Campanula canescens as key ingredient in the Formulation-Pankaj Oudhia on cancer drug interactions 12836

Campanula canescens as key ingredient in the Formulation-Pankaj Oudhia on cancer drug interactions 12836

Extreme weakness with various sorts of severe pain at night in case of Liver Cancer due to Negative Drug Interaction between Cisplatin as Chemotherapy Agent and Allelopathically enriched Eragrostis pilosa, Fumaria indica and Chloroxylon swietenia (as primary ingredients) and Epipactis gigantea, Dioscorea deltoidea and Wrightia tinctoria (as secondary ingredients) and Rubia cordifolia, Burara tuckeri, Echinochloa colona and Spiranthes sinensis (as tertiary ingredients) and Achyranthes aspera, Senna tora, Mitragyna parvifolia, Cissampelos pariera, Inula racemosa, Shorea robusta, Ougeinia oojeinensis, Brassica nigra, Haldina cordifolia, Selaginella asubdiaphana, Nephotettix virescens and Matapa cresta (as Senary Ingredients . Total 190 plus ingredients) based anti-cancer Entomo-Herbal Formulation can be managed with the help of Medicinal Rice P-468FLFS, KodoMillet, Little Millet and Wild Black Curcuma based this Herbal Formulation. 

#livercancer #wellness #chemotherapy #chhattisgarh #cisplatin   #druginteractions #herbal #कैंसर #organic #Ethnobotany  #orchid   #medicinalrice #oryza #healing #ayurveda #desi #herbalmedicines #vegan #pain

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Over 1.5 million Audio Research Notes on Oncology, Diabetology, ALS, DMD, SCD etc. available through Audio Bank Project at Medicinal Plant Database and Medicinal Insect Database by Pankaj Oudhia.

Topics Discussed in this SeriesHerbal Formulations for  Adenocarcinoma, Metastatic Breast Cancer, Thyroid Cancer, Basal Cell Carcinoma, Melanoma, Kaposi’s Sarcoma (KS) , Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Myeloma, Leukaemia , Lymphoma, Pancreatic Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Carcinoma of the esophagus and gastroesophageal junction, Carcinoid Tumors of Lung, Carcinoid Tumors of Small Intestine, Carcinoid Tumors of Ovary, Carcinoid Tumors of Colon, Carcinoid Tumors of Stomach, Carcinoid Tumors of Pancreas, gastrointestinal carcinoid tumors, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Oral Cavity, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Kidney, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Lung, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Nasal Cavity, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Breast, Spindle cell carcinoma , Spindle cell carcinoma of the Parotid Gland, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Head and Neck, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Lower Limbs, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Tongue, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Larynx, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Conjunctiva, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Mandibular Gingiva, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Esophagus, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Maxillary Sinus, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix, Spindle cell carcinoma of the Thyroid, Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) , Osteosarcoma, Chondrosarcoma, Ewing tumor, Fibrosarcoma and malignant fibrous histiocytoma,  Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) , Fibrolamellar carcinomaCholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer), AngiosarcomaHepatoblastomaPenile CancerTesticular CancerVaginal CancerGiant cell tumor of bone, Medicinal Plants and Herbal Medicines for Terminal Cancer, Endolaryngeal synovial sarcoma, Cervical Cancer, Primary renal synovial sarcoma, Anal Cancer, intra articular synovial sarcoma, Chordoma, Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma, Sarcomatoid carcinoma of the thyroid, Vulvar Cancer, Fibrosarcoma, Gastrointestinal stromal tumor, Leiomyosarcoma, Liposarcoma, Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor, Small cell anaplastic carcinoma of the lung, Anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL), Anaplastic cancers of the pancreas (ACP), Anaplastic Adrenal Cancer, Anaplastic Astrocytoma, Pleomorphic sarcoma, Rhabdomyosarcoma, Spinal Cancer, Retinoblastoma, Neuroblastoma, Pleuropulmonary Blastoma, Oral Cancer and Gynecologic Cancers, Anti-cancer Herbal Formulations of Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Mumbai, Chennai, Nagpur, Bhopal, Indore, Kolkata, Bengaluru, Chandigarh, Telangana and New Delhi regions, Compatible Cancer Herbs used in Traditional Healing of Nepal, Thailand, Malaysia,Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, China, Vietnam and Bhutan,  Stage 4 Cancers,  Herbal Formulations for Cancer Complications when Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy fail, Herbal Wealth of India, Medicinal Insects and Weeds in Cancer Formulations, Metastatic cancer, Antiproliferative Activity of Medicinal Rice Extracts Used Against Cancer, Managing Diabetes, Chronic Kidney Disease, Rheumatism, DMD, Sickle Cell Anemia and hypertension in Cancer Patients, Herbal Formulations not compatible with Chemotherapy Drugs, Garden plants of North America used in Asian Anti-cancer Herbal formulations, Promising Herbal Formulations used in Traditional Immuno-oncology (IO), Vegan and Cancer, Herb-Drug Interactions in Oncology, Cancer Drug Interactions, Essential thrombocytosis (ET), Herbal Formulations for Polycythemia Vera (PV) , Entomotherapy Formulations for Mediastinal seminoma, Safed Musli farming for cancer formulations, Mucuna farming for cancer formulations, Hadjod farming for cancer formulations, Sarpgandha farming for cancer formulations, Ashwagandha farming for cancer formulations, Herbal farming for cancer formulations, Lemon Grass farming for cancer formulations, Vegetable farming for cancer formulations, Aloe farming for cancer formulations, Tulsi farming for cancer formulations, Medicinal Rice Maharaji, Gathuan and Alcha based over one million Herbal Formulations for cancer prevention and cure, Traditionally validated over 8000 selected Formulations for Neuroendocrine Tumors, Cancer Eliminating Rice, Medicinal Black Rice based Herbal Formulations for malignant tumors of postcricoid area, Key Formulations for Hürthle cell carcinoma, Homeopathic-Ayurvedic drug interactions in cancer, Precision Cancer Medicines, Checklist of medicinal insects used by different tribes of Asia specially India for cancer prevention and cure, Medicinal grasses and sedges for cancer cure mentioned in Charak Samhita, 

Related References

Purified (Shodhit) Carex muricata L. var. sterilis (Willd.) Gleason -- Phytologia 4: 22. 1952 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex muricata L. var. virens (Lam.) Rchb. -- Icon. Fl. Germ. Helv. (H.G.L. Reichenbach) 8: 9. 1846

Purified (Shodhit) Carex muriculata F.J.Herm. in McVaugh -- Field & Lab. 17: 132. 1949 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex muriculata F.J.Herm. -- Field & Lab. 17: 132. 1949 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex × murrii Appel -- Oesterr. Bot. Z. 41: 124; et in Deutsche Bot. Monatsschr. 12: 100 (1894). 1891 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex musartiana Kük. & V.I.Krecz. -- Fl. URSS iii. 261, 602 (1935), descr. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex musartiana Kük. -- Trudy Glavn. Bot. Sada xxxviii. 206 (1924), nomen. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex × musashiensis Ohwi -- Mem. Coll. Sci. Kyoto Imp. Univ., Ser. B, Biol. xi. No. 5 (Cyperac. Jap. 1) 512(1936). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex musei Steud. -- Syn. Pl. Glumac. 2(8-9): 205. 1855 [10-11 Apr 1855] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex muskingumensis Schwein. -- Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. New York 1: 66. 1824 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex muskingumensis Schwein. -- Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. New York i. (1824) 66. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex mutabilis Willd. -- Prod. Fl. Berl. 37. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex mutans Boott ex C.B.Clarke -- Fl. Brit. India [J. D. Hooker] 6(20): 695, in syn. 1894 [Apr 1894] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex mutans Boott ex C.B.Clarke -- J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 20: 383. 1883 [1884 publ. 1883] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex mutica R.Br. -- in Richards. in Frankl. Narr. 1st Journ. 751. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex myosuroides Lowe -- Trans. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 4(1): 10. 1831 [Jun 1831] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex myosuroides Vill. -- Prosp. Hist. Pl. Dauphiné 17. 1779 [16 Apr 1779] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex myosurus Nees -- in Wight, Contrib. 122. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nachiana Ohwi -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 2(2): 103. 1933 [1 Mar 1933] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex × naegelii Brügger ex Sennholz -- Verh. K.K. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 37: 72. 1887 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nagasakensis C.B.Clarke -- Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew, Addit. Ser. 8: 88. 1908 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nagatadakensis Masam. -- Mem. Fac. Sc. & Agric. Taihoku Imp. Univ. xi., Bot. No. 4, 526 (1934). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nairii Ghildyal & U.C.Bhattach. -- J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 8(2): 479 (1986). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nakaharae Hayata -- J. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo xxx. Art. 1, 387 (1911). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nakaii H.Lév. -- Bull. Acad. Int. Géogr. Bot. sér. 3, 19(231): 33. 1909 [Jan 1909] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nakaoana T.Koyama -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 15(4): 112. 1954 [25 Mar 1954] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nakasimae Ohwi -- Mem. Coll. Sci., Kyoto Imp. Univ., Ser. B xviii. No. 1, 171 (1944). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nakiri Ohwi -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 5(1): 64, japonice. 1936 [30 Jan 1936] ; et in Mem. Coll. Sc.,Kyoto Imp. Univ. Ser. B, xi. No. 5 (Cyperac. Jap. t) 467, in syn. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nambuensis Franch. -- Bull. Annuel Soc. Philom. Paris sér. 8, vii. (1895) 44. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nana Cham. ex Steud. -- Syn. Pl. Glumac. 2(8-9): 228. 1855 [10-11 Apr 1855] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nana Cham. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nana Lam. -- Encycl. [J. Lamarck & al.] 3(2): 389. 1792 [13 Feb 1792] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nana Boott -- Mem. Amer. Acad. Arts ser. 2, 6(2): 418. 1858 [1857-58 publ. 1858] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nanchuanensis Chü ex S.Yun Liang -- Acta Phytotax. Sin. 36(6): 532 (1998). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nandadeviensis Ghildyal, U.C.Bhattach. & Hajra -- Indian J. Forest. 9(1): 90. 1986 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nanella Ohwi -- Mem. Coll. Sci. Kyoto Imp. Univ., Ser. B, Biol. v. No. 3, 263 (1930). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nanella Ohwi var. callitrichos (V.I.Krecz.) Vorosch. -- in A.K. Skvortsov (ed.), Florist. issl. v razn. raĭonakh SSSR 155 (1985):. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nanelliformis A.E.Kozhevn. -- Byull. Moskovsk. Obshch. Isp. Prir., Otd. Biol. 92(6): 132 (1987). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nangtciangensis Pamp. -- Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 1915, n. s. xxii. 260. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nankaiensis Honda -- Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 44: 409. 1930 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nanpingensis X.F.Jin -- Phytotaxa 317(1): 39. 2017 [11 Aug 2017] [epublished]

