Medicinal Herbs used with Allelopathically enriched Bramhadandi Booti+Bhandeer Jadi+Bramhabhoomijaa Booti+Cerastium fontanum BAUMG. for Skin Diseases

Life Saving Medicinal Plants from Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Plant Database-8261

                              पंकज अवधिया का मेडीसिनल प्लांट डेटाबेस: जीवनरक्षक जड़ी-बूटियाँ

कृषि वैज्ञानिक एवम जैव-विविधता विशेषज्ञ पंकज अवधिया भारतीय जड़ी-बूटियों से सम्बन्धित पारम्परिक चिकित्सकीय ज्ञान का दस्तावेजीकरण कर रहे हैं| "जीवनरक्षक जड़ी-बूटियाँ" नामक यह श्रृंखला उनके हाल ही में किये गये वानस्पतिक सर्वेक्षणों पर आधारित है| अधिक जानकारी के लिए उनकी वेबसाईट पर जाएँ|

Millions of pages on Indian Traditional Healing

( Also at Scribd--Pankaj Oudhia’s series on Interesting Stories behind the Names of Plants in India. 1-100)

Thousands of Films and Film Strips on Herbal Wealth

Medicinal Plants of India with reference to Biodiversity rich dense forests of Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Karnataka, Kerala, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Sikkim, Manipur, Orissa, Rajasthan, Tamilnadu, Punjab, Haryana, West Bengal, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh.

This Picture is a part of Pankaj Oudhia's guest lectures on Conservation Agriculture, Traditional Agricultural Knowledge and Climate Change Mitigation. And That's how Climate Change is affecting Traditional Healing in Asia.

This Picture is a part of Pankaj Oudhia's report on Indian Medicinal Plants as well as Herbal Formulations used with Traditional Entomophagy and Entomotherapy.

This Picture is part of Pankaj Oudhia’s E-reports (list is given below)

