Aster flaccidus as key ingredient in the Formulation-Pankaj Oudhia on cancer drug interactions 12934

Aster flaccidus as key ingredient in the Formulation-Pankaj Oudhia on cancer drug interactions 12934

Extreme weakness with mania of self-destruction in case of Liver Cancer due to Negative Drug Interaction between Cisplatin as Chemotherapy Agent and Allelopathically enriched Eragrostis pilosa, Fumaria indica and Chloroxylon swietenia (as primary ingredients) and Epipactis gigantea, Dioscorea deltoidea and Wrightia tinctoria (as secondary ingredients) and Rubia cordifolia, Burara tuckeri, Echinochloa colona and Spiranthes sinensis (as tertiary ingredients) and Achyranthes aspera, Senna tora, Mitragyna parvifolia, Cissampelos pariera, Inula racemosa, Shorea robusta, Ougeinia oojeinensis, Brassica nigra, Haldina cordifolia, Selaginella asubdiaphana, Nephotettix virescens and Matapa cresta (as Senary Ingredients . Total 220 plus ingredients) based anti-cancer Entomo-Herbal Formulation can be managed with the help of Medicinal Rice P-473FLFS, KodoMillet, Little Millet and Wild Black Curcuma based this Herbal Formulation. 

#livercancer #wellness #chemotherapy #chhattisgarh #cisplatin   #druginteractions #herbal #कैंसर #organic #Ethnobotany  #orchid   #medicinalrice #oryza #healing #ayurveda #desi #herbalmedicines #vegan #pain

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Over 1.5 million Audio Research Notes on Oncology, Diabetology, ALS, DMD, SCD etc. available through Audio Bank Project at Medicinal Plant Database and Medicinal Insect Database by Pankaj Oudhia.

Topics Discussed in this SeriesHerbal Formulations for  Adenocarcinoma, Metastatic Breast Cancer, Thyroid Cancer, Basal Cell Carcinoma, Melanoma, Kaposi’s Sarcoma (KS) , Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Myeloma, Leukaemia , Lymphoma, Pancreatic Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Carcinoma of the esophagus and gastroesophageal junction, Carcinoid Tumors of Lung, Carcinoid Tumors of Small Intestine, Carcinoid Tumors of Ovary, Carcinoid Tumors of Colon, Carcinoid Tumors of Stomach, Carcinoid Tumors of Pancreas, gastrointestinal carcinoid tumors, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Oral Cavity, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Kidney, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Lung, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Nasal Cavity, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Breast, Spindle cell carcinoma , Spindle cell carcinoma of the Parotid Gland, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Head and Neck, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Lower Limbs, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Tongue, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Larynx, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Conjunctiva, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Mandibular Gingiva, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Esophagus, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Maxillary Sinus, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Thyroid, Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) , Osteosarcoma, Chondrosarcoma, Ewing tumor, Fibrosarcoma and malignant fibrous histiocytoma,  Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) , Fibrolamellar carcinomaCholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer), AngiosarcomaHepatoblastomaPenile CancerTesticular CancerVaginal CancerGiant cell tumor of bone, Medicinal Plants and Herbal Medicines for Terminal Cancer, Endolaryngeal synovial sarcoma, Cervical Cancer, Primary renal synovial sarcoma, Anal Cancer, intra articular synovial sarcoma, Chordoma, Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma, Sarcomatoid carcinoma of the thyroid, Vulvar Cancer, Fibrosarcoma, Gastrointestinal stromal tumor, Leiomyosarcoma, Liposarcoma, Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor, Small cell anaplastic carcinoma of the lung, Anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL), Anaplastic cancers of the pancreas (ACP), Anaplastic Adrenal Cancer, Anaplastic Astrocytoma, Pleomorphic sarcoma, Rhabdomyosarcoma, Spinal Cancer, Retinoblastoma, Neuroblastoma, Pleuropulmonary Blastoma, Oral Cancer and Gynecologic Cancers, Anti-cancer Herbal Formulations of Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Mumbai, Chennai, Nagpur, Bhopal, Indore, Kolkata, Bengaluru, Chandigarh, Telangana and New Delhi regions, Compatible Cancer Herbs used in Traditional Healing of Nepal, Thailand, Malaysia,Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, China, Vietnam and Bhutan,  Stage 4 Cancers,  Herbal Formulations for Cancer Complications when Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy fail, Herbal Wealth of India, Medicinal Insects and Weeds in Cancer Formulations, Metastatic cancer, Antiproliferative Activity of Medicinal Rice Extracts Used Against Cancer, Managing Diabetes, Chronic Kidney Disease, Rheumatism, DMD, Sickle Cell Anemia and hypertension in Cancer Patients, Herbal Formulations not compatible with Chemotherapy Drugs, Garden plants of North America used in Asian Anti-cancer Herbal formulations, Promising Herbal Formulations used in Traditional Immuno-oncology (IO), Vegan and Cancer, Herb-Drug