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nardifolia Wahlenb. -- Kongl. Vetensk. Acad. Nya Handl. (1803) 165. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nardina Fr. -- Novit. Fl. Suec. Mant. 2: 55. 1839 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nardina Fr. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nardina var. atriceps Kük. -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 8: 7. 1910 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nardina Fr. subsp. hepburnii (Boott) Á.Löve, D.Löve & B.M.Kapoor -- Arctic Alpine Res. 3(2): 145. 1971 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nardina var. hepburnii Kük. -- Pflanzenr. (Engler) 4, Fam. 20: 70. 1909 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nardina subsp. hepburnii (Boott) Á.Löve, D.Löve & B.M.Kapoor -- Arctic Alpine Res. 3: 145. 1971 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nardina Fr. var. hepburnii (Boott) Kük. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex naufragii Hochst. & Steud. -- Nomencl. Bot. [Steudel], ed. 2. 1: 293; Syn. Pl. Cyp. 206. 1840 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex naumanniana Boeckeler -- Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 5(5): 518. 1884 [5 Sep 1884] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex navasii Merino -- Bol. Soc. Aragonesa Ci. Nat. i. 65. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex navasii Merino -- Butl. Inst. Catalana Hist. Nat. 1902, ii. 117. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nealiae R.W.Krauss -- Pacific Sci. 4: 267. 1950 as 'nealae' (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex × nearctica Raymond -- Bull. Soc. Bot. France 99: 195, sine descr. 1952 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex neblinensis Reznicek -- Novon 6(4): 421. 1996 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex neblinensis Reznicek -- Novon 6: 421, fig. 1996 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nebrascensis Dewey -- Amer. J. Sci. Arts ser. 2, 18: 102. 1854 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nebrascensis Dewey -- Amer. J. Sci. Arts ser. 2, 18: 102. 1854 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nebrascensis var. eruciformis Suksd. -- Werdenda 1: 5. 1923 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nebrascensis Dewey var. praevia L.H.Bailey -- Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 1(1): 49. 1889 (sp. epithet as "nebraskensis") (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nebrascensis Dewey var. praevia L.H.Bailey (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nebrascensis Dewey var. ultriformis L.H.Bailey -- Bot. Gaz. 21: 8. 1896 (sp. epithet as "nebraskensis") (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nebrascensis Dewey var. ultriformis L.H.Bailey (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nebraskensis -- : use C. nebrascensis (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nebrodensis Lojac. -- Fl. Sicul. (Lojacono) 3: 231. 1909 [1908 publ. 1909] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nebularium Phil. -- Anales Univ. Chile xciii. 492. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nebularum Phil. -- Anales Univ. Chile 93: 492. 1896 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nebularum Phil. var. kurtziana Kük. -- Pflanzenr. (Engler) 4, Fam. 20: 118. 1909 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nebularum Phil. f. major Kük. -- Pflanzenr. (Engler) 4, Fam. 20: 118. 1909 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nebularum Phil. f. major Kük. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex neesiana Arn. ex Boott -- Proc. Linn. Soc. London 1(26): 260. 1845 [May 1845] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex neesiana Endl. -- Prodromus Florae Norfolkicae 1833 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex neesiana Endl. -- Prod. Fl. Norf. 24. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex neesii S.R.Zhang -- Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 179: 23. 2015 [14 Jul 2015] [epublished]

Purified (Shodhit) Carex negeri (Kük.) J.R.Starr -- Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 179: 34. 2015 [14 Jul 2015] [epublished]

Purified (Shodhit) Carex neglecta Peterm. -- Flora 27(1): 331. 1844 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex neglecta Tuck. -- Enum. Meth. Caric. 19. 1843 ; et in Am. Journ. Sc. xlv. (1843) 40 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex neglecta Degl. -- in Loisel. Fl. Gall. ii. 298. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex negrii Chiov. -- Ann. Bot. (Rome) 10: 406. 1912 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nelmesiana Barros -- Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. vi. 209 (1957). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nelmesiana Barros -- Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 6: 209. 1957 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nelmesii H.E.Hess -- Ber. Schweiz. Bot. Ges. lxiii. 350 (1953). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nelsonii Mack. -- Fl. Rocky Mts. 137, 1060. 1917 [31 Dec 1917] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nelsonii Mack. -- in Rydb. Fl. Rocky Mts. 137 (1917). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nemarosa Hort.Berol. ex Kunth -- Enum. Pl. [Kunth] 2: 388. 1837 [1-6 May 1837] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nematosperma Willd. ex Kunth -- Enum. Pl. [Kunth] 2: 456. 1837 [1-6 May 1837] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nematostachya Cham. ex V.I.Krecz. -- Fl. URSS iii. 346 (1935), in syn. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nemoralis (K.L.Wilson) K.L.Wilson -- Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 179: 34. 2015 [14 Jul 2015] [epublished]

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nemorensis J.F.Gmel. -- Syst. Nat., ed. 13[bis]. 2(1): 143. 1791 [late Sep-Nov 1791] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nemorosa Rebent. ex Boott -- Ill. Gen. Carex 3: 122. 1862 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nemorosa Lumnitz. ex Honck. -- Syn. Pl. Germ. 1: 355. 1792 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nemorosa Rebent. -- Prodr. Fl. Neomarch. 21 (1804). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nemorosa Schrank -- Baier. Fl. i. 291. 1789 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nemorosa J.F.Gmel. -- Syst. Nat., ed. 13[bis]. 2(2): 1520. 1792 [1791 publ. late Apr-Oct 1792] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nemorosa Rebent. var. cuprina Sándor ex Heuff. -- Linnaea 31: 662. 1863 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nemostachys Steud. -- Flora 29: 23. 1846 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nemurensis Franch. -- Bull. Annuel Soc. Philom. Paris sér. 8, vii. (1895) 30. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nenningiana Opiz -- Seznam 103 (err. typ. 203) (Quid?). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex neobigelowii Lepage -- Naturaliste Canad. 91: 166. 1964 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex × neobigelowii Lepage -- Naturaliste Canad. xci. 166 (1964). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex neochevalieri Kük. ex A.Chev. -- Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. (Paris) ser. 2, 3: 466. 1931 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex neochevalieri Kük. ex A.Chev. -- Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. 1931, Ser. II. iii. 467. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex neodigyna P.C.Li -- Acta Bot. Yunnan. 12(2): 146. 1990 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex × neofilipendula Lepage -- Naturaliste Canad. 83(6-7): 123 (-125). 1956 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex × neofilipendula Lepage -- Naturaliste Canad. lxxxiii. 123 (1956). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex neofilipes Nakai -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 13: 243. 1914 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex neoguineensis C.B.Clarke -- Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew, Addit. Ser. 8: 73. 1908 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex neoguinensis C.B.Clarke -- J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 37: 12. 1904 [1904-1906 publ. 1904] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex neohebridensis Guillaumin & Kük. -- Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. 1937, Ser. II. ix. 304. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex neokukenthaliana H.Lév. & Vaniot -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 3: 350. 1907 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex neomexicana Mack. -- Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 34: 153. 1907 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex neomexicana Mack. -- Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 1907, xxxiv. 153. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex × neomiliaris Lepage -- Naturaliste Canad. lxxxiv. 89 (1957). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex neonelmesii Raymond -- Naturaliste Canad. lxxxii. 158 (1955). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex × neopaleacea Lepage -- Naturaliste Canad. lxxxiii. 137 (1956). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex × neopaleacea Lepage -- Naturaliste Canad. 83: 137 (-139, fig.). 1956 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex neopetelotii Raymond -- Naturaliste Canad. lxxxii. 159 (1955). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex neopolycephala Tang & F.T.Wang ex L.K.Dai -- Acta Phytotax. Sin. 32(2): 175 (1994). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex neopolycephala Tang & F.T.Wang ex L.K.Dai var. simplex Tang & F.T.Wang ex L.K.Dai -- Acta Phytotax. Sin. 32(2): 175 (1994). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex × neorigida Lepage. -- Naturaliste Canad. lxxxiv. 46 (1957). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex neosachalinensis A.E.Kozhevn. -- Byull. Moskovsk. Obshch. Isp. Prir., Otd. Biol. 92(6): 131 (1987). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nepalensis Spreng. -- Syst. Veg., ed. 16 [Sprengel] 3: 811. 1826 [Jan-Mar 1826] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nepalensis Spreng. var. vaginosa (C.B.Clarke) Kük. -- Pflanzenr. (Engler) IV. 20 (Heft 38): 40. 1909 [18 May 1909] (as "Cobresia")