-Promising indigenous medicinal plants for Ecofriendly pest management in Modern Rice.
-Promising indigenous medicinal plants for Ecofriendly pest management in Traditional Rice.
-Promising indigenous medicinal plants for Ecofriendly pest management in Medicinal Rice.
-Promising indigenous medicinal plants for Ecofriendly pest management in Kodo Millet cultivation for Diabetics.
-Promising indigenous medicinal plants for Ecofriendly pest management in Traditional Pulses.
-Promising indigenous medicinal plants for Ecofriendly pest management in Traditional Oilseeds.
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Medicinal Rice based Herbal Formulations,
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Lathyrus based Herbal Formulations.
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Safed Musli based Herbal Formulations.
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Mucuna pruriens based Herbal Formulations.
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia) based Herbal Formulations
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Gulbakawali based Herbal Formulations.
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Paneer Phool based Herbal Formulations.
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Telia Kand based Herbal Formulations.
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Wheat based Herbal Formulations.
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Desi Maize based Herbal Formulations.
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Medicinal Weeds based Herbal Formulations.
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Medicinal Millets based Herbal Formulations.
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Chickpea based Herbal Formulations.
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Jute based Herbal Formulations.
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Cotton based Herbal Formulations.
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Vidhara based Herbal Formulations
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Keu Kand based Herbal Formulations
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Therapeutic Orchids based Herbal Formulations
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Medicinal Tubers based Herbal Formulations
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Medicinal Climbers based Herbal Formulations
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Medicinal Shrubs based Herbal Formulations
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Flora of Bastar
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Flora of Chhattisgarh Plains
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Flora of Jabalpur
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Flora of Mandla
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Flora of Amarkantak
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Flora of Vidarbha
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Flora of Kaas
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Flora of Rajasthan
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Flora of Gujarat
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Flora of Tamilnadu
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Flora of Kerala
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Flora of Karnataka
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Flora of Andhra Pradesh
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Flora of Odisha
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Flora of Uttarakhand
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Flora of Himachal Pradesh
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Flora of Goa
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Flora of Haryana
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Flora of Punjab
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Flora of Darjeeling
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Flora of Nepal
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Experienced Traditional Healers on Flora of Sri Lanka
-Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Formulations from Biodiversity Hot Spots with Antiarthritic activity,
-Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Formulations from Biodiversity Hot Spots with Antisickling activity,
-Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Formulations from Biodiversity Hot Spots with Antidiabetic activity,
-Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Formulations from Biodiversity Hot Spots with Hepatoprotective activity,
-Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Formulations from Biodiversity Hot Spots with Renoprotective activity,
-Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Formulations from Biodiversity Hot Spots with Antidiabetic activity,
-Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Formulations from Biodiversity Hot Spots with Analgesic activity,
-Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Formulations from Biodiversity Hot Spots with Anthelmintic activity,
-Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Formulations from Biodiversity Hot Spots with Antibacterial activity,
-Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Formulations from Biodiversity Hot Spots with Anticancer activity,
-Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Formulations from Biodiversity Hot Spots with Anticholinergic activity,
-Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Formulations from Biodiversity Hot Spots with Anticoagulant activity,
-Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Formulations from Biodiversity Hot Spots with Anticonvulsant activity,
-Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Formulations from Biodiversity Hot Spots with Antidiuretic activity,
-Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Formulations from Biodiversity Hot Spots with Antiemetic activity,
-Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Formulations from Biodiversity Hot Spots with Antifungal activity,
-Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Formulations from Biodiversity Hot Spots with Antihistaminic activity,
-Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Formulations from Biodiversity Hot Spots with Antiinflammatory activity,
-Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Formulations from Biodiversity Hot Spots with Antipsoriasis activity,
-Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Formulations from Biodiversity Hot Spots with Antipyretic activity,
-Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Formulations from Biodiversity Hot Spots with Antithiamine activity,
-Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Formulations from Biodiversity Hot Spots with Antiulcer activity,
-Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Formulations from Biodiversity Hot Spots with Antiviral activity,
-Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Formulations from Biodiversity Hot Spots with Anti-urolithiasis activity,
-Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Formulations from Biodiversity Hot Spots with Antifatigue activity,
-Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Formulations from Biodiversity Hot Spots with Anticystic activity,
-Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Formulations from Biodiversity Hot Spots with Antifertility (male) activity,
-Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Formulations from Biodiversity Hot Spots with Antifertility (Female) activity,
-Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Formulations from Biodiversity Hot Spots with Antileukaemic activity,
-Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Formulations from Biodiversity Hot Spots with Antiarrhythemic activity,
-Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Formulations from Biodiversity Hot Spots with antihyperlipidemic activity,
-Wound Healing medicinal plants of Telangana
-Wound Healing medicinal plants of Peninsular India
-Interactions with Traditional Healers of South India on promising wound healing medicinal plants,
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Chhattisgarh Farmers on Medicinal and Traditional Rice,
-Medicinal Orchids of Jharkhand in Traditional Formulations of Chhattisgarh
-Medicinal Orchids of Chhattisgarh in Traditional Formulations of Jharkhand
-Medicinal Orchids of Jharkhand in Traditional Formulations of Orissa
-Medicinal Orchids of Uttarakhand in Traditional Formulations of Chhattisgarh
-Medicinal Orchids of Chhattisgarh in Traditional Formulations of Madhya Pradesh
-Ficus based Herbal Formulations popular among the Traditional Healers of Chhattisgarh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Orissa
-Terminalia based Herbal Formulations commonly used by the Traditional Healers of Chhattisgarh, Orissa and Tamilnadu.
-Cassia based common Herbal Formulations in Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh.
-Tephrosia based common Herbal Formulations in Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh.
-Acacia based common Herbal Formulations in Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh.
-Mahua based common Herbal Formulations in Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh.
-Medicinal Rice based Herbal Formulations from Karnataka
-Medicinal Rice based Herbal Formulations from Orissa
-Importance of lowland Traditional Rice in Indian Traditional Healing
-Forgotten Ethnoveterinary Formulations of Asia
-Medicinal Weeds and related Herbal Formulations from Sri Lanka
-Healing Herbs associated with Ancient Yagyas from Nepal
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with herb traders of Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh
-50 common approaches adopted by the Traditional Healers of Africa and Asia.
-Organic Farming of Medicinal and Aromatic crops in India
-Indigenous plants used in Traditionally prepared Herbal Cigarettes
-That’s how popular smokes based on medicinal herbs play key role in public health in India
-Healing Flora of Bhutan and comments of Indian Traditional Healers
-Chinese Herbs used in Indian Traditional Healing
-Medicinal Mushroom species of Satpura Range 
-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Naga Sadhus on Cancer Formulations
-औषधीय खरपतवारों पर इंदिरा गाँधी कृषि विश्वविद्यालय, रायपुर में पंकज अवधिया का शोध कार्य (वर्ष १९९०-२००१)
-Kodo Millet as Tribal medicinal crop in Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa
-Ragi as Tribal medicinal crop in Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa
-Kutki Millet as Tribal medicinal crop in Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa
-Sawa as Tribal medicinal crop in Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa
-Indigenous Knowledge on Medicinal Plants: Pankaj Oudhia’s Interactions with senior Millet growers of Central India
-Indigenous Knowledge on Medicinal Plants: Pankaj Oudhia’s Interactions with senior Millet growers of South India
-Indigenous Knowledge on Medicinal Plants: Pankaj Oudhia’s Interactions with senior Rice growers of Andhra Pradesh
-Compilation of Pankaj Oudhia’s Research Works at Indira Gandhi Agricultural University, Raipur, India (1990-2001),
-Over 3000 less known Vernacular names of Major Indian Herbs (and its etymology) used in Diabetes: Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Traditional Healers of Karnataka
-Over 2000 less known Vernacular names of Major Indian Herbs (and its etymology) used in Diabetes: Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Traditional Healers of Kerala
-Over 4000 less known Vernacular names of Major Indian Herbs (and its etymology) used in Diabetes: Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Traditional Healers of Chhattisgarh
-Chhattisgarh Farmers approach towards utilization of weeds as medicine rather than managing it through weedicides.
-Orissa Farmers approach towards utilization of weeds as medicine rather than managing it through weedicides.
-Jharkhand Farmers approach towards utilization of weeds as medicine rather than managing it through weedicides.
-West Bengal Farmers approach towards utilization of weeds as medicine rather than managing it through weedicides.
-Maharashtra Farmers approach towards utilization of weeds as medicine rather than managing it through weedicides.
-Andhra Pradesh Farmers approach towards utilization of weeds as medicine rather than managing it through weedicides.
-Medicinal weeds in Rice crop and Herbal Formulations based on it
-Medicinal weeds in Wheat crop and Herbal Formulations based on it
-Medicinal weeds in Chickpea crop and Herbal Formulations based on it
-Medicinal weeds in Tuar crop and Herbal Formulations based on it
-Medicinal weeds in Soybean crop and Herbal Formulations based on it
-Medicinal weeds in Sesame crop and Herbal Formulations based on it
-Medicinal weeds in Linseed crop and Herbal Formulations based on it
-Medicinal weeds in Sunflower crop and Herbal Formulations based on it