Interactions in Oncology, Cancer Drug Interactions, Essential thrombocytosis (ET), Herbal Formulations for Polycythemia Vera (PV) , Entomotherapy Formulations for Mediastinal seminoma, Safed Musli farming for cancer formulations, Mucuna farming for cancer formulations, Hadjod farming for cancer formulations, Sarpgandha farming for cancer formulations, Ashwagandha farming for cancer formulations, Herbal farming for cancer formulations, Lemon Grass farming for cancer formulations, Vegetable farming for cancer formulations, Aloe farming for cancer formulations, Tulsi farming for cancer formulations, Medicinal Rice Maharaji, Gathuan and Alcha based over one million Herbal Formulations for cancer prevention and cure, Traditionally validated over 8000 selected Formulations for Neuroendocrine Tumors, Cancer Eliminating Rice, Medicinal Black Rice based Herbal Formulations for malignant tumors of postcricoid area, Key Formulations for Hürthle cell carcinoma, Homeopathic-Ayurvedic drug interactions in cancer, Precision Cancer Medicines, Checklist of medicinal insects used by different tribes of Asia specially India for cancer prevention and cure, Medicinal grasses and sedges for cancer cure mentioned in Charak Samhita, 

Related References

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena amazonica J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 11: 6. 1931 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena amazonica (Poepp. & Kunth) J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 11: 6. 1931 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena amazonica (Poepp. & Endl.) J.F.Macbr. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena atrosanguinea É.Desv. -- Fl. Chil. [Gay] 6: 190. 1854 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena atrosanguinea É.Desv. -- Fl. Chil. [Gay] 6: 190. 1854 [probably after mid-1854] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena barbata J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 11: 5. 1931 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena barbata (Vahl) J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 11: 5. 1931 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena blephanophora Steud. -- Syn. Pl. Glumac. 2(8-9): 135. 1855 [10-11 Apr 1855] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena blepharophora J.Presl & C.Presl (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena blepharophora J.Presl & C.Presl -- Reliq. Haenk. i. 351. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena brevicaulis Suess. -- Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 73(2): 119. 1943 [18 Jun 1943] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena brevicaulis Suess. -- Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 73(2): 119. 1943 [18 Jun 1943] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena caespitosa Spreng. -- Syst. Veg., ed. 16 [Sprengel] 1: 202. 1824 [dated 1825; publ. in late 1824] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena canaliculata Steud. -- Syn. Pl. Glumac. 2(8-9): 136. 1855 [10-11 Apr 1855] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena candida Ridl. -- Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. 2(7): 149. 1884 [1881-87 publ. Apr 1884] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena candida Baker -- J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 21: 450, (Rynchosporae sp.). 1885 [1886 publ. 1885] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena canescens Maury ex Micheli -- Mem. Soc. Sci. phys. Geneve xxxi. (1890) n. 1, 143 t. 42. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena canescens Maury -- Mém. Soc. Phys. Genève 31, pt. 1, no. 1: 143, pl. 42. 1889 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena capillaris Kunth -- Enum. Pl. [Kunth] 2: 283. 1837 [1-6 May 1837] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena caracasana Kunth -- Enum. Pl. [Kunth] 2: 281. 1837 [1-6 May 1837] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena cariciformis J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 11: 42. 1931 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena cariciformis (Nees) J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 11: 42. 1931 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena cephalotes Britton -- Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 15(4): 100. 1888 [2 Apr 1888] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena cephalotes Britton -- Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 15(4): 100. 1888 [2 Apr 1888] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena ciliata J.Presl & C.Presl -- Reliq. Haenk. i. 197. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena ciliata Vahl -- Enum. Pl. [Vahl] 2: 240. 1805 [Oct-Dec 1805] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena ciliata Vahl -- Enum. Pl. [Vahl] ii. 240. 1805 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena ciliata Vahl -- Enum. Pl. [Vahl] 2: 240. 1805 [Oct-Dec 1805] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena ciliata Vahl var. angustifolia Cherm. -- Bull. Soc. Bot. France 71: 1051. 1925 [18 Sep 1924] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena ciliata Vahl var. cinnamomea Kük. -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 200. 