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nervata Franch. & Sav. -- Enum. Pl. Jap. ii. 566. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nervina L.H.Bailey -- Bot. Gaz. 10: 203. 1885 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nervina var. jonesii Kük. -- Pflanzenr. (Engler) 4, Fam. 20: 167. 1909 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nervosa Desf. -- Fl. Atlant. 2: 337. 1799 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nervosa Willd. ex Kunth -- Enum. Pl. [Kunth] 2: 449. 1837 [1-6 May 1837] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nervulosa Franch. -- Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. sér. 3, 9: 120. 1897 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nesophila Holm -- Amer. J. Sci. ser. 4, 17[167]: 315. 1904 , ser. 4, 16[166]: 458. 1903. nom. nud. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nesophila Holm -- Amer. J. Sci. ser. 4, 17[167]: 315. 1904 , ser. 4, 16[166]: 458. 1903. nom. nud. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nesophila Holm -- Amer. J. Sci. ser. 4, 17[167]: 315. 1904 , ser. 4, 16[166]: 458. 1903. nom. nud. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex neurocarpa Maxim. -- Prim. Fl. Amur. 306. 1859 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex neurochlaena Holm -- Amer. J. Sci. ser. 4, 17[167]: 301, f. 1-2. 1904 , ser. 4, 16[166]: 453. 1903. nom. nud. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex neurochlaena Holm -- Amer. J. Sci. ser. 4, 17[167]: 301, f. 1-2. 1904 , ser. 4, 16[166]: 453. 1903. nom. nud. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex neurochlamys F.Muell. -- Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae 8 1874 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex neurochlamys F.Muell. -- Fragm. (Mueller) 8(71): 258. 1874 [Nov 1874] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex neurophora Mack. -- in Abrams, Ill. Fl. Pacific States i. 298 (1923). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex neurophora Mack. in Abrams -- Ill. Fl. Pacific States 1: 298, fig. 706. 1923 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nevadensis Boiss. & Reut. -- Pugill. Pl. Afr. Bor. Hispan. 118. 1852 [Jan 1852] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nevadensis Boiss. & Reut. subsp. alpina (Kneuck.) Podlech -- Bull. Soc. Échange Pl. Vasc. Eur. Occid. Bassin Médit. 28: 113. 2000 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nexa Boott ex Benth. -- Fl. Hongk. 402. 1861 [Feb 1861] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex × nicoloffii Pamp. -- Ann. Bot. (Rome) 1(3): 135 (-141; t. 11). 1903 [30 dec 1903] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex niederleiniana Boeckeler -- Beitr. Cyper. 1. (1888) 50. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex niederleiniana Boeckeler -- Beitr. Cyper. pt. 1, 50. 1888 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigella Boott -- Fl. Bor.-Amer. (Hooker) 2(11): 225. 1839 [1–15 Nov 1839] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigella Boott -- Fl. Bor.-Amer. (Hooker) 2(11): 225. 1839 [1–15 Nov 1839] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigerrima Nelmes -- Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1939(4): 200. [7 Jun 1939] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigra Schkuhr -- Beschr. Riedgräs. ii. 38. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigra All. -- Fl. Pedem. ii. 267. 1785 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigra All. -- Fl. Pedem. 2: 267. 1785 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigra (L.) Reichard -- Fl. Moeno-Francof. 2: 96. 1778 [Jun-Dec 1778] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigra Schwein. ex Torr. -- Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. New York i. (1824) 336. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigra Reich. -- Fl. Moeno-Francof. ii. 96. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigra Siev. -- in Pall. N. Nord. Beitr. vil. 198. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigra Schkuhr f. abbreviata (Peterm.) Soó -- Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung. 16(3-4): 370. 1971 [1970 publ. 1971] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigra Schkuhr lus. androgyna (Peterm.) Soó -- Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung. 16(3-4): 370. 1971 [1970 publ. 1971] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigra Schkuhr f. badia (Sanio) Soó -- Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung. 16(3-4): 370. 1971 [1970 publ. 1971] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigra Schkuhr subsp. broterana (Samp.) Rivas Mart. -- Anales Inst. Bot. Cavanilles 34(2): 547, as'broteriana'. 1978 [1977 publ. 1978] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigra Schkuhr subsp. dacica (Heuff.) Soó -- Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung. 16(3-4): 370. 1971 [1970 publ. 1971] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigra Schkuhr f. densicarpa (Kneuck.) Soó -- Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung. 16(3-4): 370. 1971 [1970 publ. 1971] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigra Schkuhr subsp. drukyulensis Noltie -- Edinburgh J. Bot. 50(2): 189. 1993 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigra Schkuhr subsp. iberica Rivas Mart. -- Fontqueria 24: 14 (1989). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigra Schkuhr subsp. juncea (Fr.) Á.Löve & D.Löve -- Bot. Not. 128(4): 505. 1976 [1975 publ. 1976] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigra Schkuhr subsp. juncea (Fries) Soó -- Feddes Repert. 83(3): 148. 1972 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigra Schkuhr f. leucolepis (Meinsh.) Soó -- Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung. 16(3-4): 370. 1971 [1970 publ. 1971] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigra Schkuhr f. microstachys (Zapał.) Soó -- Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung. 16(3-4): 370. 1971 [1970 publ. 1971] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigra Schkuhr f. pleiandra (Kük.) Soó -- Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung. 16(3-4): 370, without basionym date. 1971 [1970 publ. 1971] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigra Schkuhr lus. polygama (Peterm.) Soó -- Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung. 16(3-4): 370. 1971 [1970 publ. 1971] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigra Schkuhr f. ramosa (Peterm.) Soó -- Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung. 16(3-4): 370. 1971 [1970 publ. 1971] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigra Schkuhr f. roussioei (H.Lév.) Soó -- Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung. 16(3-4): 370. 1971 [1970 publ. 1971] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigra Schkuhr f. silvatica (Russow ex Lehmann) Soó -- Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung. 16(3-4): 370. 1971 [1970 publ. 1971] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigra Schkuhr var. stenocarpa (Kük.) Soó -- Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung. 16(3-4): 370, without basionym date. 1971 [1970 publ. 1971] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigra Schkuhr f. stenostachya (Uechtr. ex Asch. & Graebn.) Soó -- Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung. 16(3-4): 370. 1971 [1970 publ. 1971] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigra All. var. stricitiformis (L.H.Bailey) Fernald (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigra (L.) Reichard var. strictiformis (L.H.Bailey) Fernald -- Rhodora 44: 299. 1942 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigra Schkuhr f. subfastigiata (Schur) Soó -- Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung. 16(3-4): 370. 1971 [1970 publ. 1971] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigra Schkuhr f. subovalis (Kneuck.) Soó -- Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung. 16(3-4): 370. 1971 [1970 publ. 1971] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigra Schkuhr f. subramosa (Meinsh.) Soó -- Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung. 16(3-4): 370. 1971 [1970 publ. 1971] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigra (L.) Reichard f. subramosa (Meinsh.) Raymond -- Bull. Soc. Bot. France 99: 197. 1952 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigra Schkuhr f. subsetacea (Kük.) Soó -- Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung. 16(3-4): 370, without basionym date. 1971 [1970 publ. 1971] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigra Schkuhr f. tenuis (Peterm.) Soó -- Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung. 16(3-4): 370. 1971 [1970 publ. 1971] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigra (L.) Reichard subsp. transcaucasica (T.V.Egorova) Jim.Mejías, G.E.Rodr.-Pal., Amini Rad & Martín-Bravo -- Phytotaxa 219(2): 186. 2015 [8 Jul 2015] [epublished]

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigra Schkuhr subsp. turfosa (Fr.) Podlech -- in E. Janchen, Fl. Wien, Niederost. & Nordburg. ed. 2: 649, without basionym ref. 1977 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigra Schkuhr subsp. wiluica (Meinsh.) Á.Löve & D.Löve -- Bot. Not. 128(4): 505. 1976 [1975 publ. 1976] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigricans Kit. -- Linnaea 32: 320. 1864 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigricans Dewey -- Amer. J. Sci. Arts 29: 249. 1836 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigricans Hombr. ex Boott -- Ill. Gen. Carex 4: 156. 1867 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigricans C.A.Mey. -- Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St.-Pétersbourg Divers Savans i. (1831) 210. t. 7. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigricans f. feminea Kneuck. -- Allg. Bot. Z. Syst. 17: 90. 1911 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigritella Drejer -- Fl. Dan. t. 2369. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigritella Drejer (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigrolutea Gaudin -- Agrost. Helv. ii. 196. 1811 [Aug 1811] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigrolutea Gaud. -- Etrennes de Fl. 196. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigromarginata Schwein. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigromarginata Schwein. -- Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. New York 1: 68. 1824 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigromarginata Schwein. -- Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. New York i. (1824) 68. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigromarginata Schwein. var. elliptica (Boott) Gleason -- Phytologia 4: 22. 1952 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigromarginata Schwein. var. floridana (Schwein. & Torr.) Kük. -- Pflanzenr. (Engler) 4, Fam. 20: 444. 1909 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigromarginata Schwein. var. minor (Boott) Gleason -- Phytologia 4: 22. 1952 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigromarginata Schwein. var. muhlenbergii (A.Gray ex Torr.) Gleason (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigromarginata Schwein. var. muhlenbergii (A.Gray ex Torr.) Gleason -- Phytologia 4(1): 22. 1952 [Mar 1952] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nigromarginata Schwein. var. subdigyna Boeckeler -- Linnaea 41: 220. 1877 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex niigatensis Koidz. -- Fl. Symb. Orient.-Asiat. 46 (1930). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex × nikaii T.Koyama -- J. Jap. Bot. xxx. 132 (1955). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex niko-montana Akiyama -- Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 45: 472. 1931 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nikoensis Franch. & Sav. -- Enum. Pl. Jap. ii. 558. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nikolskensis Komarov -- Bull. Jard. Bot. Petersb. 1916, xvi. 154. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nilagirica Hochst. ex Steud. -- Syn. Pl. Glumac. 2(8-9): 207. 1855 [10-11 Apr 1855] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nilagirica Viji, Pandur., Deepu & G.C.Tucker -- Webbia 71(2): 177. 2016 [16 Jun 2016] [epublished] ; nom. illeg.