-Medicinal weeds in Safflower crop and Herbal Formulations based on it
-Medicinal weeds in Niger crop and Herbal Formulations based on it
-Medicinal weeds in Buckwheat crop and Herbal Formulations based on it
-Medicinal weeds in Green Gram crop and Herbal Formulations based on it
-Medicinal weeds in Black Gram crop and Herbal Formulations based on it
-Medicinal weeds in Lathyrus crop and Herbal Formulations based on it
-Medicinal weeds in Cotton crop and Herbal Formulations based on it
-Medicinal weeds in Jute crop and Herbal Formulations based on it
-Medicinal weeds in Brinjal crop and Herbal Formulations based on it
-Medicinal weeds in Tomato crop and Herbal Formulations based on it
-Medicinal weeds in Potato crop and Herbal Formulations based on it
-Medicinal weeds in Mesta crop and Herbal Formulations based on it
-Medicinal weeds in Jowar crop and Herbal Formulations based on it
-Medicinal weeds in Pearlmillet crop and Herbal Formulations based on it
-Medicinal weeds in Kodo Millet crop and Herbal Formulations based on it
-Medicinal weeds in Okra crop and Herbal Formulations based on it
-Kamar Dard me upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Balo ke rogon me upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Ghutne ke Dard me upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Sir Dard me upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Kamjori me upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Motapa kam karne me upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Pet ke Keede me upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Kabj me upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Naksir me upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Fatigue me upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Kaan Dard me upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Bawasir me upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Virya Badane me upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Kil Muhanso me upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Masik Darm ke samay upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Vaat Rogon me upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Vitiligo me upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Psoriasis me upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Motiabind me upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Khujli me upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Safed Paani me upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Garbhavsthaa me upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Der tak Sex ke liye upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Hathi Pav ke liye upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Malaria ke liye upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Ghamori ke liye upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Phode-funsi ke liye upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Sardi-jukam ke liye upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Dama ke liye upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Khansi upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Lakwa ke liye upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Gathia ke liye upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Nind ke liye upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Mind aur Memory ke liye upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Danto ke liye upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Muh ke chhalon ke liye upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Mirgi ke liye upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Chakkar ke liye upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Sickling ke liye upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Pathari ke liye upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Pilea ke liye upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Medicinal Flora associated with Asian Farming Communities
-Comments of Traditional Healers of Chhattisgarh on Therapeutic Orchids of Manipur
-Plants used as Live Fence in rural India
-Medicinal Plants for Herbal Gardens
-Medicinal Herbs associated with Tree Shade Therapy
-Medicinal plants associated with Horticulture Therapy
-Medicinal plants used in Ancient Herbo-yoga therapy
-Less researched Medicinal plants of Central India
-Medicinal plants associated with Ancient Tantra
-Gupt Rogon ke liye upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Atisar ke liye upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Dandruff ke liye upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Reedh ke liye upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Pashuon ke liye upyogi Desi Jadi-butiyan
-Medicinal Plants used in Religious Ceremonies
-Medicinal Plants used against evil spirits
-Medicinal Plants popular among tribal Tantriks
-Medicinal Plants used against Bed Bug (Cimex)
-Medicinal Plants used as Mosquito repellent
-Medicinal Plants used in snake bite
-Medicinal Plants used in Scorpion sting
-Medicinal Plants beneficial for newly wed couples
-Medicinal Plants traditionally used for wild fire management
-Emergency Herbs of Asia
-Medicinal Plants used by farmers working in deep water rice fields
-Medicinal Plants useful for alcoholics
-Medicinal Plants for harmful effects of Cannabis
-Sustainable Harvesting of Arjun bark (Terminalia arjuna) by Traditional Healers of Chhattisgarh through Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge,
-Sustainable Harvesting of Maida bark (Litsea glutinosa) by Traditional Healers of Chhattisgarh through Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge,
-Sustainable Harvesting of Lannea coromandelica bark by Traditional Healers of Chhattisgarh through Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge,
-Sustainable Harvesting of Mitragyna parvifolia bark by Traditional Healers of Chhattisgarh through Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge,
-Medicinal Plant Lore of the Tribals of Kanker
-Medicinal Plant Lore of the Tribals of Deobhog
-Medicinal Plant Lore of the Tribals of Niyamgiri Hills
-Medicinal Plant Lore of the Tribals of Amarkantak
-Medicinal Plant Lore of the Tribals of Mandla
-Medicinal Plant Lore of the Tribals of Chhindwara
-Medicinal Plant Lore of the Tribals of Narsinghnath
-Medicinal Plant Lore of the Tribals of Surguja
-Medicinal Plant Lore of the Tribals of Raigarh
-Medicinal Plant Lore of the Tribals of Jashpur
-Medicinal Plant Lore of the Tribals of Narayanpur