1926 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena ciliata Vahl var. cinnamomea Kük. -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 200. 1926 6377 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena ciliata Vahl var. vahliana C.B.Clarke -- Symb. Antill. (Urban). 2(1): 101. 1900 [15 Jan 1900] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena colorata (L.) Hitchc. -- Rep. (Annual) Missouri Bot. Gard. 4: 141. 1893 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena colorata Hitchc. -- Rep. (Annual) Missouri Bot. Gard. iv. (1893) 141. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena compressa Spreng. -- Neue Entdeck. Pflanzenk. 1: 239. 1820 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena consanguinea Kunth -- Enum. Pl. [Kunth] 2: 278. 1837 [1-6 May 1837] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena contracta Steud. -- Syn. Pl. Glumac. 2(8-9): 136 (Rynchosporae sp.). 1855 [10-11 Apr 1855] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena corymbosa (L.) J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 11: 6. 1931 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena corymbosa (L.) J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 11: 6. 1931 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena cubensis Poepp. & Kunth -- in Kunth, Enum. Pl. ii. 281. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena cymosa (Elliott) J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 11: 5. 1931 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena cymosa J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 11: 5. 1931 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena cyperoides (Sw.) J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 11: 6. 1931 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena cyperoides J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 11: 6. 1931 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena distans (Michx.) J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 11: 5. 1931 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena distans J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 11: 5. 1931 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena drummondiana Steud. -- Syn. Pl. Glumac. 2(8-9): 135. 1855 [10-11 Apr 1855] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena ebracteata Standl. -- Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 17: 428. 1914 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena ebracteata Standl. -- Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. xvii. 428 (1914). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena elatior Kunth -- Enum. Pl. [Kunth] 2: 282. 1837 [1-6 May 1837] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena emarginata Steud. -- Syn. Pl. Glumac. 2(8-9): 136. 1855 [10-11 Apr 1855] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena erostris Nees -- Linnaea 9: 291. 1834 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena exaltata J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 8: 113. 1930 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena exaltata J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 8: 113. 1930 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena fasciata Maury. -- J. Bot. (Morot) ii. (1888) 396. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena fasciata Maury -- J. Bot. (Morot) 2: 396. 1888 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena filiformis Kunth -- Enum. Pl. [Kunth] 2: 281. 1837 [1-6 May 1837] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena filiformis C.B.Clarke -- Symb. Antill. (Urban). 2(1): 102. 1900 [15 Jan 1900] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena filiformis C.B.Clarke (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena filiformis C.B.Clarke -- Symb. Antill. (Urban). 2(1): 102. 1900 [15 Jan 1900] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena floridensis C.B.Clarke -- Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew, Addit. Ser. 8: 32. 1908 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena floridensis C.B.Clarke -- Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew, Addit. Ser. 8: 32. 1908 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena floridensis Britton in Small -- Fl. S.E. U.S. [Small]. 190. 1903 [22 Jul 1903] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena foliosa Hochst. ex Boeckeler -- Linnaea 37: 534. 1872 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena fragifera A.Dietr. -- Sp. Pl., ed. 6. ii. 169. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena gigantea J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 11: 6. 1931 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena gigantea (Link) J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 11: 6. 1931 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena glauca J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 4: 166. 1929 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena glauca J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Columb. Mus., Bot. Ser. 4: 166. 1929 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena globosa Roem. & Schult. -- Syst. Veg., ed. 15 bis [Roemer & Schultes] 2: 90. 1817 [Nov 1817] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena gracilis Kunth -- Enum. Pl. [Kunth] 2: 280. 