Purified (Shodhit) Carex ninagongensis (Kük.) Nelmes ex Robyns & Tournay -- in Robyns, Fl. Spermatophyt. Parc Nat. Albert iii. 292 (1955). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nipponica Franch. -- Bull. Soc. Bot. France 26: 89. 1879 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nipposinica Ohwi -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 11(4): 255. 1942 [30 Sep 1942] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nitens Phil. -- Anales Univ. Chile (1873) 557. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nitida Willd. ex Kunth -- Enum. Pl. [Kunth] 2: 411. 1837 [1-6 May 1837] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nitida Host -- Icon. Descr. Gram. Austriac. 1: 71. 1801 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nitida Hoppe -- Taschenb. (1800) 198. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nitida Host var. filifolia Kük. -- Acta Horti Gothob. 5: 44. 1930 [17 Feb 1930]

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nitidiutriculata L.K.Dai -- Acta Phytotax. Sin. 37(2): 186 (1999). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nivalis Boott -- Proc. Linn. Soc. London 1(26): 256. 1845 [May 1845] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nivalis Boott -- Proc. Linn. Soc. London 1: 256. 1845 [Spring 1846?] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nivalis Cham. ex Steud. -- Syn. Pl. Glumac. 2(8-9): 184. 1855 [10-11 Apr 1855] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nivicola G.Don ex Boott -- Ill. Gen. Carex 4: 149. 1867 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nobilis Boott -- Ill. Gen. Carex 1: 4. 1858 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nodaeana A.I.Baranov & Skvortsov -- Quart. J. Taiwan Mus. xviii. 225 (1965). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nodiflora Boeckeler -- Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 5(5): 516. 1884 [5 Sep 1884] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex noguchii J.Oda & Nagam. -- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 61(3): 148 (145-150; fig.1, map). 2011 [21 Feb 2011]

Purified (Shodhit) Carex noltiei S.R.Zhang -- Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 179: 23. 2015 [14 Jul 2015] [epublished]

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nordica A.M.Molina, Acedo & Llamas -- Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 156(3): 401 (-403; fig. 9A-F). 2008 [20 Feb 2008]

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nordmannii Kern. ex Palla -- Verh. K.K. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 38: Sitzungsb. 69. 1888 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex normalis Mack. -- Bull. Torrey Bot. Club xxxvii. 244. 1910 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex normalis Mack. -- Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 37(5): 244. 1910 [May 1910] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex normalis f. perlonga Fernald -- Rhodora 44: 285. 1942 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex normalis var. perlonga (Fernald) Burnham -- Torreya 19: 131. 1919 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex normalis var. tincta House -- Bull. New York State Mus. Nat. Hist. 254: 169. 1924 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex norvegica Retz. -- Fl. Scand. Prodr. 179. 1779 [May-Dec 1779] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex norvegica Willd. ex Schkuhr -- Beschr. Riedgräs. i. 50. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex norvegica Willd. ex Schkuhr -- Beschr. Riedgräs. 1: 50 (t. S, fig. 66). 1801 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex norvegica Retz. -- Fl. Scandinav. Prodr. 179 (1779). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex norvegica Retz. subsp. conicorostrata Kalela -- Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. "Vanamo" 19, no. 3: 30. 1944 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex norvegica Willd. ex Schkuhr var. inferalpina (Wahlenb.) B.Boivin -- Naturaliste Canad. 94: 523. 1967 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex norvegica Willd. ex Schkuhr subsp. inferalpina (Wahlenb.) Hultén -- Acta Univ. Lund. 2, 38, no. 1: 348. 1942 Fl. of Alaska & Yukon, 2 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex norvegica Willd. ex Schkuhr var. inserrulata (Kalela) Raymond -- Naturaliste Canad. 77: 60. 1950 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex norvegica Willd. ex Schkuhr subsp. inserrulata Kalela -- Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. "Vanamo" 19, no. 3: 25, tab. 3, fig. 5-8; tab. 5, fig. 3-5; tab. 7, fig. 17. 1944 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex norvegica Retz. subsp. pusterana (Kalela) Chater -- Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 76(4): 365. 1978 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex norvegica Retz. var. stevenii (Holm) Dorn -- Vasc. Pl. Wyoming 296. 1988 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex norvegica Retz. var. stevenii (Holm) Dorn -- Vasc. Pl. Wyoming 296. 1988 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex norvegica Retz. subsp. stevenii (Holm) D.F.Murray -- Brittonia 21: 74. 1969 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex norvegica Retz. var. stevenii (Holm) Dorn -- Vasc. Pl. Wyoming 296 (1988):. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex notha Kunth -- Enum. Pl. [Kunth] 2: 421. 1837 [1-6 May 1837] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex × notholimosioides Doweld -- Phytotaxa 356(2): 133. 2018 [14 Jun 2018] [epublished]

Purified (Shodhit) Carex notoleia Nees -- in Wight, Contrib. 121. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nova L.H.Bailey -- J. Bot. 26: 322. 1888 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nova L.H.Bailey -- J. Bot. 26: 322. 1888 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nova L.H.Bailey var. erxlebenii Kelso -- Biol. Leafl. no. 66: 31. 1953 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nova var. pelocarpa (F.J.Herm.) Dorn -- Vasc. Pl. Wyoming 296. 1988 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nova L.H.Bailey var. pelocarpa (F.J.Herm.) Dorn -- Vasc. Pl. Wyoming 296 (1988):. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex novae-angliae Schwein. -- Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. New York 1: 67. 1824 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex novae-angliae Schwein. -- Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. New York i. 67. i. 67. 1824 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex novae-angliae Schwein. var. collecta (Dewey) Dewey (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex novae-angliae Schwein. var. collecta (Dewey) Dewey in Alph.Wood -- Class-book Bot. (ed. 1). 421. 1845 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex novae-angliae Schwein. var. deflexa L.H.Bailey (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex novae-angliae Schwein. var. deflexa L.H.Bailey -- Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 22: 124. 1886 ; nom. inval. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex novae-angliae Schwein. var. emmonsii (Dewey) J.Carey (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex novae-angliae Schwein. var. emmonsii (Dewey) J.Carey in A.Gray -- Manual (Gray) 556. 1848 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex novae-angliae var. rossii (Boott ex Hook) L.H.Bailey -- Bot. Gaz. 10: 207. 1885 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex novae-angliae Schwein. var. rossii L.H.Bailey (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex novae-anglieae var. emmonsii (Torr.) J.Carey (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex novae-selandiae Boeckeler -- Flora 61: 169. 1878 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex novae-zealandiae Petrie -- Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. xxv. 273. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex novae-zelandiae Petrie -- Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. xxv. 1892 (1893) 273. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex novogaliciana Reznicek -- Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. 17: 284 (1990). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex novogaliciana Reznicek -- Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. 17: 284, fig. 3. 1990 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

* Purified (Shodhit) Carex novograblenovii Komarov -- Izv. Bot. Sada Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R. 30:. 199. 1932 [1931 publ. 1932] as 'novograblenovi' (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex × nubens Lepage -- Naturaliste Canad. lxxxiv. 40 (1957). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nubicola Mack. -- Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 1909, xxxvi. 480. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nubicola Mack. -- Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 36: 480. 1909 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nubigena D.Don -- Philos. Mag. J. 62: 455. 1823 [Dec 1823] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nubigena D.Don -- Trans. Linn. Soc. London 14(2): 326. 1824 [15 Nov 1824] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nubigena D.Don subsp. pseudoarenicola (Hayata) T.Koyama -- Fl. Taiwan 5: 367 (1978):. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nuda Lam. -- Fl. Franç. (Lamarck) 2: 172. 1779 [1778 publ. after 21 Mar 1779] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nudata W.Boott -- Bot. California [W.H.Brewer] 2: 241. 1880 [Jul-Dec 1880] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nudata W.Boott -- Bot. California [W.H.Brewer] ii. 241. 1880 [Jul-Dec 1880] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nudata W.Boott var. angustifolia L.H.Bailey -- Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 1(1): 16. 1889 [25 May 1889] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nudata W.Boott var. anomala L.H.Bailey -- Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 1(1): 17. 1889 [25 May 1889] (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nudata W.Boott f. firmior Kük. -- Pflanzenr. (Engler) 4, Fam. 20: 337. 1909 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nudata W.Boott f. sessiliflora Kük. -- Pflanzenr. (Engler) 4, Fam. 20: 337. 1909 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nudata W.Boott subsp. versuta Piper -- Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 11: 171. 1906 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nudicarpa (Y.C.Yang) S.R.Zhang -- Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 179: 23. 2015 [14 Jul 2015] [epublished]

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nuptialis Boott -- Ill. Gen. Carex 4: 175. 1867 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nuriae Sennen -- Fl. Catal. (Treb. Inst. Catal. Hist. Nat. 1917, 236) 182 (1917), in obs., nomen. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nutans Raeusch. -- Nomencl. Bot. [Raeusch.] ed. 3, 270. 1797 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nutans Host -- Icones et Descriptiones Graminum Austriacorum 1 1801 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nutans Host -- Icon. Descr. Gram. Austriac. 1: 61, t. 83. 1801 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nutans var. pumila (Thunb.) Boeck. -- Linnaea 41 1877 (Long duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nuttallii Schwein. -- Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. New York 1: 65. 1824 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nuttallii Dewey -- Amer. J. Sci. Arts 43: 92. 1842 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex nyasensis C.B.Clarke -- Fl. Trop. Afr. [Oliver et al.] 8(3): 519. 1902 [Mar 1902] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex oahuensis Hillebr. -- Fl. Hawaiian Isl. [Hillebrand] 487. 1888 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex oakesiana Torr. -- Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. New York iii. (1836) 421. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex oaxacana L.H.Bailey -- Bot. Gaz. 25: 271. 1898 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex oaxacana L.H.Bailey -- Bot. Gaz. 25: 271. 1898 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex × oberrodensis B.Walln. -- Linzer Biol. Beitr. 25(2): 734 (1993). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex obesa All. -- Fl. Pedem. ii. 270. 1785 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex obesa Schleich. ex Kunth -- Enum. Pl. [Kunth] 2: 411. 1837 [1-6 May 1837] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex obesa var. minor Boott -- Ill. Gen. Carex pt. 4: 162. 1867 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex obispoensis Stacey -- Leafl. W. Bot. 1: 240. 1936 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex obispoensis Stacey -- Leafl. W. Bot. 1: 240. 1936 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex oblanceolata T.Koyama -- Willdenowia 5: 489. 1969 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex oblata -- use: C. ablata (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex oblata var. luzuliformis Bailey -- : use C. ablata var. luzuliformis (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex obliqua Turcz. -- Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou (1838) 104. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex obliquicarpa X.F.Jin, C.Z.Zheng & B.Y.Ding -- Ann. Bot. Fenn. 42(3): 223 (-226; fig. 1). 2005 [29 Jun 2005]

