Healing Herbs used with Cyclosorus dentatus (FORSK.) CHING NULL by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia

Life Saving Medicinal Plants from Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Plant Database-1941
                               पंकज अवधिया का मेडीसिनल प्लांट डेटाबेस: जीवनरक्षक जड़ी-बूटियाँ

कृषि वैज्ञानिक एवम जैव-विविधता विशेषज्ञ पंकज अवधिया भारतीय जड़ी-बूटियों से सम्बन्धित पारम्परिक चिकित्सकीय ज्ञान का दस्तावेजीकरण कर रहे हैं| "जीवनरक्षक जड़ी-बूटियाँ" नामक यह श्रृंखला उनके हाल ही में किये गये वानस्पतिक सर्वेक्षणों पर आधारित है| अधिक जानकारी के लिए उनकी वेबसाईट पर जाएँ|

Medicinal Plants of India with reference to Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh.

This picture is a part of Pankaj Oudhia's guest lectures on Conservation Agriculture, Traditional Agricultural Knowledge and Climate Change Mitigation. And That's how Climate Change is affecting Traditional Healing in Asia.

This picture is a part of Pankaj Oudhia's report on Indian Medicinal Plants used with Traditional Entomophagy and Entomotherapy.

This picture is a part of Pankaj Oudhia's report on Vedic Farming of major Indian crops.

This picture is part of Pankaj Oudhia’s online reports titled

-Common Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Formulations in Traditional Healing of Orissa and Karnataka,

-Medicinal Crops and Conservation Agriculture,

-Sustainable Harvesting of Medicinal Herbs: Lessons from Traditional Healers of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa,

-Herbs used with Entomotherapy in Indian state Chhattisgarh,

-Less researched medicinal herbs with Antiarthritic activity, 

-Less researched medicinal herbs with Antidiabetic activity,

-Less researched medicinal herbs with Antisickling activity,

-Immunity boosters in Indian Traditional Healing,

-Forgotten Hepatoprotective Herbs of Central India,

-Renoprotective Herbs used by Traditional Healers of Indian Tribes,

-Antisnake venom medicinal plants and Traditional Snake Experts,

-Cancerous Wound healing through Forest Flora,

-Herbs for Longer Sex Duration and Extra-ordinary Sexual Performances recommended by Traditional Sex Gurus living in far forest,

-Herbs used by Indian Tribes: Interactions with Young Healers,

-Impact of barrier plants in management of yellow mosaic virus diseases of soybean.

-Impact of wild herbs on Fusarium wilt of Arhar (Cajanus cajan).

-Role of forest herbs in management of fungal infection of rice grains in storage.

-Forgotten Herbal Formulations for Rice blast.

-Traditional Formulations still effective against sheath rot disease of rice.

-Indigenous ways to manage root rot of cowpea.

-Promising Herbs from Mother Nature’s Experimental Fields for management of fruit rot of Chilli.

-Traditional Healers recommendations for bulb-rot of Garlic.

-Medicinal Herbs effective against Rhizome rot of Ginger.

-May I suggest some promising Herbal Formulations for Early blight of Tomato?

-Management of downy mildew of Pearlmillet in Organic farming with the help of Traditional Agriculture Knowledge,

-Management of grassy shoot disease of Sugarcane in Organic farming with the help of Traditional Agriculture Knowledge,

-Management of leaf blight of Black Gram in Organic farming with the help of Traditional Agriculture Knowledge,

-Management of Phyophthora wilt of Betelvine in Organic farming with the help of Traditional Agriculture Knowledge,

-Management of Fusarium wilt of Brinjal in Organic farming with the help of Traditional Agriculture Knowledge,

-Management of tikka and rust diseases of Groundnut in Organic farming with the help of Traditional Agriculture Knowledge,

-Management of pre-emergence damping off of Brinjal in Organic farming with the help of Traditional Agriculture Knowledge,
"Valuable Healing Herbs used with Curculigo crassifolia GEARTN. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Curculigo orchioides GAERTN. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Curculigo prainiana (DEB.) BENNET & RAIZ. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Curculigo recurvata DRYAND. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Curcuma amada ROXB. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Curcuma angustifolia ROXB. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Curcuma aromatica SALISB. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Curcuma caesia ROXB. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Curcuma domestica (MEDIK) VALH by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Curcuma inodora BLAT. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Curcuma leucorhiza ROXB. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Curcuma longa L. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Curcuma montana ROXB. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Curcuma pseudomontana GRAHAM NULL by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Curcuma rubescens ROXB. NULL by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Curcuma zedoaria (CHRIST.) ROSCOE by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Curcuma zerumbet ROXB. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cuscuta capitata ROXB. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cuscuta chinensis LAM. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cuscuta europaea BOVE & ENGELM. indica ENGELM. NULL by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cuscuta hyalina ROTH. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cuscuta reflexa ROXB. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cyamopsis psoralioides (LAM). DC. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) TAUB. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cyamopsis tetragonolobus (L.) TAUB. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cyanotis axillaris (L.) SWEET by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cyanotis concanensis HASSK. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cyanotis cristata (L.) DON by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cyanotis papilionaceae (L.) SCHULT. & SCHULT. F. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cyanotis tuberosa (ROXB.) SCHULT. AND SCHULT.F. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cyathea albo-setacea (BEDD.) COPEL. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cyathea gigantea (WALL. EX HOOK.) HOLTT. NULL by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cyathea spinulosa WALL. EX HK. F. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cyathocline purpurea (DON) by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cyathostemma micranthum J.SINCLAIR by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cyathula prostrata BLUME by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cyathula tomentosa MIQ. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cyathus limbatus TULSANE NULL by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cyathus stercoreus (SCHW.) NULL by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cycas beddomei DYER by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cycas circinalis L. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cycas revoluta THUNB. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cycas rumphii MIQ. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cyclamen europaeum L. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cyclamen persicum MILL. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cyclea arnotii MIERS. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cyclea bicristata GRIFF. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cyclea burmanni (DC.) HOOK.F. TH. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cyclea fissicalyx DUNN by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cyclea peltata (LAM.) HOOK. F. & THOMSON by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cyclosorus dentatus (FORSK.) CHING NULL by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cyclosorus gongylodes (SCH.) LINK NULL by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cyclosorus parasiticus (L.) FOREWELL NULL by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cydonia oblonga MILL. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cydonia vulgaris PERS. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cylista scariosa ROXB. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cymbalaria muralis G.M. SCHREB. NULL by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cymbidium aloifolium (L.) SW. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cymbidium grandiflorum RCHB.F. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cymbidium hookerianum RCHB.F. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cymbidium pendulum (ROXB.) SW. by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia" "Valuable Healing Herbs used with Cymbopogon caesius STAPH. NULL by Traditional Fishing Communities of Asia"


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