1837 [1-6 May 1837] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena gracilis C.B.Clarke -- Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew, Addit. Ser. 8: 32. 1908 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena gracilis C.B.Clarke -- Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew, Addit. Ser. 8: 32. 1908 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena grisebachii C.B.Clarke -- Symb. Antill. (Urban). 2(1): 102. 1900 [15 Jan 1900] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena grisebachii C.B.Clarke -- Symb. Antill. (Urban). 2(1): 102. 1900 [15 Jan 1900] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena heterophylla Boeckeler -- Flora 41: 644. 1858 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena hirsuta Kunth -- Enum. Pl. [Kunth] 2: 281. 1837 [1-6 May 1837] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena hispida Schrad. ex Nees -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 2(1): 111. 1842 [1 Apr 1842] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena hispidula Kunth -- Enum. Pl. [Kunth] 2: 279. 1837 [1-6 May 1837] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena hispidula Kunth -- Enum. Pl. [Kunth] 2: 279 (Rynchosporae sp.). 1837 [1-6 May 1837] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena humboldtiana Nees -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 2(1): 111. 1842 [1 Apr 1842] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena inaguensis Britton -- Bahama Fl. (Britton & Millspaugh) 53. 1920 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena inaguensis Britton -- Britton & Millsp. Fl. Baham. 53 (1920). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena intermedia Schrad. ex Steud. -- Nomencl. Bot. [Steudel], ed. 2. 1: 503. 1840 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena junciformis Kunth -- Enum. Pl. [Kunth] 2: 279. 1837 [1-6 May 1837] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena killipii J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 13: 301. 1936 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena killipii (R.Gross) J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 13(1): 301. 1936 [27 Jan 1936] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena kuekenthalii J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 4: 167. 1929 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena kukenthalii J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Columb. Mus., Bot. Ser. 4: 167. 1929 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena kukenthall J.F.Macbr. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena kuntzei (C.B.Clarke) J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 11: 42. 1931 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena kuntzei (C.B.Clarke ex Kuntze) J.F.Macbr. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena kuntzei J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 11: 42. 1931 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena latifolia Baldwin ex Elliott (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena latifolia Baldwin ex Elliott -- Sketch Bot. S. Carolina [Elliott] 1: 90. 1816 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena latifolia Baldwin (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena latifolia Baldw. ex Elliott -- Sketch Bot. S. Carolina [Elliott] 1: 90. 1816 [26 Sep 1816] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena lechleri J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 4: 167. 1929 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena lechleri J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Columb. Mus., Bot. Ser. 4: 167. 1929 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena leucocephala Michx. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena leucocephala Michx. -- Fl. Bor.-Amer. (Michaux) 1: 37. 1803 [19 Mar 1803] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena leucocephala Willd. ex Steud. -- Nomencl. Bot. [Steudel], ed. 2. 1: 503. 1840 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena leucophylla Willk. ex Kunth -- Enum. Pl. [Kunth] 2: 276. 1837 [1-6 May 1837] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena linkii J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 11: 5. 1931 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena linkii J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 11: 5. 1931 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena locuples J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 8: 114. 1930 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena locuples (C.B.Clarke) J.F.Macbr. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena locuples J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 8: 114. 1930 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena longa Lindm. -- Bih. Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl. xxvi. no. 9, 23. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena longa Lindm. -- Bih. Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl. 26, Afd. 3, no. 9: 23, pl. 4. 1900 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena longifolia Spreng. -- Syst. Veg., ed. 16 [Sprengel] 1: 203. 