Purified (Shodhit) Carex obliquitruncata Y.C.Tang & S.Yun Liang -- Novon 16(3): 364 (-367; fig. 2). 2006 [7 Nov 2006]

Purified (Shodhit) Carex oblita Steud. (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex oblita Steud. -- Syn. Pl. Glumac. 2(8-9): 231. 1855 [10-11 Apr 1855] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex oblonga J.F.Gmel. -- Syst. Nat., ed. 13[bis]. 2(1): 146. 1791 [late Sep-Nov 1791] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex oblonga Nelmes -- Kew Bull. 5(2): 192. 1950 [1 Nov 1950] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex obnupta L.H.Bailey -- Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. ser. 2, 3: 104. 1891 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex obnupta L.H.Bailey -- Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. ser. 2, 3: 104. 1891 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex obovata Goldb. ex Ledeb. -- Fl. Ross. (Ledeb.) 4(13): 290. 1852 [Sep 1852] (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex obovatosquamata F.T.Wang & Y.L.Chang ex P.C.Li -- Acta Phytotax. Sin. 37(2): 175 (1999). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex obovoidea Cronquist -- Madroño 7: 78. 1943 (Short duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex obovoidea Cronquist -- Madroño 7: 78. 1943 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex obscura Nees -- in Wight, Contrib. 126. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex obscuriceps Kük. -- Pflanzenr. (Engler) Cyperac.-Caricoid. 723 (1909). (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex obtusa Kit. -- Linnaea 32: 319. 1864 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex obtusangula Salzm. ex Boott -- Ill. Gen. Carex 4: 206. 1867 (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit) Carex obtusangula Ehrh. -- Beitr. Naturk. [Ehrhart] 6: 82. 1791 ; nom. inval. (Medium duration purification) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Epigeneium rotundatum (Lindl.) Summerh., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz and Zeuxine flava (Lindl.) Trimen based Herbal Formulations for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Loudetiopsis chrysothrix (Nees) Conert -- Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 77(2-3): 285. 1957 [May 1957] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Loudetiopsis chrysothrix (Nees) Conert -- Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 77(2-3): 285. 1957 [May 1957] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Loudetiopsis falcipes (C.E.Hubb.) J.B.Phipps -- Kirkia 5(2): 249. 1966 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Loudetiopsis fulva (C.E.Hubb.) Conert -- Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 77(2-3): 287. 1957 [May 1957] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Loudetiopsis glabrata (K.Schum.) Conert -- Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 77(2-3): 287. 1957 [May 1957] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Loudetiopsis glabrinodis (C.E.Hubb.) Conert -- Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 77(2-3): 288. 1957 [May 1957] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Loudetiopsis kerstingii (Pilg.) Conert -- Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 77(2-3): 289. 1957 [May 1957] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Loudetiopsis occidentalis (Jacq.-Fél.) Clayton -- Kew Bull. 21(1): 123. 1967 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Loudetiopsis pobeguinii (Jacq.-Fél.) Clayton -- Kew Bull. 21(1): 123. 1967 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Loudetiopsis purpurea (C.E.Hubb.) Conert -- Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 77(2-3): 292. 1957 [May 1957] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Loudetiopsis scaettae (A.Camus) Clayton -- Kew Bull. 21(1): 123. 1967 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Loudetiopsis ternata (Stapf) Conert -- Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 77(2-3): 282. 1957 [May 1957] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Loudetiopsis thoroldii (C.E.Hubb.) J.B.Phipps -- Kirkia 5(2): 249. 1966 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Loudetiopsis trigemina (C.E.Hubb.) Conert -- Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 77(2-3): 283 (sphalm. trigemia). 1957 [May 1957] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Loudetiopsis tristachyoides (Trin.) Conert -- Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 77(2-3): 291. 1957 [May 1957] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Loudetiopsis villosipes (C.E.Hubb.) Conert -- Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 77(2-3): 283. 1957 [May 1957] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Louisiella C.E.Hubb. & J.Léonard -- Bull. Jard. Bot. État Bruxelles 22: 316. 1952 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Louisiella elephantipes (Nees ex Trin.) Zuloaga -- Syst. Bot. 39(4): 1113. 2014 [3 Sep 2014] [epublished]

