Important Plant Species useful with Artemisia maderaspatana L. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops

पंकज अवधिया का मेडीसिनल प्लांट डेटाबेस: जीवनरक्षक जड़ी-बूटियाँ-1436
                   कृषि वैज्ञानिक एवम जैव-विविधता विशेषज्ञ पंकज अवधिया भारतीय जड़ी-बूटियों से सम्बन्धित पारम्परिक चिकित्सकीय ज्ञान का दस्तावेजीकरण कर रहे हैं| "जीवनरक्षक जड़ी-बूटियाँ" नामक यह श्रृंखला उनके हाल ही में किये गये वानस्पतिक सर्वेक्षणों पर आधारित है| अधिक जानकारी के लिए उनकी वेबसाईट पर जाएँ|

Medicinal Plants of India with reference to Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa and Rajasthan.

This picture is a part of Pankaj Oudhia's guest lectures on Conservation Agriculture, Traditional Agricultural Knowledge and Climate Change Mitigation. And That's how Climate Change is affecting Traditional Healing in Asia.

This picture is a part of Pankaj Oudhia's report on Indian Medicinal Plants used with Traditional Entomophagy and Entomotherpy.

This picture is a part of Pankaj Oudhia's report on Vedic Farming of major Indian crops. .           
"Important Plant Species useful with Argyreia speciosa SWEET in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Aricennia officinalis L. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Arikuryroba schizophylla BECC. NULL in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Arisaema alba N. E. BR. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Arisaema curvatum KUNTH. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Arisaema decipiens SCHOTT in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Arisaema flavum (FORSK.) SCHOTT. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Arisaema jacquemontii BI. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Arisaema leschenaultii BLUME in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Arisaema murrayi (GRAHAM) HOOK.F. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Arisaema speciosum (WALL.) SCHOTT. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Arisaema tortuosum SCHOTT in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Arisaema triphyllum SCHOTT in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Arisaema wallichianum HK.F. NULL in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Aristida adscenscionis L. NULL in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Aristida depressa RETZ. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Aristida humilis VAHL in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Aristida setacea RETZ. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Aristolochia bracteata RETZ. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Aristolochia bracteolata LAM. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Aristolochia indica L. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Aristolochia labiosa KER.-GAWL.. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Aristolochia longa L. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Aristolochia reticulata NUTTAL. NULL in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Aristolochia rotunda L in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Aristolochia roxburghiana KLOTZ. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Aristolochia saccata WALL. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Aristolochia serpentaria L. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Aristolochia tagala CHAM. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Armoracia rusticana GAERTN. MEY. & SCHERB. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Arnebia benthamii (WALL. EX G.DON) JOHNSTON in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Arnebia euchroma (ROYLE) JOHN. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Arnebia guttata BUNGE in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Arnica montana L. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Artabotrys hexapetalus (L.F.) BHANDARI in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Artabotrys odoratissimus R.BR. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Artabotrys suaveolens BL. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Artanema longifolia (L.) MERRILL in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Artanema longifolium (L.) VATAKE in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Artanema sesamoides (VAHL) BENTH. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Artemisia abrotanum SAVI in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Artemisia absinthium L. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Artemisia annua L. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Artemisia austriaca L. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Artemisia biennis WILLD. NULL in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Artemisia brevifolia WALL. EX DC. NULL in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Artemisia capillaris THUNB. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Artemisia cina BERG. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Artemisia dracunculus LINN. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Artemisia gmelinii WEBER EX. STECHM. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Artemisia indica WILLD. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Artemisia japonica THUNB. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Artemisia macrocephala JACQ. EX BESS. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Artemisia maderaspatana L. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Artemisia maritima L. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Artemisia moorcroftiana WALL. NULL in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Artemisia nilagirica (CLARKE) PAMP. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Artemisia pallens WALL. EX. DC. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Artemisia parviflora BUCH. HAM. EX ROXB. NULL in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Artemisia persica BOISS. NULL in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Artemisia roxburghiana BESS. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Artemisia sacrorum LEDEB. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Artemisia scoparia WALDST.& KIT. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Artemisia sieversiana EHRH. EX WILLD. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Artemisia vestita WALL. NULL in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Artemisia vulgaris AUCT.NON L. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Arthraxon nudus (STEUD.) HOCHST. NULL in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops" "Important Plant Species useful with Arthrocnemum indicum MOQ. in Organic Farming of Pulse and Millet Crops"


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