605. 1912 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium ayubii J.B.Comber & J.J.Wood -- Orchid Rev. 107(1226): 90 (1999). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium azureum Schuit. -- Malesian Orchid J. 12: 19. 2013 [28 Jun 2013]

 Dendrobium babiense J.J.Sm. -- Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 48(1-2): 98. 1912 [27 Feb 1912] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium baeuerlenii F.Muell. & Kraenzl. -- Oesterr. Bot. Z. 44: 162. 1894 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium baileyi F.Muell. -- Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae 8 1874 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium baileyi F.Muell. -- Fragm. (Mueller) 8(66): 173. 1874 [Apr 1874] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium bairdianum F.M.Bailey -- Suppl. Syn. Queensl. Fl. (1884), fide F. Muell. Census, App. ii. 3. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium bairdianum F.M.Bailey -- A Synopsis of the Queensland Flora, Supplement 1 1886 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium bakoense J.J.Wood -- Malesian Orchid J. 1: 110 (fig. 8). 2008 [28 Feb 2008]

 Dendrobium balzerianum Fessel & Lückel -- Orchidee (Hamburg) 48(4): 173. 1997 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium bambusifolium C.S.P.Parish & Rchb.f. -- Trans. Linn. Soc. London 30(1): 149. 1874 [4 Jul 1874] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium bambusinum Ridl. -- Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. 9(1): 167. 1916 [1916-22 publ. Aug 1916] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium banaense Gagnep. -- Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. 1930, Ser. II. ii 232. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium bancanum J.J.Sm. -- Bull. Dépt. Agric. Indes Néerl. 22: 23. 1909 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium bandaense Schltr. -- Bull. Herb. Boissier Ser. II. vi. 453 (1906). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium banghamii Ames & C.Schweinf. -- Contr. Arnold Arbor. 8: 30. 1934 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium bannaense Y.Q.Tian & Y.B.Huang -- Phytotaxa 328(1): 73. 2017 [14 Nov 2017] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium baoernianum P.O'Byrne, P.T.Ong & J.J.Wood -- Malesian Orchid J. 11: 84. 2013 [20 Feb 2013]

 Dendrobium barbatulum Bateman -- Bot. Mag. 90: t. 5444. 1864 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium barbatulum Wight -- Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. [Wight] iii. t. 910. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium barbatulum Lindl. -- Numer. List [Wallich] n. 2013. 1829 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium barbatulum Lindl. -- Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 84. 1830 [Jun 1830] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium barbatum Cogn. -- Gard. Chron. 1897, II. 394. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium bariense J.J.Sm. -- Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 66(2): 187. 1934 [25 Jan 1934] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium barioense J.J.Wood -- Malesian Orchid J. 1: 110 (112-113; figs. 9-10). 2008 [28 Feb 2008]

 Dendrobium barisanum J.J.Sm. -- Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg ser. II, xxv. 45 (1917). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium barringtoniae Sw. -- Nova Acta Regiae Soc. Sci. Upsal. vi. (1799) 82. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium baseyanum St.Cloud -- The North Queensland Naturalist 23(110) 1955 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium baseyanum St.Cloud -- N. Queensland Naturalist xxiii. No. 110, 1 (1955). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium basilanense Ames -- Philipp. J. Sci., C 7: 14. 1912 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium batakense J.J.Sm. -- Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg ser. III, v. 90 (1922). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium batanense Ames & Quisumb. -- Philipp. J. Sci. 47: 200. 1932 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium beamanianum J.J.Wood & A.L.Lamb -- in J.J. Wood, R.S. Beaman & J.H. Beaman, Pl. Mt. Kinabalu, 2. Orchids 163 (1993). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium beccarianum (Kraenzl.) Masam. -- Enum. Phanerog. Born. 152 (1942). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

 Dendrobium beckleri F.Muell. -- Fragm. (Mueller) 5(35): 95. 1865 [Nov 1865] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its potential use in combination with Indian Black Rice land races for Nasopharynx cancer or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

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