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Louisiella fluitans C.E.Hubb. & J.Léonard -- Bull. Jard. Bot. État Bruxelles 22: 317. 1952 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Loxodera Launert -- Bol. Soc. Brot. sér. 2, 37: 80. 1963 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Loxodera bovonei (Chiov.) Launert -- in Senck. Biol. xlvi. 122. 1965 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Loxodera caespitosa (C.E.Hubb.) Clayton -- Kew Bull. 32(3): 580. 1978 [19 Apr 1978] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Loxodera epectinata (Napper) Launert -- Bol. Soc. Brot. sér. 2, 37: 82. 1963 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Loxodera ledermannii (Pilg.) Clayton -- in Senck. Biol. xlvi. 121. 1965 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Loxodera ledermannii (Pilg.) Clayton -- Kew Bull. 20(2): 258. 1966 [9 Sep 1966] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Loxodera rhytachnoides (Launert) Clayton -- Kew Bull. 32(3): 580. 1978 [19 Apr 1978] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Loxodera rigidiuscula Launert -- Bol. Soc. Brot. sér. 2, 37: 81. 1963 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Loxodera strigosa (Gledhill) Clayton -- Kew Bull. 23(2): 295. 1969 [5 Aug 1969] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Loxostachys Peter -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 40, pt. 1: 203. 1930 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Loxostachys Peter -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 40(1): 203; et in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih., 40(1, Anhang): 55 (1930). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Loxostachys lachnantha Peter -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 40(1): 204; et in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih., 40(1, Anhang): 55 (1930). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Loxostachys uncinata Peter -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 40, pt. 1: 204. 1930 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Loxostachys uncinata Peter -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 40(1): 204. 1930 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lucaea Kunth -- Révis. Gramin. ii. 489. t. 159 (1830). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lucaea ciliata Steud. -- Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1(6): 414. 1854 [1855 publ. 28-29 Nov 1854] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lucaea gracilis Kunth -- Révis. Gramin. ii. 489. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lucaea junghuhnii Steud. -- Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1(6): 414. 1854 [1855 publ. 28-29 Nov 1854] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lucaea langsdorffiana Steud. -- Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1(6): 413. 1854 [1855 publ. 28-29 Nov 1854] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lucaea langsdorffii (Trin.) Steud. -- Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1(6): 413. 1854 [1855 publ. 28-29 Nov 1854] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lucaea major Hochst. ex Steud. -- Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1(6): 414. 1854 [1855 publ. 28-29 Nov 1854] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lucaea plumbea Steud. -- Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1(6): 414. 1854 [1855 publ. 28-29 Nov 1854] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lucaea schimperi Steud. -- Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1(6): 414. 1854 [1855 publ. 28-29 Nov 1854] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lucaea typica Buse -- Pl. Jungh. [Miquel] 3: 367. 1854 [Aug 1854] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lucaea violacea Steud. -- Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1(6): 414. 1854 [1855 publ. 28-29 Nov 1854] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lucaea vriesii Buse -- Pl. Jungh. [Miquel] 3: 366. 1854 [Aug 1854] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Ludolfia Willd. -- Mag. Neuesten Entdeck. Gesammten Naturk. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin 2: 320. 1808 ; nom. illeg. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Ludolfia Willd. -- Mag. Neuesten Entdeck. Gesammten Naturk. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin 2: 320. 1808 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Ludolfia falcata Nees ex Munro -- Trans. Linn. Soc. London 26(1): 26. 1868 [5 Mar-11 Apr 1868] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Ludolfia glaucescens Willd. -- Mag. Neuesten Entdeck. Gesammten Naturk. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin 2: 320. 1808 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Ludolfia glaucescens Willd. -- Mag. Neuesten Entdeck. Gesammten Naturk. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin 2: 320. 1808 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Ludolfia glaucescens Willd. -- Mag. Neuesten Entdeck. Gesammten Naturk. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin 2: 320. 1808 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Ludolfia macrosperma (Michx.) Willd. -- Mag. Neuesten Entdeck. Gesammten Naturk. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin 2: 320. 1808 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Ludolfia macrosperma Willd. -- Mag. Neuesten Entdeck. Gesammten Naturk. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin 2: 320. 1808 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Ludolfia pinifolia (Nees) A.Dietr. -- Sp. Pl., ed. 6. 2: 25. 1833 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Ludolfia pinifolia A.Dietr. -- Sp. Pl., ed. 6. ii. 25. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Ludolfia tecta A.Dietr. -- Sp. Pl., ed. 6. ii. 24. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Ludolfia tecta (Walter) A.Dietr. -- Sp. Pl., ed. 6. 2: 24. 1833 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Ludolfia verticillata A.Dietr. -- Sp. Pl., ed. 6. ii. 25. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Ludolfia verticillata (Nees) A.Dietr. -- Sp. Pl., ed. 6. 2: 25. 1833 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola Juss. -- Gen. Pl. [Jussieu] 33. 1789 [4 Aug 1789] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola alabamensis Chapm. -- Fl. South. U.S. 584. 1860 [14 Aug 1860] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola alabamensis Chapm. -- Fl. South. U.S. 584. 1860 [14 Aug 1860] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola alopecurus f. minor Skottsb. -- Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 56(5): 188. 1916 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola alopecurus f. pusilla Skottsb. -- Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 56(5): 188. 1916 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola antarctica Hook.f. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola arctica Blytt as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola arctica Blytt subsp. latifolia (Kjellm.) A.E.Porsild -- Publ. Bot. (Ottawa) no. 4: 15. 1975 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola arctica Blytt var. typica Buchenau -- Pflanzenr. (Engler) 4, Fam. 36: 69. 1906 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola arcuata var. confusa Lange -- Meddel. Grønland 3: 285. 1887 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola arcuata f. latifolia Kjellm. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola arcuata f. latifolia Kjellm. in Nordensk. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola arcuata var. major Hook. -- Fl. Bor.-Amer. (Hooker) 2(10): 189. 1838 [Dec 1838] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola arcuata var. unalaschkensis Buchenau -- Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 12(1-2): 124. 1890 [24 Jun 1890] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola arcuata subsp. unalaschkensis (Buchenau) Hultén -- Ark. Bot. (n. s.) 7(1): 32. 1968 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola bahiensis Hitchc. -- Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 12: 234. 1909 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola bahiensis Hitchc. -- Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. xii. 234 (1909). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola bahiensis (Steud.) Hitchc. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola bahiensis Hitchc. var. alabamensis (Chapm.) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola bahiensis var. alabamensis -- Bot. Arch. 1: 242. 1922 [as alabamonsis] Prod as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola beeringiana Gjaerev. -- Kongel. Norske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. (Trondheim) 1958 (5): 63. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola boliviensis Buchenau as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola brasiliana Moric. -- Pl. Nouv. Amer. 94. 1840 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola brasiliana Moric. -- Pl. Nouv. Amer. 94. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola brasiliensis (Trin.) Swallen -- Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 52: 473. 1965 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola brasiliensis (Trin.) Pilg. -- Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed. 2 [Engler & Prantl] 14d: 157. 1956 ; nom. inval. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola brasiliensis (Trin.) Swallen -- Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. lii. 473. 1965 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola bulbosa Rydb. -- Brittonia 1: 85. 1931 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola caespitosa Swallen -- Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. lii. 473. 1965 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola caespitosa Swallen -- Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 52: 473. 1965 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola campestris var. acadiensis Fernald -- Rhodora 19: 38. 1917 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola campestris var. bulbosa Wood as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola campestris var. bulbosa Alph.Wood -- Class-book Bot. (ed. 1861). 723. 1861 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola campestris var. columbiana H.St.John -- Madroño 3: 219. 1936 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola carolinensis Raspail -- Ann. Sci. Nat. (Paris) 5: 304. 1825 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola caroliniana Trin. ex Steud. -- Nomencl. Bot. [Steudel], ed. 2. ii. 79. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola caroliniana Trin. ex Steud. -- Nomencl. Bot. [Steudel], ed. 2. 2: 79. 1841 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola confusa Lindeb. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola contracta Hack. -- Oesterr. Bot. Z. 52: 8. 1902 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola contracta Hack. -- Oesterr. Bot. Z. 52: 8. 1902 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola divergens Swallen -- Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. lii. 475. 1965 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola divergens Swallen -- Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 52: 475. 1965 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola doelliana Prodoehl -- Bot. Arch. 1: 240. 1922 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola doelliana Prodoehl -- Bot. Arch. 1: 240. 1922 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola fluitans (Michx.) Terrell & H.Rob. -- Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 101: 244. 1974 publ. 1975 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola fluitans (Mchx.) Terrell & H.Rob. -- Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 101(5): 244. 1975 [1974 publ. 1975] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola fluitans var. oconnorii (R.Guzmán) G.C.Tucker -- J. Arnold Arbor. 69: 272. 1988 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola fluitans (Mchx.) Terrell & H.Rob. var. oconnorii (R.Guzmán) G.C.Tucker -- J. Arnold Arbor. 69(3): 272 (1988):. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola fragilis Swallen -- Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. lii. 474. 1965 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola fragilis Swallen -- Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 52: 474. 1965 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola gracillima Prodoehl -- Bot. Arch. 1: 241. 1922 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola gracillima Prodoehl -- Bot. Arch. 1: 241. 1922 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola leiocarpa Lindm. -- Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl. xxxiv. no. 6, 12. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola leiocarpa Lindm. -- Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl. 34(6): 12, pl. 8. 1900 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola longivalvis Benth. & Hook.f. -- Gen. Pl. [Bentham & Hooker f.] 3(2): 1116, sphalm. 1883 [14 Apr 1883] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola longivalvula Döll -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 2(2): 17. 1871 [1 Feb 1871] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola longivalvula Döll -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 2(2): 17. 1871 [1 Feb 1871] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola mexicana Kunth -- Nov. Gen. Sp. [H.B.K.] 1: 199. 1816 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola micrantha (Schrad. ex Kunth) Benth. -- J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 19: 55. 1881 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola micrantha Benth. -- J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 19: 55. 1881 [1882 publ. 1881] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola multiflora var. acadiensis Fernald as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola nivalis var. latifolia (Kjellm.) Sam. ex Hultén as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola peruviana G.Mey. ex Benth. -- J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 19: 55. 1881 [1882 publ. 1881] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola peruviana Döll ex J.F.Gmel. -- Syst. Nat., ed. 13[bis]. 2(1): 637. 1791 [late Sep-Nov 1791] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola peruviana J.F.Gmel. -- Syst. Nat., ed. 13[bis]. 2(1): 637. 1791 [late Sep-Nov 1791] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola pittieri Luces -- J. Wash. Acad. Sci. xxxii. 159 (1942). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola pittieri Luces -- J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 32: 159, fig. 3. 1942 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola pusilla S.Moore -- Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. ser. 2, 4: 507, pl. 37, fig. 1-8. 1895 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola pusilla S.Moore -- Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. 4(3): 507, t. 37. 1895 [1894-96 publ. Dec 1895] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola spiciformis Anderss. ex Bal. & Poitrass. -- Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Toulouse xii. (1878) 232. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola spruceana Benth. ex Döll -- Fl. Bras. (Martius) 2(2): 18. 1871 [1 Feb 1871] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola striata Bal. & Poitrass. -- Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Toulouse xii. (1878) 231; et in Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. xxxii.(1885) 243. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola subintegra Swallen -- Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 30: 165. 1943 ; (Fl. Panama, Pt. 2, 69) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola subintegra Swallen -- Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 30: 165. 1943 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Luziola unalaschkensis (Buchenau) Satake as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lycochloa Sam. -- Ark. Bot. 25A(8): 4. 1933 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lycochloa avenacea Sam. -- Ark. Bot. 25A(8): 4. 1933 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lycurus Kunth -- Nov. Gen. Sp. [H.B.K.] 1(2): 141 (ed. qto.); 115 (ed. fol.). 1816 [dt. 1815; issued 29 Jan 1816] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lycurus Kunth -- Nov. Gen. Sp. [H.B.K.] 1: 141, t. 45. 1816 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lycurus alopecuroides Griseb. -- Abh. Königl. Ges. Wiss. Göttingen 19: 255. 1874 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lycurus brevifolius Scribn. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lycurus brevifolius Scribn. in Beal -- Grasses N. Amer. [Beal] 2: 271. 1896 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lycurus muticus Spreng. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lycurus muticus Spreng. -- Syst. Veg., ed. 16 [Sprengel] 4(2, Cur. Post.): 32. 1827 [Jan-Jun 1827] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lycurus phalaroides Kunth -- Nov. Gen. Sp. [H.B.K.] 1: 142. 1816 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lycurus phleoides Kunth -- Nov. Gen. Sp. [H.B.K.] 1(2): 142 (ed. qto.). 1816 [dt. 1815; issued 29 Jan 1816] ; addit. publ.: t. 45. May 1816. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lycurus phleoides Kunth -- Nov. Gen. Sp. [H.B.K.] 1: t. 45. 1816 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lycurus phleoides Kunth var. brevifolius Beal -- Grasses N. Amer. [Beal] 2: 271. 1896 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lycurus phleoides Kunth var. glaucifolius Beal -- Grasses N. Amer. [Beal] 2: 271. 1896 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lycurus schaffneri Mez -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 17: 212. 1921 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lycurus schaffneri (E.Fourn. ex Scribn.) Mez as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lycurus schaffneri Mez -- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 17: 212. 1921 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lycurus setosus (Nutt.) C.Reeder -- Phytologia 57(4): 287 (1985):. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lycurus setosus (Nutt.) C.Reeder -- Phytologia 57: 287. 1985 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lygeum Loefl. -- Gen. Pl., ed. 5. 27. 1754 [Aug 1754] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lygeum apiculatum Gand. -- Oesterr. Bot. Z. 31: 45. 1881 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lygeum insulare Gand. -- Oesterr. Bot. Z. 31: 45. 1881 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lygeum loscosii Gand. -- Oesterr. Bot. Z. 31: 45. 1881 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lygeum murcicum Gand. -- Oesterr. Bot. Z. 31: 45. 1881 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lygeum spartum L. -- Gen. Pl., ed. 5. [522]. 1754 [Aug 1754] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lygeum spartum L. -- Gen. Pl., ed. 5. Addend. p. [522]. 1754 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lygeum spathaceum Lam. -- Encycl. [J. Lamarck & al.] 1(1): 96. 1783 [2 Dec 1783] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lygeum tenax Salisb. -- Prodr. Stirp. Chap. Allerton 26. 1796 [Nov-Dec 1796] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Lygurus D.Dietr. -- Syn. Pl. [D. Dietrich] i. 134 (1839), sphalm. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Maclurochloa K.M.Wong -- Kew Bull. 48(3): 528. 1993 [5 Oct 1993] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Maclurochloa locbacensis H.N.Nguyen & V.T.Tran -- Ann. Bot. Fenn. 51(5): 326. 2014 [15 Sep 2014] [epublished]

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Maclurochloa montana (Ridl.) K.M.Wong -- Kew Bull. 48(3): 528. 1993 [5 Oct 1993] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Maclurochloa tonkinensis H.N.Nguyen & V.T.Tran -- Nordic J. Bot. 31(2): 157. 2013 [7 May 2013]