1824 [dated 1825; publ. in late 1824] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena macrochaeta J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 4: 167. 1929 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena macrochaeta J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Columb. Mus., Bot. Ser. 4: 167. 1929 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena mandonii J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Columb. Mus., Bot. Ser. 4: 167. 1929 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena mandonii J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 4: 167. 1929 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena marisculus J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 11: 5. 1931 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena marisculus (Lindl. & Nees) J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 11: 5. 1931 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena micrantha Kunth -- Enum. Pl. [Kunth] 2: 278. 1837 [1-6 May 1837] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena microcephala Spreng. -- Syst. Veg., ed. 16 [Sprengel] 1: 202. 1824 [dated 1825; publ. in late 1824] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena microcephala Bertero ex Spreng. -- Syst. Veg., ed. 16 [Sprengel] 1: 202. 1824 [dated 1825; publ. in late 1824] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena minarum C.B.Clarke -- Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew, Addit. Ser. 8: 32. 1908 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena minarum C.B.Clarke -- Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew, Addit. Ser. 8: 32. 1908 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena monostachya C.B.Clarke -- Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew, Addit. Ser. 8: 32. 1908 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena monostachya C.B.Clarke -- Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew, Addit. Ser. 8: 32. 1908 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena montana Uittien -- Recueil Trav. Bot. Néerl. 22: 334. 1926 [1925 publ. Jan 1926] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena montana Uittien -- Recueil Trav. Bot. Néerl. 22: 334. 1926 [1925 publ. Jan 1926] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena nana (Boeckeler) Core -- Brittonia i. 243 (1934). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena nana (Boeckeler) Core (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena nana Core -- Brittonia 1: 243. 1934 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena nardifolia Kunth -- Enum. Pl. [Kunth] 2: 280. 1837 [1-6 May 1837] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena nervosa Vahl -- Enum. Pl. [Vahl] ii. 241. 1805 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena nitens Kunth -- Enum. Pl. [Kunth] 2: 282. 1837 [1-6 May 1837] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena nivea Boeckeler -- in Contrib. Herb. Frankl. I. (1895) 20. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena nivea Britton -- Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 15(4): 101. 1888 [2 Apr 1888] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena obtusiflora Nees -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 2(1): 113. 1842 [1 Apr 1842] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena obtusiflora Schrad. ex Nees -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 2(1): 113. 1842 [1 Apr 1842] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena obtusifolia Steud. -- Syn. Pl. Glumac. 2(8-9): 135. 1855 [10-11 Apr 1855] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena pearcei (C.B.Clarke) J.F.Macbr. -- in Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Chicago, Bot. Ser. xi. 6 (1931). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena pearcei J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 11: 6. 1931 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena persooniana Nees in Mart. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena persooniana Nees -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 2(1): 112. 1842 [1 Apr 1842] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena peruviana J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 11: 6. 1931 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena peruviana (C.B.Clarke) J.F.Macbr. -- in Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Chicago, Bot. Ser. xi. 6 (1931). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena pilosa Spreng. -- Syst. Veg., ed. 16 [Sprengel] 1: 203. 1824 [dated 1825; publ. in late 1824] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena pilosa Kunth -- Enum. Pl. [Kunth] 2: 279. 1837 [1-6 May 1837] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena pittieri Standl. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena pittieri Standl. -- Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 17: 427. 1914 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena pittieri Standl. -- Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. xvii. 427 (1914). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena pohliana Steud. -- Syn. Pl. Glumac. 2(10): 319. 1855 [11-12 Sep 1855] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena polyphylla J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Columb. Mus., Bot. Ser. 4: 167. 