Important Plant Species useful with Dactyloctenium aegyptium BEAUV. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops

पंकज अवधिया का मेडीसिनल प्लांट डेटाबेस: जीवनरक्षक जड़ी-बूटियाँ-1457
        कृषि वैज्ञानिक एवम जैव-विविधता विशेषज्ञ पंकज अवधिया भारतीय जड़ी-बूटियों से सम्बन्धित पारम्परिक चिकित्सकीय ज्ञान का दस्तावेजीकरण कर रहे हैं| "जीवनरक्षक जड़ी-बूटियाँ" नामक यह श्रृंखला उनके हाल ही में किये गये वानस्पतिक सर्वेक्षणों पर आधारित है| अधिक जानकारी के लिए उनकी वेबसाईट पर जाएँ|

Medicinal Plants of India with reference to Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa and Rajasthan.

This picture is a part of Pankaj Oudhia's guest lectures on Conservation Agriculture, Traditional Agricultural Knowledge and Climate Change Mitigation. And That's how Climate Change is affecting Traditional Healing in Asia.

This picture is a part of Pankaj Oudhia's report on Indian Medicinal Plants used with Traditional Entomophagy and Entomotherpy.

This picture is a part of Pankaj Oudhia's report on Vedic Farming of major Indian crops. .                      
"Important Plant Species useful with Cynodon dactylon (L.) PERS. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cynodon linearis WILLD. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cynoglossum denticulatum A. DC. zeylanicum HORNEM. CL. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cynoglossum glochidiatum WALL. EX BENTH. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cynoglossum lanceolatum FORSSK. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cynoglossum micranthum DESF. NULL in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cynoglossum wallichii G. DON in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cynoglossum zeylanicum THUNB. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cynometra cauliflora L. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cynometra iripa KOSTEL in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cynometra mimosoides WALL. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cynometra ramiflora L. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cynometra ramiflora Linn. bijuga (Span.) Prain in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cynosurus coracanus L. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyperus alopecuroides ROTTL. NULL in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyperus amabilis VAHL in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyperus articulatus L. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyperus brevifolius (ROTTB.) HASSK. NULL in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyperus bulbosus VAHL. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyperus compactus RETZ. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyperus compressus L. NULL in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyperus corymbosus ROTTLE. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyperus cyperoides (LINN.) KUNTZE in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyperus denticulatus SCHRAD EX SCHULT. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyperus diffusus ROXB. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyperus distans L.F. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyperus esculentus L. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyperus exaltatus RETZ. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyperus haspan BENTH. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyperus inundatus ROXB. NULL in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyperus iria L. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyperus jeminicus HEYNE in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyperus juncifolius ROTTLER in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyperus kyllingia ENDL. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyperus laevigatus L. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyperus longus L. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyperus malaccensis LAM. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyperus michelianus (L" ") LINK in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyperus nutans VAHL. eleusinoides (KUNTH) HAINES NULL in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyperus pangorei ROTTB. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyperus pedunculatus (R.BR.) KERN in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyperus pertenius BOJ. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyperus pilosus VAHL in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyperus platyphyllus ROEM. & SCHULT. NULL in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyperus platystylis R.BR. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyperus rohita in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyperus rotundus L. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyperus scariosus R.BR. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyperus stoloniferus RETZ. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyperus triceps (ROTTB.) ENDL. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyperus tuberosus ROTTB. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyperus undulatus KUKENTH. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyphostemma setosum (ROXB.) ALSTON in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyrtomium caryotideum (WALL.) PRESL NULL in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyrtomium falcatum (L. F.) BERNH. NULL in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cyrtophyllum peregrinum BL. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cythocline purpurea (DON.) in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Cytisus scoparius (L.) LINK in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Dactylis glomerata L. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Dactyloctenium aegyptium BEAUV. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Dactyloctenium sindicum BOISS. NULL in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Dactylorhiza hatagirea (DON.) SOO in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Daedalacanthus roseus T. ANDERS. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Daemia cordata R.BR. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Daemia extensa R.BR. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Daemonorops draco BLUME in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Dahlia rosea CAV. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Dalbergia arborea HEYNE in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Dalbergia candenatensis (DENNST.) PRAIN in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops"


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