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Maclurolyra C.E.Calderón & Soderstr. -- Smithsonian Contr. Bot. 11: 6. 1973 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Maclurolyra tecta C.E.Calderón & Soderstr. -- Smithsonian Contr. Bot. 11: 6. 1973 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Maclurolyra tecta C.E.Calderón & Soderstr. -- Smithsonian Contr. Bot. 11: 6. 1973 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Macroblepharus Phil. -- Linnaea 29: 100. 1858 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Macroblepharus contractus Phil. -- Linnaea 29: 100. 1858 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Macrobriza (Tzvelev) Tzvelev -- in Komarov. Chten. 37: 32 (1987):. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Macrobriza maxima (L.) Tzvelev -- Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 78(10): 91. 1993 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Macrochaeta Steud. -- Syst. Verz. (Zollinger) 60 (1854). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Macrochaeta sacchariformis Steud. -- Syst. Verz. (Zollinger) 60 (1854). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Macrochloa Kunth -- Révis. Gramin. 1: 58. 1829 [Jun 1829] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Macrochloa antiatlantica (Barreña, D.Rivera, Alcaraz & Obón) H.Scholz & Valdés -- Willdenowia 36(2): 663. 2006 [30 Oct 2006]

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Macrochloa arenaria Kunth -- Révis. Gramin. i. 59 (1815). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Macrochloa arenaria Kunth subsp. donyanae (F.M.Vázquez & Devesa) Fennane -- Fl. Vasc. Maroc 2: 265. 2009 [2008 publ. 2009]

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Macrochloa arenaria Kunth subsp. maroccana (Pau & Font Quer) Fennane -- Fl. Vasc. Maroc 2: 266. 2009 [2008 publ. 2009]

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Macrochloa gigantea Hack. -- Cat. Rais. Gramin. Portugal 16. 1880 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Macrochloa tenacissima Kunth -- Révis. Gramin. i. 59. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Macrochloa tenacissima Kunth subsp. gabesensis (Moraldo, Raffaelli & Ricceri) H.Scholz & Valdés -- Willdenowia 36(2): 663. 2006 [30 Oct 2006]

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Macrochloa tenacissima Kunth subsp. umbrosa F.M.Vázquez -- Acta Bot. Malac. 31: 74 (-76; fig. 1). 2006 [Dec 2006]

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Macrohystrix (Tzvelev) Tzvelev & Prob. -- Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 95(6): 858. 2010

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Macrohystrix californica (Bol. ex Thurb.) Tzvelev & Prob. -- Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 95(6): 858. 2010

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Macrohystrix duthiei (Stapf ex Hook.f.) Tzvelev & Prob. -- Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 95(6): 858. 2010

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Macrohystrix komarovii (Roshev.) Tzvelev & Prob. -- Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 95(6): 858. 2010

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Macronax Raf. -- Med. Repos. 5: 352. 1808 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Macrostachya Hochst. ex A.Rich. -- Tent. Fl. Abyss. 2: 408, in nota. 1850 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Magastachya P.Beauv. -- Ess. Agrostogr. 74 (1812) err. typ. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Maillea Parl. -- Pl. Nov. 31 (1842). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Maillea crypsoides Boiss. -- Fl. Orient. [Boissier] 5(2): 479. 1884 [Apr 1884] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Maillea urvillei Parl. -- Pl. Nov. 31. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Mais Adans. -- Fam. Pl. (Adanson) 2: 39. 1763 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Maizilla Schlecht. -- Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 8: 601. 1850 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Maizilla stolonifera Schlecht. -- Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 8: 605. 1850 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Malacurus Nevski -- Trudy Bot. Inst. Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R., Ser. 1, Fl. Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 1: 19, 27 (1933), sine descr.;et in Acta Univ. As. Med. Ser. VIII b, Bot. Fasc. 17, 38 (1934), descr. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Malacurus lanatus (Korsh.) Nevski -- Trudy Bot. Inst. Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R., Ser. 1, Fl. Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 1: 19, 27 (1933), sine descr.;et in Acta Univ. As. Med. Ser. VIII b, Bot. Fasc. 17, 19 (1934), in obs. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Maltea B.Boivin -- Naturaliste Canad. 94: 526. 1967 [25 Sep 1967] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Maltea B.Boivin -- Naturaliste Canad. xciv. 526 (1967). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Maltea × vacillans (T.M.Fries) B.Boivin -- Naturaliste Canad. xciv. 526 (1967). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Maltea × vacillans (Th.Fr.) B.Boivin -- Naturaliste Canad. 94: 526. 1967 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Maltebrunia Kunth -- Révis. Gramin. i. 183. t. 3 (1830). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Maltebrunia gabonensis C.E.Hubb. -- Hooker's Icon. Pl. 36: t. 3595, p. 2. 1962 [May 1962] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Maltebrunia leersioides Kunth -- Révis. Gramin. i. 183. t. 3 (1830). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Maltebrunia letestui (Koechlin) Koechlin -- in Fl. Gabon No. 5, 243 (1962), in adnot. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Maltebrunia maroana Aug.DC. -- Bull. Herb. Boissier Ser. II. i. 555. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Maltebrunia petiolata Aug.DC. -- Bull. Herb. Boissier Ser. II. i. 555. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Maltebrunia prehensilis Nees -- Fl. Afr. Austral. Ill. i. 194. 1841 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Maltebrunia schliebenii (Pilg.) C.E.Hubb. -- Hooker's Icon. Pl. 36: t. 3595, p. 3. 1962 [May 1962] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Malteburnia Steud. -- Nomencl. Bot. [Steudel], ed. 2. ii. 93 (1841) sphalm. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Malya Opiz -- Seznam 62 (1852). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Malya tenuis Opiz -- Seznam 63 (1852). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Mandelorna Steud. -- Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1(4-5): 359. 1854 [1855 publ. 20-21 Jul 1854] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Mandelorna insignis Steud. -- Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1(4-5): 359. 1854 [1855 publ. 20-21 Jul 1854] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris L. -- Mantissa Plantarum 1771 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris L. -- Mant. Pl. Altera 164, 300. 1771 [Oct 1771] ; nom. rej. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris L. -- Mant. Pl. Altera 164, 300. 1771 [Oct 1771] ; vide Dandy, Ind. Gen. Vasc. Pl. 1753-74 (Regn.Veg. li.) 63 (1967) as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris Sw. -- Prodr. [O. P. Swartz] 25 (1788), partim; Fl. Ind. Occ. i. 186 (1797). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris L.f. -- Amoen. Acad. x. Diss. Bot. i. 21. 1779 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris L. -- Mant. Pl. Altera 164. 1771 [Oct 1771] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris sect. Ophiuros Kuntze -- Lexicon Generum Phanerogamarum 1903 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris sect. Stegosia (Lour.) Kuntze -- Lexicon Generum Phanerogamarum 1903 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris acuminata (Hack.) C.E.C.Fisch. -- in Gamble, Fl. Madras 1761 (1934). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris acuminata Kuntze -- Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 779. 1891 [5 Nov 1891] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris acuminata (Hack.) C.E.C.Fisch. var. stocksii (Hook.f.) Jain -- Bull. Bot. Surv. India 12(1-4): 9. 1972 [1970 publ. 1972] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris acuminata Kuntze var. woodrowii Bor -- Grasses Burma, Ceylon, India & Pakistan 191. 1960 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris afzelii Kuntze -- Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 779. 1891 [5 Nov 1891] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris altissima (Poir.) Hitchc. -- J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 1934, xxiv. 292. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris aurita (Steud.) Kuntze as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris aurita (Steud.) Hitchc. & Chase as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris aurita Hitchc. & Chase -- Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. xviii. 276 (1917). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris aurita (Steud.) in Kuntze -- Revis. Gen. Pl. 3[3]: 356. 1898 [28 Sep 1898] Hitchc. & Chase, Contrib. U. S. Nat. Herb. 18: 276. 1917 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris balansae Parodi -- Physis (Buenos Aires) ix. 13 (1928). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris balansae Parodi -- Physis (Buenos Aires) 9: 15. 1928 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris balansae (Hack.) Parodi as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris balansae (Hack. ex Mart.) Parodi as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris chapmanii Nash in Small -- Fl. S.E. U.S. [Small]. 56, 1326. 1903 [22 Jul 1903] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris chapmanii Small -- Fl. S.E. U.S. [Small]. 56. 1903 [22 Jul 1903] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris chapmanii Nash as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris clarkei (Hack.) Bor in Santapau -- Rec. Bot. Surv. India xvi. 1. 357(1953). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris coelorhachis Kuntze -- Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 779. 1891 [5 Nov 1891] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris compressa Kuntze -- Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 779. 1891 [5 Nov 1891] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris corrugata Kuntze -- Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 779. 1891 [5 Nov 1891] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris corrugata Kuntze -- Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 779. 1891 [5 Nov 1891] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris corrugata (Baldwin) Kuntze as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris corrugata Kuntze var. areolata C.Mohr -- Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 24(1): 21. 1897 [28 Jan 1897] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris cylindrica (Michx.) Kuntze -- Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 779. 1891 [5 Nov 1891] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris cylindrica Kuntze -- Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 779. 1891 [5 Nov 1891] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris digitata Kuntze -- Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 779. 1891 [5 Nov 1891] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris divergens Kuntze -- Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 779. 1891 [5 Nov 1891] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris divergens Kuntze var. hirsuta (Fischer) Jain -- Bull. Bot. Surv. India 12(1-4): 12. 1972 [1970 publ. 1972] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris exaltata Kuntze -- Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 780. 1891 [5 Nov 1891] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris exaltata Kuntze -- Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 779, 780. 1891 [5 Nov 1891] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris exaltata Baill. -- Hist. Pl. (Baillon) 12: 199. 1893 [24 Apr 1893] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris fasciculata Hitchc. -- Amer. J. Bot. 2: 299. 1915 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris fasciculata Hitchc. -- Amer. J. Bot. 1915, ii. 299. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris forficulata C.E.C.Fisch. -- Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1933(7): 355. [25 Sep 1933] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris forficulata C.E.C.Fisch. var. hirsuta C.E.C.Fisch. -- Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1933(7): 355. [25 Sep 1933] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris formosa (R.Br.) Kuntze -- Revisio Generum Plantarum 2 1891 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris formosa Kuntze -- Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 779. 1891 [5 Nov 1891] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris glandulosa Kuntze -- Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 780. 1891 [5 Nov 1891] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris goaensis R.S.Rao & Hemadri -- Bull. Bot. Surv. India 10: 106. 1968 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris granularis (L.) Sw. -- Flora Indiae Occidentalis 1 1797 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris granularis (L.) Sw. -- Prodr. [O. P. Swartz] 25. 1788 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris granularis (L.) Sw. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris granularis L. -- Amoen. Acad., Schreb. ed. (Diss. Bot.): 40. 1790 ; nom. inval. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris guianensis Hitchc. -- Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. xxii. 510(1922). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris guianensis Hitchc. -- Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 22: 510, fig. 86. 1922 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris hirsuta Kuntze -- Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 780. 1891 [5 Nov 1891] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris hirta Russ. ex Wall. -- Numer. List [Wallich] n. 1726. 1829 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris impressa Kuntze -- Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 780. 1891 [5 Nov 1891] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris impressa (Griseb.) Kuntze as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris impressa Kuntze -- Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 780. 1891 [5 Nov 1891] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris latifolia Kuntze -- Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 780. 1891 [5 Nov 1891] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris leonina Hitchc. & Chase -- Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. xviii. 275 (1917). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris leonina Hitchc. & Chase -- Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 18: 275. 1917 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris loricata Kuntze -- Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 780. 1891. [5 Nov 1891] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris loricata Kuntze -- Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 780. 1891 [5 Nov 1891] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris mollicoma Kuntze -- Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 780. 1891 [5 Nov 1891] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris mysorensis Jain & Hemadri -- Bull. Bot. Surv. India 10: 280. 1969 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris myurus L. -- Mant. Pl. Altera 300. 1771 [Oct 1771] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris nigrescens Kuntze -- Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 780. 1891 [5 Nov 1891] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris parifera Hack. -- Oesterr. Bot. Z. 41: 48. 1891 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris polystachya P.Beauv. -- Fl. Oware 1: 24, t. 14. 1805 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris protensa (Nees) Hitchc. -- Brittonia ii. 127 (1936). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris racemosa (E.Fourn.) Hitchc. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris ramosa Hitchc. -- Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 1927, xl. 88. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris ramosa Hitchc. -- Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 40: 88. 1927 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris ratnagirica B.G.Kulk. & Hemadri -- Indian Forester 100(4): 250. 1974 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris rottboelliodes Kuntze -- Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 779. 1891 [5 Nov 1891] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris rottboellioides (R.Br.) Kuntze -- Revisio Generum Plantarum 2 1891 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris rugosa (Nutt.) Kuntze as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris rugosa Kuntze -- Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 780. 1891 [5 Nov 1891] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris rugosa Kuntze -- Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 780. 1891 [5 Nov 1891] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris rugosa (Nutt.) Kuntze var. chapmanii Scribn. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris rugosa var. chapmanii Scribn. -- Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 5: 28. 1894 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris santapaui Jain & Deshpande -- Bull. Bot. Surv. India 10: 277. 1969 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris selloana Kuntze -- Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 780. 1891 [5 Nov 1891] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris selloana Kuntze -- Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 780. 1891 [5 Nov 1891] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris selloana (Hack. ex Mart.) Kuntze as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris selloana (Hack.) Kuntze as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris speciosa Kuntze -- Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 779. 1891 [5 Nov 1891] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris striata Kuntze -- Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 780. 1891 [5 Nov 1891] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris sulcata (Stapf) Dandy -- J. Bot. 69: 54. 1931 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris talbotii (Hook.f.) Bor -- Grasses Burma, Ceyl., Ind. & Pakist. 192 (1960). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris tessellata Scribn. -- Bull. Div. Agrostol. U.S.D.A. 20: 20, fig. 9. 1900 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris tessellata (Steud.) Scribn. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris tessellata Scribn. -- Bull. Div. Agrostol. U.S.D.A. xx. 20. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris tessellata var. areolata Scribn. -- Bull. Div. Agrostol. U.S.D.A. 17, rev. ed: 9. 1901 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris thyrsodea Kuntze -- Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 779. 1891 [5 Nov 1891] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris tuberculosa Nash -- Bull. New York Bot. Gard. i. 430. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris tuberculosa Nash -- Bull. New York Bot. Gard. 1: 430. 1900 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Manisuris tuberculosa Nash -- Bull. New York Bot. Gard. 1: 430. 1900 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Mapira Adans. -- Fam. Pl. (Adanson) 2: 39, 574. 1763 [Jul-Aug 1763] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Mapira Adans. -- Fam. Pl. (Adanson) 2: 39. 1763 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Massia Balansa -- J. Bot. (Morot) iv. (1890) 165. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Massia triseta Balansa -- J. Bot. (Morot) iv. (1890) 165. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Matrella Pers. -- Syn. Pl. [Persoon] 1: 73. 1805 [1 Apr-15 Jun 1805] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Matrella Pers. -- Syn. Pl. [Persoon] 1: 73. 1805 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Matrella juncea Pers. -- Syn. Pl. [Persoon] 1: 73. 1805 [1 Apr-15 Jun 1805] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Matudacalamus Maekawa -- J. Jap. Bot. xxxvi. 344 (1961). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Matudacalamus laxus F.Maek. -- J. Jap. Bot. 36: 345. 1961 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Matudacalamus laxus Maekawa -- J. Jap. Bot. xxxvi. 345 (1961). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Mayariochloa Salariato, Morrone & Zuloaga -- Syst. Bot. 37(1): 110. 2012 [31 Jan 2012]