1929 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena polyphylla J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 4: 167. 1929 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena polystachys Turrill -- Mem. Soc. Neuchatel. Sc. Nat. v. 348 (1913). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena polystachys Turrill -- Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. Neuchatel 5(2): 348. 1914 [1913] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena preslii A.Dietr. -- Sp. Pl., ed. 6. ii. 170. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena preslii A.Dietr. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena pringlei Britton in Urbina -- Cat. Pl. Mexic. 371. 1897 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena pubera Vahl -- Enum. Pl. [Vahl] ii. 241. 1805 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena pulchella Poepp. & Kunth -- in Kunth, Enum. Pl. ii. 277. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena pura Nees -- Linnaea 9: 291. 1834 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena pusilla Kunth -- Enum. Pl. [Kunth] 2: 275 (Rynchosporae sp.). 1837 [1-6 May 1837] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena pusilla Kunth -- Enum. Pl. [Kunth] 2: 275. 1837 [1-6 May 1837] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena radicans Schltdl. & Cham. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena radicans Cham. & Schltdl. -- Linnaea 6: 28. 1831 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena radicans var. typica A.Gross & Brade in A.Samp. -- Arq. Mus. Nac. Rio de Janeiro 34: 58. 1932 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena repens Vahl -- Enum. Pl. [Vahl] ii. 241. 1805 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena reptans (Rich.) Pers. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena reverchonii S.H.Wright -- Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 9(7): 86. 1882 [Jul 1882] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena reverchonii S.H.Wright -- Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 9(7): 86. 1882 [Jul 1882] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena rigida Kunth (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena rigida Kunth -- Enum. Pl. [Kunth] 2: 278. 1837 [1-6 May 1837] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena rigidifolia Gilly -- Brittonia 3: 154, f. 2 k-n. 1939 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena rigidifolia Gilly -- Brittonia iii. 154 (1939). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena riparia Steud. -- Syn. Pl. Glumac. 2(8-9): 136. 1855 [10-11 Apr 1855] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena riparia (Nees) Steud. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena robusta Kunth -- Enum. Pl. [Kunth] 2: 283. 1837 [1-6 May 1837] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena rufidula Steud. -- Syn. Pl. Glumac. 2(8-9): 137. 1855 [10-11 Apr 1855] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena ruiziana J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Columb. Mus., Bot. Ser. 4: 167. 1929 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena ruiziana (Boeckeler) J.F.Macbr. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena ruiziana J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 4: 167. 1929 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena ruiziana J.F.Macbr. var. triceps (Boeckeler) J.F.Macbr. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena ruiziana J.F.Macbr. var. triceps J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Columb. Mus., Bot. Ser. 4: 167. 1929 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena sabulosa Kunth -- Enum. Pl. [Kunth] 2: 283. 1837 [1-6 May 1837] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena schiedeana Kunth -- Enum. Pl. [Kunth] 2: 282. 1837 [1-6 May 1837] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena schoenus J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 11: 6. 1931 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena schoenus J.F.Macbr. -- in Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Chicago, Bot. Ser. xi. 6 (1931). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena sellowiana Kunth (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena sellowiana Kunth -- Enum. Pl. [Kunth] 2: 282 (Rynchosporae sp.). 1837 [1-6 May 1837] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena semiinvolucrata (J.Presl & C.Presl) J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Columb. Mus., Bot. Ser. 4: 167. 1929 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at
Purified (Shodhit) Dichromena semiinvolucrata J.F.Macbr. -- Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 4: 167. 1929 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at
Purified (Shodhit) Cyperus luerssenii Boeckeler -- Flora 58: 86. 1875 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Eria alba Lindl., Eria annapurnensis L. R. Shakya and M. R. Shrestha and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

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(The reasons for two or more similar looking references in Related References list are well explained in the database.)


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