-Medicinal Plant Lore of the Tribals of Medak District
-Medicinal Plant Lore of the Tribals of Vidarbha
-Medicinal Plant Lore of the Tribals of Balaghat
-Medicinal Plant Lore of the Tribals of Sukma
-Medicinal Plant Lore of the Tribals of Bindranavagarh
-Medicinal Plant Lore of the Tribals of Pairi river belt
-Medicinal Plant Lore of the Tribals of Narmada river belt
-Medicinal Plant Lore of the Tribals of Mahanadi river belt
-Medicinal Plant Lore of the Tribals of Jonk river belt
-Medicinal Plant Lore of the Tribals of Indravati river belt
-Medicinal Plant Lore of the Tribals of Sheonath river belt
-Medicinal Plant Lore of the Tribals of Bagh river belt
-Medicinal Plant Lore of the Tribals of Pench river belt
-Medicinal Plant Lore of the Tribals of Shankhini river belt
-Medicinal Plant Lore of the Tribals of Tava river belt
-Medicinal Plant Lore of the Tribals of Chambal river belt
-Medicinal Plant Lore of the Tribals of Krishna river belt
-Medicinal Plant Lore of the Tribals of Ganga river belt
-Medicinal Plant Lore of the Tribals of Yamuna river belt
-Medicinal Plant Lore of the Tribals of Chhota Nagpur
-Medicinal Plant Lore of the Tribals of Panchmarhi
-Medicinal Plant Lore of the Tribals of Godavari river belt
-Medicinal Plant Lore of the Tribals of Kaveri river belt
-Medicinal Plant Lore of the Tribals of Satlej river belt
-Medicinal Plant Lore of the Tribals of Jhelum river belt
-Medicinal Plant Lore of the Tribals of Tapi river belt
-Medicinal Plant Lore of the Tribals of Beas river belt
-Healing Wild Flowers of India
-Indian Forest Plants with promising antimicrobial activities
-Wrightia tinctoria and wild fruits based Traditional Herbal Formulations for Sickle Cell Anemia 
-Wrightia tinctoria and Medicinal Dendrobium based Traditional Herbal Formulations for Sickle Cell Anemia
-Wrightia tinctoria and Wild Mushroom based Traditional Herbal Formulations for Sickle Cell Anemia
-Wrightia tinctoria and Medicinal Weeds based Traditional Herbal Formulations for Sickle Cell Anemia
-Wrightia tinctoria and Wild Tubers based Traditional Herbal Formulations for Sickle Cell Anemia
-Sustainable Harvesting of Pterocarpus marsupium bark by Traditional Healers of Chhattisgarh through Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge,
-Sustainable Harvesting of Terminalia chebula bark by Traditional Healers of Chhattisgarh through Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge,
-Sustainable Harvesting of Oroxylum indicum bark by Traditional Healers of Chhattisgarh through Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge,
-Sustainable Harvesting of Chloroxylon swietenia bark by Traditional Healers of Chhattisgarh through Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge,
-Medicinal Plants for harmful effects of Bidi smoking
-Medicinal Plants beneficial for Bare Foot Crushing Treatment
-Medicinal Plants used with Ancient Pelopathy
-Medicinal Plants for Medicinal Plant Garden designed for Diabetics
-Pankaj Oudhia’s research work on Parthenium hysterophorus (1990-2012)
-Forest Genetic Resources Conservation and Management in Traditional Healers ways
-Promising Herbal Formulations for management of Hyblaea puera in Tectona grandis
-Promising Herbal Formulations for management of Xyleutes ceramicus in Tectona grandis
-Promising Herbal Formulations for management of Xyleutes ceramicus in Gmelina arborea
-Promising Herbal Formulations for management of Phyllactinia guttata in Gmelina arborea
-Promising Herbal Formulations for management of Gnomonia sp. in Gmelina arborea
-Promising Herbal Formulations for management of Phomopsis tectonae in Tectona grandis
-Promising Herbal Formulations for management of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides in Tectona grandis
-Manage Diabetes Type 2 through Wild Fruits of Orissa : Pankaj Oudhia’s Recommendations based on Ethnobotanical Surveys
-Manage Hypertension through Wild Fruits of Orissa : Pankaj Oudhia’s Recommendations based on Ethnobotanical Surveys
-Manage Mental Stress through Wild Fruits of Orissa : Pankaj Oudhia’s Recommendations based on Ethnobotanical Surveys
-Manage Sleep Disorders through Wild Fruits of Orissa : Pankaj Oudhia’s Recommendations based on Ethnobotanical Surveys
-Manage Migraine through Wild Fruits of Orissa : Pankaj Oudhia’s Recommendations based on Ethnobotanical Surveys
-Manage Old wounds through Wild Fruits of Orissa : Pankaj Oudhia’s Recommendations based on Ethnobotanical Surveys
-Manage Dental Carries through Wild Fruits of Orissa : Pankaj Oudhia’s Recommendations based on Ethnobotanical Surveys
-Manage Life style diseases through Wild Fruits of Orissa : Pankaj Oudhia’s Recommendations based on Ethnobotanical Surveys
-Manage Obesity through Wild Fruits of Orissa : Pankaj Oudhia’s Recommendations based on Ethnobotanical Surveys
-Manage Leucoderma (Vitiligo) through Wild Orchids of Orissa : Pankaj Oudhia’s Recommendations based on Ethnobotanical Surveys
-Manage Diabetes Type 2 through Wild Orchids of Orissa : Pankaj Oudhia’s Recommendations based on Ethnobotanical Surveys
-Manage Hypertension through Wild Orchids of Orissa : Pankaj Oudhia’s Recommendations based on Ethnobotanical Surveys
-Manage Mental Stress through Wild Orchids of Orissa : Pankaj Oudhia’s Recommendations based on Ethnobotanical Surveys
-Manage Sleep Disorders through Wild Orchids of Orissa : Pankaj Oudhia’s Recommendations based on Ethnobotanical Surveys
-Manage Migraine through Wild Orchids of Orissa : Pankaj Oudhia’s Recommendations based on Ethnobotanical Surveys
-Manage Old wounds through Wild Orchids of Orissa : Pankaj Oudhia’s Recommendations based on Ethnobotanical Surveys
-Manage Dental Carries through Wild Orchids of Orissa : Pankaj Oudhia’s Recommendations based on Ethnobotanical Surveys
-Manage Life style diseases through Wild Orchids of Orissa : Pankaj Oudhia’s Recommendations based on Ethnobotanical Surveys
-Manage Obesity through Wild Orchids of Orissa : Pankaj Oudhia’s Recommendations based on Ethnobotanical Surveys
-Manage Leucoderma (Vitiligo) through Wild Orchids of Orissa : Pankaj Oudhia’s Recommendations based on Ethnobotanical Surveys
-Promising Herbal Formulations for management of Fusarium solani in Albizia lebbeck
-Promising Herbal Formulations for management of Cercospora glauca in Albizia lebbeck
-Promising Herbal Formulations for management of Camptomeris albiziicola in Albizia lebbeck
-Promising Herbal Formulations for management of Ralstonia
solanacearum in Tectona grandis

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