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Mayariochloa amphistemon (C.Wright) Salariato, Morrone & Zuloaga -- Syst. Bot. 37(1): 111. 2012 [31 Jan 2012]

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Mays Tourn. ex Gaertn. -- Fruct. Sem. Pl. i. 6. t. 1 (1788). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Mays Mill. -- Gard. Dict. Abr., ed. 4. (1754); Druce in Rep. Bot. Exch. Cl. Brit. Isles, 3: 433 (1913). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Mays americana Baumg. -- Enum. Stirp. Transsilv. 3: 281. 1817 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Mays vulgaris Ser. -- Mel. Bot. i. 182. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Mays zea Gaertn. -- Fruct. Sem. Pl. i. 6. t. 1. f. 9. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Mayzea Raf. -- Med. Fl. 2: 241. 1830 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Mayzea cerealis Raf. -- Med. Fl. 2: 241. 1830 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Mayzea vestita Raf. -- Med. Fl. 2: 241. 1830 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Megalachne Steud. -- Flora 33: 229 (1850), nomen; et Syn. Pl. Gram. 237 (1855). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Megalachne Steud. -- Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1(3): 237. 1854 [1855 publ. 12-13 Apr 1854] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Megalachne Thwaites -- Enum. Pl. Zeyl. [Thwaites] 372. 1864 [Dec 1864] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Megalachne berteroniana Steud. -- Flora 33: 229 (1850), nomen; et Syn. Pl. Gram. 237 (1855). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Megalachne berteroniana Steud. -- Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1(3): 237. 1854 [1855 publ. 12-13 Apr 1854] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Megalachne masafuerana (Skottsb. & Pilg.) H.Scholz -- Willdenowia 8(2): 386. 1978 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Megalachne masafuerana (Skottsb. & Pilg.) Matthei -- Bol. Soc. Biol. Concepcion 48: 171. 1974 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Megalachne masafuerana (Pilg.) O.R.Matthei -- Bol. Soc. Biol. Concepcion 48: 171. 1974 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Megalachne masafueranus (Skottsb. & Pilg.) Matthei as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Megalachne zeylanica Thwaites -- Enum. Pl. Zeyl. [Thwaites] 372. 1864 [Dec 1864] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Megaloprotachne C.E.Hubb. -- Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1929(10): 320. [17 Dec 1929] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Megaloprotachne albescens C.E.Hubb. -- Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1929(10): 321. [17 Dec 1929] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Megaloprotachne glabrescens Roivainen -- Ann. Bot. Fenn. 11(1): 40. 1974 [20 Apr 1974] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Megastachya P.Beauv. -- Ess. Agrostogr. 74. t. 15. f. 5 (1812). as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Megastachya P.Beauv. -- Ess. Agrostogr. 74, 167. 1812 [Dec 1812] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Megastachya P.Beauv. -- Essai d'une nouvelle Agrostographie 1812 Pl. XV, fig. V. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Megastachya abyssinica Hochst. ex Steud. -- Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1(3): 203. 1854 [1855 publ. 12-13 Apr 1854] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Megastachya acutiflora Roem. & Schult. -- Syst. Veg., ed. 15 bis [Roemer & Schultes] 2: 588. 1817 [Nov 1817] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Megastachya amabilis P.Beauv. -- Ess. Agrostogr. 74. 1812 as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Megastachya amoena (J.Presl) E.Fourn. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Megastachya amoena E.Fourn. ex Hemsl. -- Biol. Cent.-Amer., Bot. iii. 572. as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at

Purified (Shodhit through traditionally validated methods using medicinal sedges) Megastachya aturensis Roem. & Schult. -- Syst. Veg., ed. 15 bis [Roemer & Schultes] 2: 587. 1817 [Nov 1817] as key ingredient in indigenous anti-cancer Herbal Formulations after enriching it Allelopathically: Quick Note on its compatibility with Chiloschista lunifera (Rchb. f.) J. J. Sm. and Selaginella subdiaphana Spreng. based Herbal Formulations for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neurone disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease when modern medicines fail-From Medicinal Plant Database by Pankaj Oudhia, Audio Bank Project at
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(The reasons for two or more similar looking references in Related References list are well explained in the database.)


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