Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Orygia decumbens FORSK. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops

पंकज अवधिया का मेडीसिनल प्लांट डेटाबेस: जीवनरक्षक जड़ी-बूटियाँ-772

                    कृषि वैज्ञानिक एवम जैव-विविधता विशेषज्ञ पंकज अवधिया भारतीय जड़ी-बूटियों से सम्बन्धित पारम्परिक चिकित्सकीय ज्ञान का दस्तावेजीकरण कर रहे हैं| "जीवनरक्षक जड़ी-बूटियाँ" नामक यह श्रृंखला उनके हाल ही में किये गये वानस्पतिक सर्वेक्षणों पर आधारित है| अधिक जानकारी के लिए उनकी वेबसाईट पर जाएँ|

Medicinal Plants of India with reference to Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Orissa.

This picture is a part of Pankaj Oudhia's guest lectures on Conservation Agriculture, Traditional Agricultural Knowledge and Climate Change Mitigation. And That's how Climate Change is affecting Traditional Healing in Asia.

This picture is a part of Pankaj Oudhia's report on Indian Medicinal Plants used with Traditional Entomophagy and Entomotherpy.          
-          This picture is a part of Compilation of Pankaj Oudhia’s Research Works at Indira Gandhi Agricultural University, Raipur, India (1990-2001),
-          This picture is a part of Pankaj Oudhia’s report on Endangered Species of India.
-          This picture is a part of Pankaj Oudhia’s report on Forgotten Herbal Formulations of the World with special reference to Asia.
-          This picture is a part of Pankaj Oudhia’s report on North American and European Medicinal Species in Traditional Healing of Asia.
-          Pankaj Oudhia’s Traditional Knowledge Database on Medicinal Rice based Herbal Formulations.

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NULL in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Ophioglossum pendulum L. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Ophioglossum thermale KUMAROV NULL in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Ophioglossum vulgaatum L. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Ophioglossum vulgatum (L.) in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Ophiopogon intermedius DON in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Ophiopogon japonicum KER-GAWL. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Ophiopogon malcolmsonii ROYLE EX HOOK. F. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Ophiopogon wallichianus HOOK.F. PAUCIFLORA HOOK. F. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Ophiorrhiza mungos L. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Ophiorrhiza nicobarica BALAKR. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Ophiorrhiza nutans C. B. CLARKE in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Ophiorrhiza ochroleuca HK.F. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Ophiorrhiza pauciflora HOOK. F. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Ophiorrhiza rugosa WALL. ARGUITEA DEB in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Ophioxylon serpentinum L. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Ophiuros exaltatus KUNTZE in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Ophrestia pentaphylla (DALZ.) VERDC. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Opilia amentacea ROXB. NULL in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Oplismenus burmannii (RETZ.) BEAUV. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Opopanax chironium KOCH in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Opuntia cochinellifera MILL. GARD. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Opuntia dillenii (KER-GAMIER) HAW. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Opuntia elatior MILL. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Opuntia ferox HAW. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) MILL. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Opuntia monacantha HAW. SUPPL. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Opuntia nigricans HAW. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Opuntia stricta (HAW.) HAW. dillenii (KER.GAWL)BENSON in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Opuntia vulgaris MILL. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Orchis chusua D.DON in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Orchis habenarioides K. & P. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Orchis latifolia L. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Orchis laxiflora L. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Orchis mascula L. NULL in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Orchis spathulata L.F. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Oreocnide frutescens (THUNB.) MIQ. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Oreocnide integrifolia (GAUD) MIQ. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Origanum majorana L. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Origanum vulgare L. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Ormocarpum cochinchinense (LOUR.) MERR. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Ormocarpum sennoides DC. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Ormosia travancoria BEDD. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Orobanche aegyptiaca PERS. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Orobanche solmsii CLARKE EX. HOOK.F. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Orophea katschallica KURZ in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Oroxylum indicum (L.) VENT. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Orthosiphon aristatus (BL.) MIQ. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Orthosiphon diffuses BENTH. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Orthosiphon glabratus BENTH. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Orthosiphon grandiflorus BOLDINGH. NULL in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Orthosiphon incurvus BENTH. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Orthosiphon pallidus ROYLE in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "vOrthosiphon rubicundus BENTH. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Orthosiphon spiralis (LOUR) MERR. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Orthosiphon stamineus BENTH. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Orthosiphon thymiflorus (ROTH.) SLEASEN in Vedic Farming of Field Crops" "Potential Medicinal Plants useful with Orygia decumbens FORSK. in Vedic Farming of Field Crops"


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